

Maine Spiritualist Campmeeting

Bangor Daily Whig and Courier, September 6, 1890:

Spiritualists in Camp.

    The first Maine Spiritualist Campmeeting is progressing finely and having unprecedented harmony.  The sessions will close Sunday afternoon, Sept. 7th.  The best speakers at home and abroad are in attendance and any one can see the spiritualistic philosophy from any point desired.

     Sunday next will be the big day.  Tests will be given from the platform by Frank T. Ripley, of Boston, who has been present during the entire meeting.

     Among the speakers and mediums present are Dr. H. B. Shorer, Mrs. Kate Styles, Mrs. Jennie K. D. Conant, all of Boston, Oscar A. Edgerly, of Newburyport, Mass., Mrs. Morse, of Searsmont.  There are besides hosts of other speakers, healers, test mediums, etc.  Large crowds are in constant attendance.


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