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Periodical: Australian Spiritualist

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Australian Spiritualist, The.
A Weekly Paper of Spiritualistic Science.
1863 –1863? Fortnightly
Wollongong, Australia. Publisher: F. Sinclair. Editor: F. Sinclair.
1/1, July 1, 1863. 8-16 pp., 3d. a copy, shilling and sixpence a quarter.

Apparently only 4 issues appeared. This was the first spiritualist journal in Australia. Although the editor notes in the first issue that "Spiritualists of Australia are more numerous than most sceptical persons are disposed either to believe or imagine," the tone and emphasis of the journal are obviously directed more to introducing spiritualism to its readers and defending it from its critics abroad than to reporting on spiritualism in Australia -- although reports of seances there do appear. It regularly carried "The Cloud of Witnesses, or the Bearing of Testimony on the Facts of Spiritualism," with selections on the Davenport Brothers, D.D. Home, Dr. Hare, Emma Hardinge, and the like, most often taken from the Herald of Progress. Sinclair had earlier written for the Spiritual Magazine on "Spiritualism on Spiritualism in Australia." Library of the College of Psychic Studies; microfilm, British Library; State Library of Queensland; Deakin University.

Issues:Australian Spiritualist V1 N1 Jul 1 1863
Australian Spiritualist V1 N2 Jul 15 1863
Australian Spiritualist V1 N3 Aug 1 1863
Australian Spiritualist V1 N4 Aug 15 1863

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