British Spiritualist Societies and Lyceums, 1888-1889

“Chronicle of Societary Work,” The Two Worlds (London), November 1, 1889:617-618
“The Children’s Progressive Lyceum,” November 1, 1889:618-619
“Prospective Arrangements. Plan of Speakers for November, 1889,” November 1, 1889:619-620.
“Our First Annual Census of Societies.” Two Worlds (London), December 28, 1888:82.


Chronicle of Societary Work.

ACCRINGTON.  26, China Street—Mr. Condon, trance speaker, gave stirring addresses.  Subjects: Afternoon, “Is man the result of a physical organization?”  Evening, selected by the audience, “The authenticity of the Bible.”  Both lectures highly appreciated.

BLACKBURN—We were favoured by the guides of our townsman, Mr. John Walsh, who willingly came forward to take the place of Mrs. Bailey, who could not attend through illness.  To a fair audience in the afternoon, the controls spoke on “The Age of Revelations,” and afterwards, clairvoyant as well as psychometric delineations were given, very correct in all descriptions.  Friends, please notice that we meet next Sunday at the Science and Art School, Paradise Lane, Blackburn, at the usual hours.—R. B.

BOLTON.  Bridgeman St. Baths.—Mrs. Stansfield’s afternoon subject was “The Voices of Angels and Men.”  Evening subject: “The World’s Greatest Heroes.”  Showing that through all time woman had borne her share of the burdens of life, and with plodding industry had shown her living heroism and self-denial.  Through gloom and sorrow she had bravely borne many trials.  We would ask you to never shock the feelings of woman by harsh, bitter, or unmanly exasperations, but rather speak gentle and conciliatory words to one whose heart would be the truest pillow for your aching head, and whose heroic conduct had been admired as being the greatest of heroes.—J. P.

BRADFORD.  Ripley Street.—Mr. Parrott’s guides gave a grand address on “Speak gently.”  Mr. Marsden’s guides gave clairvoyance; he was controlled to impersonate the death scene of a neighbour friend, and shook hands with his wife and friends, which made a deep impression.  Evening: Mr. Marsden’s guides spoke ably on “There arose a mighty storm.” Mr. Webster gave clairvoyant descriptions, mostly recognized.—T. T., sec.

BRIGHOUSE.—A good day with Mrs. J. M. Smith, who spoke afternoon and evening, to good audiences, from subjects from the audience.  Evening subject, “The planets, and their influence towards mankind.”  The guides spoke for upwards of an hour, and gave satisfaction to all.  Spiritualism is making rapid progress in Brighouse.  We shall look forward with earnestness to her visit in December.—J. H.

BURNLEY.  Hammerton Street.—Afternoon: Mr. Wallis gave a practical and eloquent discourse on the “Better Way.”  Evening: He dealt with nine subjects from the audience in first rate style, and sung two of his solos.—D. H. W.

BURNLEY.  Trafalgar Street.—Grand meetings.  The largest audience yet, many strangers.  Afternoon: A local medium, Mr. Crabtree, whose guides spoke for the first time, on “Life beyond the Grave,” and gave successful clairvoyant delineations.  Evening: Mrs. Shulver’s guides gave a good address on “Why people cling to this world,” followed by good practical advice as to how to live here, by an Irish control, closed with a few clairvoyant delineations.—W. R. C.

BYKER.  Back Wilfred Street.—In the absence of Mr. Wightman, Mr. Ashton, who is ever willing to help, gave an interesting address, which was greatly appreciated.  Mr. Armstrong made a few remarks, and a most harmonious evening was spent.—Mrs. Hogg, sec.

CLECKHEATON.  Oddfellows’ Hall.—October 21st, harvest banquet.  We had a successful evening.  Mrs. Clough’s guides spoke on “Spiritual Teachings.”  A very good discourse.  Successful clairvoyance.  October 27th, Mrs. Russell’s guides spoke in the afternoon on “I will pour out my spirit upon all men,” which was well received.  Evening subject, “What is the spirits’ mission on earth?”  A full and harmonious meeting, large audience, many fresh faces.  Excellent clairvoyance at each service.

