The Spiritual Telegraph |

From Pat Deveney's database:
Spiritual Telegraph, The.
Devoted to the Illustration of Spiritual Intercourse.
The Agitation of Thought is the Beginning of Wisdom
Other titles: Spiritual Telegraph and Fireside Preacher (beginning May 1, 1858)
1852-1859 Weekly
New York, NY. Publisher: Charles Partridge; after May 18, 1853 Partridge and Brittan; after April 18, 1857 Charles Partridge with (according to Allibone) La Roy Sunderland. Editor: Samuel Byron Brittan (1815-1883), with A.E. Newton as associate editor from 1853.
Succeeds: A New Leaf Succeeded by: Spiritual Telegraph and Fireside Preacher->Herald of Progress (subscription list transferred after issue of February 25, 1860)
1/1, May 8, 1852-7/52, April 23, 1859 (Number 364). The renamed and revised Spiritual Telegraph and Fireside Preacher (q.v.) continued the original volume numbering until 8/44, February 25, 1860. 12 x 15 1/2, then with volume 2, 19 x 24, and then with volume 5, back to the smaller size. Originally 4, then 8, and finally 12 pages-which began to be numbered, sequentially across all issues annually, with volume two. Originally unpaginated. Three cents a copy; $1.50 a year (then in 1855, $2.00 a year). U. Clark's Spiritualist Register for 1858 claims a circulation for the Spiritual Telegraph of over five thousand.
The Telegraph originated in the New York Conference for the Investigation of Spiritual Phenomena and reported that body's proceedings each week in the almost eight years that the journal was published. It is the first truly spiritualistic journal published in the United States, though the Univercoelum and the Spiritual Philosopher and others of more general nature antedate it. Though mild by even contemporary standards, the journal's "original goal of reporting spirit communication and furthering anti-credal reform" finally "aroused the emnity of all,"as the journal admitted in changing its editorial line in 1858 and taking up the new name of Spiritual Telegraph and Fireside Preacher. The "anti-credal reform" is scarcely apparent under the mass of reports of communications and the like, but the enormous importance of the journal today is its raw reporting of the doings and whereabouts of those who subsequently became famous in the ranks of spiritualism: P.B. Randolph; Emma Hardinge (and her Musical Academy); Thomas Lake Harris; W.R. Hayden (whose wife was among the first wave of American mediums to decamp for England); Dr. John A. Weisse (who intended to publish Higgins' Anacalypsis under the aegis of the Telegraph and later became a Vice-President of the Theosophical Society); H.S. Olcott (whose agricultural institute, "Olcott & Vail," was a regular advertiser); Stephen Pearl Andrews (who serialized his Universology); Cora L.V. Hatch; and Frances H. (Fanny) Green. Interspersed with accounts of "normative" American spiritualism are surprisingly early mentions of more traditional magical and oriental practices (such as scrying in ink) and intimations of occultism ("Apparitions of Living Persons") that the journal attempted to assimilate to spiritualism. Partridge & Brittan was dissolved in March 1857 (with Brittan sighing that his five years editing the Telegraph left him with "neither purse nor scrip") and Brittan resigned as editor to move to The Spiritual Age. The Telegraph ceased publication with 8/44 (number 408) on February 25, 1860, transferring its subscription list to Andrew Jackson Davis's new Herald of Progress. The Telegraph also appeared in compiled volumes of excerpts under the title of The Telegraph Papers (of which V2 (1853), V3 (1854), V6 (1855) and V7 (1855) are available).
S.B. Brittan was a Universalist minister who was enthusiastically welcomed the revelations of Andrew Jackson Davis, and edited The Univercoelum which promulgated Davis's ideas until the latter was accused of carrying an affair with a married woman in Brittan's own home. He then edited and largely wrote The Shekinah (devoted to "an Inquiry into the Spiritual Nature and Relations of Man"), probably with money borrowed from Charles Partridge, and in May 1852 was hired by Partridge to edit the Spiritual Telegraph. In May 1853, Brittan and Partridge entered into partnership, with Partridge supplying the money and Brittan contributing I.O.U.s for his share. For Partridge & Brittan, see the note under The Shekinah.
