

Fifth Annual Convention of the National Spiritualist Association

New York Times, October 22, 1897

Spiritualists at Washington.

Women’s Rights and Support of Spiritual Schools Advocated.

    Washington, Oct. 21—Two-thirds of the audience at to-day’s sessions of the National Spiritualist Association were women.

    Resolutions were adopted looking to the “liberation of women,” setting out that women had been kept long enough in the position of Indians or idiots, and that women had helped for centuries to build up homes without having partnership.

    In the discussion on educational facilities the support of spiritual schools was advocated.  Delegate Sprague said he had placed his children in the Red Bush Institute because his “spiritual guide commanded it,” and had been opposed to it “till an angel told him to do it.”

    The election of officers of the general organization for the ensuing year resulted as follows:  President—Harrison D. Barrett, Boston; Vice President—Mrs. Cora L. V. Richmond, Washington; Secretary—Francis B. Woodbury, Washington; Treasurer—George S. Clendanield, Washington; Trustees—C. H. Stockel, Tennessee; L. V. Moulton, Michigan; Allen F. Brown, Texas; H. W. Richardson, New York; George A. Fuller, Massachusetts.

Daily Herald (Delphos, Ohio), October 20, 1897:

[. . .] The report of the secretary showed that the membership had increased 33 per cent during the past six years.  The report stated that the Spiritualists had co-operated with others to fight ecclesiastic control of the government; also that the Spiritualists would put missionaries in the field to offset the work of anti-Spiritualistic associations.


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