COLNE.—Mr. G. Smith gave good lectures.  Afternoon: “Weighed in the balance and found wanting.”  Evening: “Philosophy of mediumship, and how best to develop.”  Psychometry after each lecture.  Fair audiences.—J. W. C.

COWMS.—Mrs. Craven should have spoken at our place on Sunday, but she chose to stop at Huddersfield, and leave us to do as we could with the people coming from a distance in the inclement weather.  It is the second time this year she has disappointed us.  A fortnight since Mrs. Taylor disappointed us.  It is high time for a good many of our speakers to act differently.  We have had so many disappointments, that it is a question whether we go forward or stop.  We had a post card from Mrs. Craven a few days since, saying that she would act to my instructions so far as coming was concerned.—G. B.

DARWEN.—Mr. Tetlow’s guides spoke to very good audiences on questions from the people, which were answered to the satisfaction of the questioners.  Psychometrical delineations, every one recognized.

DENHOLME.—Miss Walton’s guides gave very good addresses afternoon and evening.  Hoping the good seed sown will take root and flourish.—C. P.

DEWSBURY.  Vulcan Road.—Speaker:  Mrs. Hellier, accompanied by her little daughter, who gave a splendid piece of poetry which greatly delighted our audience at the evening service.  Successful psychometry.

ECCLESHILL.—Oct. 27th our anniversary.  Mr. J. Smith’s guides spoke on “Salvation.”  They theorized that man in all ages aspired to something higher than himself.  Evening subject, “Death;” a most fervid and intellectual address, claiming a dual existence is maintained throughout all nature, consequently, we being at one with our Creator, should develop the good germ within us.  Then we could say, “O grave! where is thy victory?  O death! where is thy sting?”  Only small audiences, owing to the inclement weather.—H. M. B.

EXETER.—Rev. C. Ware read from the Acts of the Apostles, or as he described it, a record of the doings of spiritualists nearly 1,900 years ago.  He took for his subject the account of the first prayer meeting in an upper room at Jerusalem, pointing out the duty of all spiritualists to cultivate this devotional kind of meeting if they wished to secure the real blessings to be derived from spirit communion.  The pulpit orators are doing all in their power to explain away these occult elements connected with the early Christians.  Spiritualists possess the key which enables them to unlock these apparent mysteries, and by examining these writings, they will find the meeting referred to was practically a spirit circle, the whole account agreeing with what spiritualists are experiencing throughout the whole world.—R. S.

FELLING.—Mr. J. Hall named a child.  His guides spoke about “The invisible world.”  They explained how they employed their time in spirit life, and entreated the audience—which was a large one—to live pure lives, and do all they could to help humanity, which would make their spirit houses bright and beautiful.  General satisfaction.

HALIFAX.—Mr. Johnson’s guides took subjects from the audience afternoon and evening, which were very ably dealt with.—J. L.

HEYWOOD.—Afternoon.  Mr. Taft related how he became a spiritualist, which was very interesting, and listened to attentively.  Evening subject, “Oh death! where is thy sting?  Oh grave! where is thy victory?”  Good audiences, considering the wet weather.  Clairvoyance very successful.—H.

HUDDERSFIELD.  Brook Street.—Mr. Morse paid us his first visit, and, judging from the many expressions of approval and delight with our esteemed friend’s sterling eloquence from our members and friends, his visit next month will be eagerly anticipated.  The subjects treated were, “Spiritualism—What is the Platform?” and, “Death, as seen by the Materialist and the Spiritualist;” and certainly a more powerful exposition of the facts of spiritualism has not been made from our platform.  We feel sure that much good has been done by Mr. Morse’s visit; and our earnest desire is that he may long be spared to enlighten this very materialistic age.—J. B.

