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Periodical: The Ideal Review

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Ideal Review.
Devoted to Science, Psychology, Art, Literature, Philosophy and Metaphysics.
Other titles: Metaphysical Review (Ideal Review)
1900--1901 Monthly

New York, NY. Publisher: Metaphysical Publishing Co.. Editor: Leander Edmund Whipple. Succeeds: The Metaphysical Magazine (1895-May 1897)-->Intelligence (June 1897-March 1898)-->Metaphysical Magazine (April 1898-December 1899)-->The New Cycle (1900)
Succeeded by: Metaphysical Magazine (1901-1911)-->Man (1912-1913)
Vol. 11, 1900-13, 1901. $2.50, 74 pp., 6 x 9.

This was the continuation under a new name of the Metaphysical Magazine (q.v.), whose volume numbering it continues. Whipple (1848-1916) was a founder of, and in one capacity or another editor of, the Metaphysical Magazine in all of its iterations and of its pocket-edition, the Wise Man. He was the author of various books and lessons on mental healing (he was a student of Mrs. Elizabeth G. Stuart in Hartford, Connecticut, who was one of Mary Baker Eddy's students), and the head of the Metaphysical Magazine's American School of Metaphysics in New York. The journal continued the long list of contributors that its predecessor had published: Charles Johnston, Henry Frank, Alexander Wilder, C.H.A. Bjerregaard, Eva Best, Hiram K. Jones, Paul Avenal, Abbie Walker Gould, Axel E. Gibson, Mabel Gifford (Shine), et al., and gave reviews and notices of most of the New Thought and occult books of the period. LOC, NYPL, Columbia University, Yale University, etc.

Issues:Ideal Review V13 N1 Jul 1900
Ideal Review V13 N2 Aug 1900
Ideal Review V13 N3 Sep 1900
Ideal Review V13 N4 Oct 1900
Ideal Review V13 N5 Nov 1900
Ideal Review V13 N6 Dec 1900
Ideal Review V13 Adverts

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This page was updated on 14-Apr-20