Brittan was no fool, and tried to inculcate a spirit of healthy skepticism into the spiritualist movement in the early months of its existence:
"A rational skepticism may serve as an incentive to profound thought and deliberate action, while an unquestioning credulity is alike fatal to both. Many believers in the manifestations have need to adopt a more scientific mode of investigation. At present, they yield a childish assent to the superficial claims of things, and are strangely unmindful of their intrinsic qualities. We are by no means to presume that every efflux of pot-hooks is the work of spirits, since mortals can make crooked lines. . . . We will not disguise the fact that there are many spurious exhibitions, and these false media make the most arrogant pretensions to intercourse with the most exalted spirits. So far as we have any thing to do with this class, we shall be likely to unmask rather than to screen them." "Apocryphal Spirits" Spiritual Telegraph 1/14 (August 7, 1852).
Partridge also was a voice of reason in trying to keep the Spiritual Telegraph from falling into unthinking advocacy of one of the competing reform movements of the age:
"Although the progressive classes in the different fields of reform are thoroughly imbued with the idea of 'a good time coming' for humanity, yet the methods by which they seek to inaugurate that good time are as diversified and incongruous as the creeds and theologies, the social systems and platforms of the old conservative sects and parties in church and state. Each reform party has its own particular hobby, which it rides, with but little reference or regard to the equally holy hobbies of others, and if needs be, hesitates not to ride rough-shod over them." Charles Partridge, "Spiritualism and Reform," Spiritual Telegraph 5/46 (March 14, 1857): 364.
Partridge & Brittan was the most prominent publisher in early spiritualism, and its publications did much to set the pattern for the next 30 years. Partridge & Brittan's Spiritual Library made its entry into the spiritualist field in 1853, with Brittan's A review of Rev. Charles Beecher's Report Concerning the Spiritual Manifestations: Wherein his Conclusions are Carefully Examined and Tested by a Comparison with his Premises, with Reason, and with the Facts (1853), Brittan's and Dr. B.W. Richmond's A Discussion of the Facts and Philosophy of Ancient and Modern Spiritualism (1853), and Spiritualism (1853) by Judge John W. Edmonds (1799-1874) and George T. Dexter, M.D. In subsequent years the partnership published Thomas Lake Harris's An Epic of the Starry Heavens (1854); J.R. Orton's Arnold, and Other Poems (1854); Voices from Spirit-Land. Through Nathan Francis White, Medium (1854); W.S. Courtney's A Review of Dr. Dods' Involuntary Theory of Spirit Manifestations (1855); Hudson Tuttle's Scenes in the Spirit World, or, Life in the Spheres (1855); Robert Hare's Experimental Investigation of the Spirit Manifestations, Demonstrating the Existence of Spirits and their Communion with Mortals (1855); Harris's A Lyric of the Morning Land (1856); and Allen Putnam's Natty, A Spirit: His Portrait and His Life (1856), an examination of a Boston artist's portrait of a boy in the light of the boy's appearance to a medium. NYPL; LOC; Columbia University; University of Rochester; Huntington Library; Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Boston Public Library; Andrews University; Cleveland Public Library; Oberlin College; Public Library of Cincinnati; Vermont Historical Society; Brown University microfilm; University of Texas, Austin.
Spiritual Telegraph and Fireside Preacher, The.
Other titles: Telegraph and Preacher
1859-1860 Weekly
New York, NY. Publisher: Charles Partridge. Editor: Charles Partridge.