KEIGHLEY.  Assembly Rooms.—Mrs. Britten was greeted by crowded audiences.  The afternoon subject was “The Second Coming of Christ,” which she delivered in a very clear and able manner.  Evening: The following subjects from the audience were dealt with in a most eloquent style: “The Second Coming of Christ”; “And the Lord added to the church daily such as were saved”; “How do you Account for the Rise of the Teaching that Christ was made a Sacrifice for all?”; “The Land and the People”; “The Impassable Lines of Demarcations between Theosophy and Spiritualism”; “The Resurrection”; “What are your best Reasons in Proof that we shall Live for ever in a Future State?”  A brief report cannot do justice to the very masterly answers given.  The audience was charmed, enlightened, and delighted.—H. H.

LEICESTER.—Oct. 20: Mr. F. S. Sainsbury’s guides lectured on “True Inspiration.”  Fair audience.  Oct. 27, 10-45: Although rain was falling fast, forty-six members of the Mutual Improvement class held a fairly successful meeting.  6-30 p.m., Professor Timson gave an intelligent and instructive lecture on “The Philosophy of Spiritualism,” showing that it was not a philosophy but the philosophy, just as spiritualism is the religion.  He argued that as the truths of spiritualism and nature’s laws were more fully understood and observed, even the elements would become subject to man, just as we have it illustrated in the New Testament; by the same conditions the same results will be obtained.—J. F.

LONDON.  King’s Cross.  253, Pentonville Road (entrance, corner of King’s Cross Road).—Morning: Mr. Hopcroft failed to fulfill his engagement.  Strangers who had come from a distance were much disappointed.  A friendly discussion upon several topics bearing upon spiritualism occupied the time.  Evening: Mrs. Stanley’s guides gave “A Defence of Spiritualism.”  The controls knew of nothing more conducive to the happiness of earth’s children than spiritualism.  It seemed a great pity it should need defending, but want of care and disregard of conditions in those seeking spirit-communion had brought spiritualism somewhat into disrepute.  Purity of mind and body were the prerequisites of communion with enlightened spirits.  The use of a separate room for séances was specially recommended.  Next Sunday morning, instead of the usual discussion, a general meeting will be held, and all members are earnestly requested to attend, as important business will be considered.—S. T. B.

LONDON.  2, Malden Crescent, Chalk Farm Road.—I had the pleasure of hearing Mr. W. Wallace, the old pioneer medium, and was much interested with the table movements, and the remarkable experiences related by him.  I am much surprised that he is not engaged all his time.  He still retains his gift as vigorous as it was thirty years ago.

LONDON.  Marylebone.  24, Harcourt Street.—Mr. McDonnell gave a good lecture on “Salvation,” contending that the old orthodox doctrine of the fall of man—prior redemption and salvation by the death of Christ—had no basis; in fact, was unreasonable and destructive of all moral effort.—C. L. H.

LONDON.  Mile End.  Beaumont Street.—A pleasant evening with Mr. Veitch.  Mrs. Bell occupied the chair, and her pithy remarks were much enjoyed.  Mr. Veitch spoke forcibly upon the principles of spiritualism, dealing with some of the most difficult problems in a very satisfactory manner.  The interest in the lecture was shown by the questions asked, all of which were well answered.  We beg to thank those friends who have responded to our appeal for £10 to purchase a harmonium, though we are still a great deal short of the required amount.—C.

LONDON.  Notting Hill Gate.  9, Bedford Gardens, Silver Street.—At 11, a discussion on “The Crucifixion,” opened up by Mr. W. O. Drake, who threw out some points that were readily taken up by Mr. Earl.  All persons are welcome.  Evening: Mr. U. W. Goddard favoured us with an instructive reading from a Swedenborgian book.  After his lecture, several questions were replied to; some of our members made some appropriate and interesting remarks.  The audience was not large, but attentive.

