News from the Spirit World,

Mrs. A. Buffum, Editor.
No. 194 South Clark Street, (Room 11,)

Terms—$1.00 a Year in advance; Single Copies, 10 Cents.

This paper is a large and handsome folio; issued Monthly, and expressly devoted to Spirit Communications and the defence of Mediums.  Mediums are requested to send in communications, visions and prophesies, or to call at our office and have those spirits controlling them reported verbatim, free of charge.  Spirits in spirit-life furnished the money to establish this paper for the first three months, assuring us that after that time the paper would be sustained by subscribers—which prophesy has been fulfilled.  The March, April and May numbers, which we supposed to belong to the regular series, were ordered by the Spirit Band controlling, to be considered as introductory numbers, and given to those who had already subscribed, as rewards for their faith in the efforts of spirits to benefit the inhabitants of earth.  And at the same time came a positive order to enlarge the paper and make the initial number commence in June.

The idea of this newspaper was first suggested by the rapping of spirits.  Mr. William T. Church, the well-known physical medium, remarked that he was not truly reported by our spiritual journals.   I was then impressed to say that I thought a paper would soon appear, that would especially defend mediums.  My remark was immediately responded to by loud, decisive, affirmative raps upon the floor.  This caused me, for certain reasons, to understand that it was pre-determined that such a paper should appear through my instrumentality, and that said interview was but the means of its enunciation.  A few hours later, at midnight, ancient spirits, wrapped in dark, heavy mantles, having bright countenances, long hair, and flowing beard, with sandals upon their feet, entered my apartment, and bid me edit and publish a paper, to be called NEWS FROM THE SPIRIT WORLD.  I accepted the proposal, but when the articles were ready, my faith in the spirits had diminished, and I concluded to abandon so great a project, not having money sufficient to pay for the printing.

Again, at the midnight hour, ancient immortals thronged my apartment.  Gently, yet with an iron grasp, they held me; firmly but kindly, they said “You must do our bidding.”  I grew weary of their presence, and in agony said, “I will, I will.”  They instantly departed, and I fell asleep, to be tested once more in a dream and vision together.  I seemed to be standing on the side-walk, in front of this building, pennyless, houseless, friendless, because I had complied with the request and command of very ancient spirits, and had yielded up every piece of materiality in my possession, in order to obtain money to issue their first paper.  I beheld among the beautiful constellations, Cassiopeia, the starry queen.  She seemed to say unto me: “Through your obedience at this time, shall your most beautiful Deific Mother be made more fully known to the sons and daughters of earth.  I awoke, thoroughly convinced of the importance of the request of those aged, ancient spirits, and resolved to sacrifice everything for them.  Still it was quite a struggle, not having more than fifty dollars worth, if sold, and it was in the drear of winter.  However, I put my cloak around my shoulders, and fastened it with a large cameo pin, the scriptural design upon which was David the Psalmist, having a soul-struggle similar to my own.  My thoughts, being diverted to him, I put on my hat, and was about departing for the pawnbroker, when the postman, William B. Howe, brought a letter, containing one hundred dollars from my brother, J. A. Whittier, (strange and mysterious as it may seem,) thus preventing the sale of any article.  Was this not a voice, as in the case of Abraham, saying, “Spare your things, and use the substitute”?  The money was sent as a personal gift, but it was the fulfillment of a prophesy given through Mrs. C. M. Jordan, that my spirit guides could and would impress some one to send sufficient money for the purposes of the Spirit World; but I had not dared to lean upon a prophesy, given through mortal lips, consequently thought nothing of it.  I held the money in my hand, perfectly overcome, tearless as the rock on Tornea’s hoary brow; then hosts of ancient spirits came in to rejoice, and then I walked the apartment and wept, having hold of the arm of the Omnipotent.

After rallying from all this surprise, I wrote the second Prospectus, which appeared in the SPIRITUAL REPUBLIC, stating that I had received money enough from the spirit world, to publish the paper for three months.  I felt warranted in making the declaration, by virtue of what my brother sent, and the value I had set upon my own articles which I had given up to the SPIRIT WORLD.  The order from the SPIRIT WORLD was, to have five hundred copies struck off, costing fifty dollars; consequently, there was enough for three months, providing no one subscribed; but such was not the case.  Individuals trusted in the spirit world, and sent in their money immediately, so that there were seven thousand of the first copies struck off, instead of fifteen hundred, and these were ordered to be given gratuitously to the subscribers as rewards for their faith.  This order somewhat alarmed me, considering the age of the paper, not three months old.  I had not learned to step grandly and firmly upon the unseen meshes of Providence, and I thought, where, oh, where is the cave deep enough to hide me, if I mistake the voices from on High, at this hour.  I was not mistaken, and to-day the Spirit World is in the possession of money, more than at the commencement, and has evolved and set in motion a tremendous work, that calls for every child of earth.

I give my entire time and attention to the Spirit World, without as yet, drawing money from the subscription.  My orphan son, Whittier Buffum, nearly twenty years of age, understands the needs of this hour, when spirits seek to get a foot-hold upon earth, and is willing to stand as a fulcrum, by still supplying my needs, while spirits with the long arm of the lever endeavor to lift this world out of darkness into noonday light.  He is willing to walk upon faith, in the footsteps of his Mother.

There are already many hundred subscribers.  Individuals are impressed by spirits to subscribe for this paper while reading its columns.

Agent for Spirits in the Spirit World.
July 1st, 1868.



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