Succeeds: Spiritual Telegraph Succeeded by: Herald of Progress
8/1, April 30, 1859-8/44, February 25, 1860. Continues the volume numbering of The Spiritual Telegraph. Apparently because the "original goal of reporting spirit communication and furthering anti-credal reform aroused the emnity of all" and caused the decline of the original Spiritual Telegraph, the revised journal began padding its pages with the sermons of Henry Ward Beecher and the orations of Cora L.V. Hatch. At the end of February 1860, Partridge terminated the journal and transferred the subscription list to Andrew Jackson Davis's new Herald of Progress. The change was done, Partridge claimed, not because of the financial weakness of the journal, which, he claimed, was stronger than ever, but because he was exhausted from running his match business while trying to edit and publish the journal at the same time. The issue of January 28, 1860, carried Emma Hardinge [Britten's] article "Spirits of the Living" that raised the question whether only spirits of the dead could appear at seances and whether living persons could travel away from their bodies. The issue had been raised before (e.g., by James W. Rogers, "Apparitions of Living Persons," in the Spiritual Telegraph of April 11, 1857) but Hardinge was the first to begin to explore the implications and consequences of the phenomenon which had vast implications for the development of later occultism. This last issue of the journal also had Charles Partridge's review of the beginnings and endings of spiritualist journals since he had last done the exercise, in 1857. By 1857, 39 journals had been begun and 21 had already ceased, and by 1860, all but three of the survivors had expired. Since 1857 nine new journals had appeared, making, by his calculations, twelve extant journals in 1860, six less than in 1857, "and we think there are still ten too many; but time will tell." NYPL; NSAC Lily Dale (the final issues missing from NYPL); University of Rochester.
Issues: | Spiritual Telegraph V1 N1 May 8 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N2 May 15 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N3 May 22 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N4 May 29 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N5 Jun 5 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N6 Jun 12 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N7 Jun 19 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N8 Jun 26 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N9 Jul 3 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N10 Jul 10 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N11 Jul 17 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N12 Jul 24 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N13 Jul 31 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N14 Aug 7 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N15 Aug 14 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N16 Aug 21 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N17 Aug 28 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N18 Sep 4 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N19 Sep 11 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N20 Sep 18 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N21 Sep 25 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N22 Oct 2 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N23 Oct 9 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N24 Oct 16 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N25 Oct 23 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N26 Oct 30 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N27 Nov 6 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N28 Nov 13 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N29 Nov 20 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N30 Nov 27 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N31 Dec 4 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N32 Dec 11 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N33 Dec 18 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N34 Dec 25 1852 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N35 Jan 1 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N36 Jan 8 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N37 Jan 15 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N38 Jan 22 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N39 Jan 29 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N40 Feb 5 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N41 Feb 12 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N42 Feb 19 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N43 Feb 26 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N44 Mar 5 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N45 Mar 12 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N46 Mar 19 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N47 Mar 26 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N48 Apr 2 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N49 Apr 9 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N50 Apr 16 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N51 Apr 23 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V1 N52 Apr 30 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N1 May 7 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N2 May 14 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N3 May 21 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N4 May 28 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N5 Jun 4 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N6 Jun 11 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N7 Jun 18 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N8 Jun 25 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N9 Jul 2 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N10 Jul 9 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N11 Jul 16 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N12 Jul 23 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N13 Jul 30 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N14 Aug 6 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N15 Aug 13 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N16 Aug 20 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N17 Aug 27 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N18 Sep 3 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N19 Sep 10 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N20 Sep 17 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N21 Sep 24 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N22 Oct 1 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N23 Oct 8 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N24 Oct 15 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N25 Oct 22 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N26 Oct 29 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N27 Nov 5 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N28 Nov 12 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N29 Nov 19 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N30 Nov 26 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N31 Dec 3 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N32 Dec 10 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N33 Dec 17 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N34 Dec 24 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N35 Dec 31 1853 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N36 Jan 7 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N37 Jan 14 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N38 Jan 21 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N39 Jan 28 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N40 Feb 4 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N41 Feb 11 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N42 Feb 18 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N43 Feb 25 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N44 Mar 4 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N45 Mar 11 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N46 Mar 18 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N47 Mar 25 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N48 Apr 1 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N49 Apr 8 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N50 Apr 15 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N51 Apr 22 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V2 N52 Apr 29 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N1 May 6 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N2 May 13 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N3 May 20 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N4 May 27 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N5 Jun 3 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N6 Jun 10 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N7 Jun 17 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N8 Jun 24 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N9 Jul 1 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N10 Jul 8 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N11 Jul 15 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N12 Jul 22 