LONDON.—Peckham.  Winchester Hall.—Morning: A useful and instructive time, several addresses were given by members and suggestions for future work made.  Evening: To a crowded meeting Messrs. Wortley, Humphries, Parker, and others spoke, while a solo by Mrs. Sadler, “The Better Land,” was much appreciated.  The chairman (Mr. J. Johnson) made brief, but appropriate remarks during the course of the evening.  We make an appeal to parents to assist our efforts to form a choir, by enabling the children to attend the services regularly; and choir practice on Sunday mornings at 10-30, and at 6 p.m. on Wednesdays, at the Society’s Rooms.

MACCLESFIELD.—Miss Pimblott’s guides discoursed on “Where are our great heroes gone?” and “The philosophy of life” (subjects from the audience).  Who did we consider the world’s great heroes?  The men who had been great and famous?—only them?  What of the mother, who works laboriously through the day, aye, and oft through the night to gain a livelihood for herself and those dependent on her?  What of the seamstress, who stitches her very life’s blood away to live, [618] nay to exist?  These are all heroes, but are here in our midst.  The philosophy of life was ably dealt with, tracing man from childhood to maturity.—W. P.

MANCHESTER.  Psychological Hall.—Mr. Kelly’s controls gave good discourses.  Afternoon: “The many benefits we derive from the spirit world, in bringing to perfection the numerous discoveries which are continually being made in regard to science.”  Evening: “Spiritualism for the masses” was expounded in a clear and logical manner.—J. H. H.

MONKWEARMOUTH.  3, Ravensworth Terrace.—Mr. Kempster’s guides gave a grand address on “The Mission of Spirits upon Earth.”  Advising us to commence our mission here, and not wait until we wake to consciousness on the other side.—R. O. H.

NELSON.  Leeds Road.—Mr. Sunderland discoursed from subjects chosen from the audiences afternoon and evening, elucidating the questions in a remarkable manner, giving entire satisfaction to all.  Moderate audiences.

NORTHAMPTON.—Mr. Platt’s guides spoke (2-30) on the “Philosophy of Life.”  6-30, “Philosophy of Death.”  Both well handled. Clairvoyance after each address was a treat.  Two beautiful poems were given at the close of the evening’s service.  Mr. P. is making headway, and has many friends here.—T. H., sec.

NORTH SHIELDS.  41, Borough Road.—Mr. Lashbrooke disappointed us.  Mr. G. Forrester gave a powerful and very able discourse on “Spiritualism and its teachings.”—C. T.

OLDHAM.—Mr. Schutt’s afternoon subject was “God’s need of Man.”  We had heard much concerning man’s need of God, but without man God would be a monarch without a subject.  Three subjects were chosen for the evening, viz., “The Signs of the Times Spiritually Considered,” “The Claims of Theosophy,” and “Is there a God?”  Each subject was very ably treated.—J. S. G.

OLDHAM.  Mutual Improvement.  October 24.—Mr. Garforth gave some very interesting “Peeps at other lands.”  Having had experience in seafaring life, he spoke from personal observation.  Beginning at Gravesend, to the Eddystone Lighthouse, and on to Corunna (the burial place of Sir John Moore), and to the City of Lisbon, where he described a bull fight and its horrors.  Thence to Gibraltar, where there was scarcely a yard but what was loaded with shot and shell, and which at a moment’s notice could be ready for any attack.  Also St. Michael’s cave—the soldier’s storehouse—which is of a tremendous size, and which has never yet been fully explored, but is estimated to be about 13 miles underground.  From there to Madeira and Teneriffe, describing the different characteristics of the people.  After an hour and a half’s conversational voyage, a cordial vote of thanks tendered to him for the instruction given.—N.S.

OPENSHAW.—Mr.  W. Walker’s morning subject was “God is love.”  Evening subject: “Give peace in our time, O Lord.”  Both lectures were well ventilated, giving forth some noble and grand ideas, which were listened to with much attention.  We regret our audiences were not up to the average, but are satisfied our friend left behind him a good impression.—J. G.

