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Periodical: Quarterly Celestial Philosopher

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Quarterly Celestial Philosopher, The.
Or, the Complete Arcana of Astro-Philosophy: Commencing with Genethliology Simplified, or the Philosophy of the Doctrine of Nativities. Also The Astro-Meteorologist.
1844--1849 Quarterly
London, England. Publisher: Simpkin, Marshall and Co.. Editor: W.J. (William Joseph) Simmonite, A.M., M.B.A., Ph. Mat. / M.M.S., M.U.S..

1/1, 1844-1849. 21 numbers. 1 s. an issue, 16 postage stamps a year. Simmonite (1809-1863) was a polymath, probably impecunious, trying to get by in a harsh world. In the late 1830s he ran a Classical, Mathematical, and Commercial Academy in Coalpit Lane in Sheffield, offering an "English Education" to youth of both sexes, and followed this up in 1841 with a Practical Self-Teaching Grammar of the English Language (1841), and Medical Botany (1848). His real interest, which he was largely prohibited from practicing by the laws of the time, was astrology, especially horary astrology and "astro-meteorology." He published ephemeris from 1838 on, and a complex series of journals and series on astrology, principally designed to simplify and explain astrology. BL

Issues:Quarterly Celestial Philosopher N1 Jan 1844
Quarterly Celestial Philosopher N2 Apr 1844
Quarterly Celestial Philosopher N3 Jul 1844
Quarterly Celestial Philosopher N4 Oct 1844
Quarterly Celestial Philosopher N5 Jan 1845
Quarterly Celestial Philosopher N6 Apr 1845
Quarterly Celestial Philosopher N7 Jul 1845
Quarterly Celestial Philosopher N8 Oct 1845
Quarterly Celestial Philosopher N9 Feb 1846
Quarterly Celestial Philosopher N10 Apr 1846
Quarterly Celestial Philosopher N11-12 Jul 1846
Quarterly Celestial Philosopher N13 Oct 1846
Quarterly Celestial Philosopher N14 Jan 1847
Quarterly Celestial Philosopher N15 Apr 1847
Quarterly Celestial Philosopher N16 Jul 1847
Quarterly Celestial Philosopher N17 Mar 1848
Quarterly Celestial Philosopher N18 Jun 1848
Quarterly Celestial Philosopher N19 Aug 1848

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This page was updated on 26-Aug-20