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N13 Jul 29 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N14 Aug 5 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N15 Aug 12 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N16 Aug 19 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N17 Aug 26 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N18 Sep 2 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N19 Sep 9 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N20 Sep 16 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N21 Sep 23 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N22 Sep 30 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N23 Oct 7 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N24 Oct 14 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N25 Oct 21 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N26 Oct 28 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N27 Nov 4 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N28 Nov 11 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N29 Nov 18 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N30 Nov 25 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N31 Dec 2 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N32 Dec 9 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N33 Dec 16 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N34 Dec 23 1854 Partial |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N35 Dec 30 1854 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N36 Jan 6 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N37 Jan 13 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N38 Jan 20 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N39 Jan 27 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N40 Feb 3 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N41 Feb 10 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N42 Feb 17 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N43 Feb 24 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N44 Mar 3 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N45 Mar 10 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N46 Mar 17 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N47 Mar 24 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N48 Mar 31 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N49 Apr 7 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N50 Apr 14 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N51 Apr 21 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V3 N52 Apr 28 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N1 May 5 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N2 May 12 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N3 May 19 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N4 May 26 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N5 Jun 2 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N6 Jun 9 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N7 Jun 16 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N8 Jun 23 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N9 Jun 30 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N10 Jul 7 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N11 Jul 14 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N12 Jul 21 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N13 Jul 28 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N14 Aug 4 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N15 Aug 11 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N16 Aug 18 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N17 Aug 25 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N18 Sep 1 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N19 Sep 8 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N20 Sep 15 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N21 Sep 22 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N22 Sep 29 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N23 Oct 6 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N24 Oct 13 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N25 Oct 20 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N26 Oct 27 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N27 Nov 3 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N28 Nov 10 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N30 Nov 24 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N31 Dec 1 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N32 Dec 8 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N33 Dec 15 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N34 Dec 22 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N35 Dec 29 1855 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N36 Jan 5 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N37 Jan 12 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N38 Jan 19 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N39 Jan 26 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N40 Feb 2 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N41 Feb 9 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N42 Feb 16 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N43 Feb 23 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N44 Feb 30 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N45 Mar 8 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N46 Mar 15 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N47 Mar 22 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N48 Mar 29 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N49 Apr 5 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N50 Apr 12 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N51 Apr 19 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V4 N52 Apr 26 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 Index |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N1 May 3 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N2 May 10 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N3 May 17 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N4 May 24 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N5 May 31 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N6 Jun 7 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N7 Jun 14 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N8 Jun 21 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N9 Jun 28 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N10 Jul 5 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N11 Jul 12 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N12 Jul 19 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N13 Jul 26 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N14 Aug 2 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N15 Aug 9 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N16 Aug 16 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N17 Aug 23 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N18 Aug 30 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N19 Sep 6 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N20 Sep 13 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N21 Sep 20 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N22 Sep 27 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N23 Oct 4 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N24 Oct 11 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N25 Oct 18 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N26 Oct 25 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N27 Nov 1 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N28 Nov 8 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N29 Nov 15 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N30 Nov 22 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N31 Nov 29 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N32 Dec 6 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N33 Dec 13 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N34 Dec 20 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N34 Dec 20 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N35 Dec 27 1856 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N36 Jan 3 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N37 Jan 10 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N38 Jan 17 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N39 Jan 24 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N40 Jan 31 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N41 Feb 7 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N42 Feb 14 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N43 Feb 21 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N44 Feb 28 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N45 Mar 7 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N46 Mar 14 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N47 Mar 21 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N48 Mar 28 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N49 Apr 4 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N50 Apr 11 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N51 Apr 18 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V5 N52 Apr 25 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N1 May 2 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N2 May 9 