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Author: Marc Edmund Jones

Summary:  These lessons, all in typescript, appear to be exemplars of the Marc Edmund Jones typescript lessons recorded in the Astrolearn Bibliography of Astrology (p. 96).

The lessons were donated in mimeographed or photocopied typescript form, in three ring binders.

The material is without dating or copyright information.

Intrinsic dating evidence as follows:

    Arabian Astrology: "...Pluto in 1932 remaining hypothetical...." (p. 31)
    Directional Astrology: "...prior to the writing of this lessons (in February, 1932)..." (p. 3)
    Divinatory Astrology: none
    Hegelian Astrology: " 1939 will come a marked Leo dynasty" (p. 104).
    Hermetic Astrology: none
    Divinatory Astrology: none
    Sabian Astrology I: "...chart "B" for Chicago, June 6 , 1929..." (p. 6a)
    Sabian Principles: "...have had some revision in January, 1950..." (pp. 101-2)
    Symbolical Astrology: none

The lessons were purchased from a book dealer in Rockford, Illinois, who in its turn had purchased the lessons as an uncatalogued part of the inventory of another bookdealer, bought in a lot.

The lessons are rich in typographical errors, hand-drawn symbols, signs of proof-reading, and in-line edits, which latter do not suggest, in all cases, that the material is being copied from other sources (which is certainly the case with some in-line edits), but appear rather to be the false starts and reconsiderations of authorship. See, for example, Arabian Astrology, pp. 10, 19; Directional Astrology, pp. 34, 71; Hegelian Astrology, pp. 83.

Items:Arabian Astrology
Directional Astrology
Divinatory Astrology
Hegelian Astrology
Hermetic Astrology
Sabian Astrology I
Sabian Principles
Symnbolical Astrology

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