From Pat Deveney's database:
Avenir, L'.
Moniteur du Spiritisme.
Hors de la charite, pas de Salut!
1864--1867 Weekly, semimonthly
Paris, France. Language: French. Editor: Alis d'Ambel ( -1866). Succeeded by: Progres Spiritualiste
1/1, July 7, 1864-1867. 4 pp., 10 francs a year, then reduced to 9 francs because of the journal's success. "Notices Bibliographiques," Revue Spirite 7/3 (March 1864), 251, notes its appearance, and (1867, 192) the transfer of its subscription list to Honorine Huet's Progres Spiritualiste on the death of d'Ambel. D'Ambel was a noted medium of the period and the journal carried contributions by him and by other mediums, like Alfred Didier, as well as spiritualist novelettes, discourses on the physical phenomena of spiritualism, ecstasy, and the reconciliation of Christianity and spiritism, and comments by the spirits of the illustrious (French) dead on issues like immortality and transmigration. Regular contribution by "A.P." (Anne-Jacques Andre Pezzani) on the predecessors of spiritism. Though the journal was Kardecist in its approach, it had the audacity occasionally to reject the absolute authority of Allan Kardec, and the Revue Spirite repeatedly condemned the deviation from what it called "the majority" view--its own. BNF, microfilm.