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N3 May 16 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N4 May 23 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N5 May 30 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N6 Jun 6 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N7 Jun 13 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N8 Jun 20 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N9 Jun 27 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N10 Jul 4 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N11 Jul 11 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N12 Jul 18 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N13 Jul 25 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N14 Aug 1 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N15 Aug 8 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N16 Aug 15 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N17 Aug 22 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N18 Aug 29 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N19 Sep 5 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N20 Sep 12 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N21 Sep 19 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N22 Sep 26 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N23 Oct 3 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N24 Oct 10 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N25 Oct 17 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N26 Oct 24 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N27 Oct 31 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N28 Nov 7 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N29 Nov 14 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N30 Nov 21 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N31 Nov 28 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N32 Dec 5 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N33 Dec 12 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N34 Dec 19 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N35 Dec 26 1857 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N36 Jan 2 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N37 Jan 9 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N38 Jan 16 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N39 Jan 23 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N40 Jan 30 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N41 Feb 6 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N42 Feb 13 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N43 Feb 20 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N44 Feb 27 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N45 Mar 6 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N46 Mar 13 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N47 Mar 20 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N48 Mar 27 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N49 Apr 3 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N50 Apr 10 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N51 Apr 17 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V6 N52 Apr 24 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 Index |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N1 May 1 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N2 May 8 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N3 May 15 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N4 May 22 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N5 May 29 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N6 Jun 5 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N7 Jun 12 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N8 Jun 19 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N9 Jun 26 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N10 Jul 3 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N11 Jul 10 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N12 Jul 17 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N13 Jul 24 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N14 Jul 31 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N15 Aug 7 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N16 Aug 14 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N17 Aug 21 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N18 Aug 28 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N19 Sep 4 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N20 Sep 11 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N21 Sep 18 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N22 Sep 25 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N23 Oct 2 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N24 Oct 9 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N25 Oct 16 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N26 Oct 23 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N27 Oct 30 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N29 Nov 13 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N30 Nov 20 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N31 Nov 27 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N32 Dec 4 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N33 Dec 11 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N34 Dec 18 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N35 Dec 25 1858 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N36 Jan 1 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N37 Jan 8 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N38 Jan 15 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N39 Jan 22 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N40 Jan 29 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N41 Feb 5 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N42 Feb 12 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N43 Feb 19 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N44 Feb 26 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N45 Mar 5 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N46 Mar 12 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N47 Mar 19 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N48 Mar 26 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N49 Apr 2 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N50 Apr 9 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N51 Apr 16 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V7 N52 Apr 23 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 Index |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N1 Apr 30 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N2 May 7 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N3 May 14 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N4 May 21 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N5 May 28 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N6 Jun 4 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N7 Jun 11 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N8 Jun 18 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N9 Jun 25 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N10 Jul 2 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N11 Jul 9 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N12 Jul 16 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N13 Jul 23 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N14 Jul 30 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N15 Aug 6 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N16 Aug 13 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N17 Aug 20 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N18 Aug 27 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N19 Sep 3 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N20 Sep 10 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N21 Sep 17 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N22 Sep 24 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N23 Oct 1 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N24 Oct 8 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N25 Oct 15 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N26 Oct 22 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N27 Oct 29 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N28 Nov 5 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N29 Nov 12 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N30 Nov 14 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N31 Nov 26 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N32 Dec 3 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N33 Dec 10 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N34 Dec 17 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N35 Dec 24 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N36 Dec 31 1859 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N37 Jan 7 1860 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N38 Jan 14 1860 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N39 Jan 21 1860 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N40 Jan 28 1860 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N41 Feb 4 1860 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N42 Feb 11 1860 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N43 Feb 18 1860 |
| Spiritual Telegraph V8 N44 Feb 25 1860 |