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Periodical: Coming Age

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Coming Age, The.
A Magazine of Constructive Thought.
1899-1900 Monthly
St. Louis, MO. Publisher: Midland Publishing Co.. Editor: B.O. Flower and Mrs. C.K. Reifsnider. Succeeded by: The Arena
1/1, January 1899-1900(?)

Announced in Banner of Light 84/22 (January 28, 1899): 5, and noted in "List of Advance Thought Publications," The New Cycle, March 1900, 159-60. This was edited by Flower in the interregnum before he regained control of the Arena. Like the Arena, this was a learned example of rugged common sense and the virtues espoused by the American Brahmin classes, all tempered with the various flavors of Emersonian New Thought. Contributions by R. Heber Newton, J.A. Edgerton, Henry Wood, Kenneth S.L. Guthrie, et al.

Issues:Coming Age V1 Jan-Jun 1899
Coming Age V2 Jul-Dec 1899
Coming Age V3-V4 N2 Jan-Aug 1900

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This page was updated on 14-Apr-20