PENDLETON.  Cobden Street.—Mrs. Wallis’s guides gave splendid lectures.  Afternoon subject: “Spiritual States.”  Evening: “True Religion.”  During the day fifteen clairvoyant descriptions were given very clearly and distinctly, thirteen recognised.  Good audiences, and great satisfaction given by the speaker.  Monday: Mrs. Wallis’s guides took written questions from the audience, handling them in a most competent manner.  Seven clairvoyant descriptions, six recognised.  A hearty vote of thanks was accorded the guides for their able address, and to Mrs. Wallis for her kindness, she having given this service for the benefit of the furnishing fund.—T. C.

RAWTENSTALL.—Afternoon, Miss Walker’s subject was, “The new gospel.”  The control brought to light much which had been kept dark in orthodox Christianity.  Spiritualism is a purer gospel, taking the principles of all good men and carrying them out in daily life, urging each one to acquaint himself with the gifts he possessed and use them.  Many people say our communications were with bad spirits only.  If such teachings are from bad spirits, let us have more of them.  The evening subject, “Life or death,” gave great satisfaction to a large audience.  Satisfactory clairvoyance at each service.  This is Miss Walker’s first visit, but we hope not the last.

SALFORD.  Southport Street, Cross Lane.—Oct. 26th: Concert by the Primrose Company.  After the opening glee, the chairman (Mr. J. Clegg) made a few remarks on the formation of the Company, this being their first concert.  Recitations by Master Walter Cockens, Miss E. Barrow, K. Cowburn, L. Cockens, A. Cockens, and R. Swindells, in good form.  Duets by the Sisters Cockens, Miss A. Tyldesley and L. Cockens, and by Miss H. Hunt and Mr. W. Cockens.  Solo and chorus by Miss A. Race.  Solo on the mouth-organ, Mr. H. Nicklin.  A melodeon solo by Mr. J. Leather was deservedly encored.  Mr. J. Moorey’s reading elicited much applause.  Trio by the Sisters Cockens and Mr. J. Moorey.  Next Saturday, at 7-30, the Seedley Perseverance Entertainment Society will perform.  Admission 1d. each.  Sunday afternoon, Mr. Mayoh spoke on “Is the Bible the Word of God?”  The lecture was full of interesting truths.  Evening subject, “Is Spiritualism in Harmony with God’s Laws?”  The lecturer showed that the Bible ought to be read as we would read another book.  The audience listened attentively.  The arguments should do good.—D. J. G.

SHIPLEY.—Miss Bennison’s guides affirmed “We come not to destroy, but to build up.”  In the evening we had the able assistance of Mr. Lund, whose guides gave a nice address to a very large and attentive audience.  Mrs. Bennison gave good clairvoyance after each address; mostly recognized.—C. G.

SOUTH SHIELDS.  12, Cambridge Street.—Wednesday, Oct. 23rd: Mrs. Young gave successful clairvoyant descriptions, to a very fair audience.  Friday: Usual developing circle.  Sunday, 27th, morning: Healing circle—good results; under the leadership of Mr. Burnett.  Evening: The guides of Mr. Westgarth dealt with the subject, “Spiritualism: its relation to politics, science, and religion,” in a masterly manner.—F. P.

STOCKPORT.—Owing to disappointment by Mr. Pearson, Mr. Rook’s guides kindly delivered two stirring addresses.  Evening subject: “Spiritualism the friend of all.”  It had existed in all ages, but had spread most rapidly in the present age, owing to the more favourable conditions.  In the past, mediums and those who dared to listen would have been dragged to the faggot and the stake.  Man now enjoys freedom of speech, and the ministers of the churches are enquiring “What is this new religion?  We are losing our power.  What shall we do?”  Try to stop it?  Yes!  But it is too late!  The spark so long hidden has burst into too mighty a flame to be quenched.  Man now knows that God is good, and can be seen in everything.—J. A.

WESTHOUGHTON.—We held our harvest and fruit services, the hall being tastefully decorated.  In the afternoon, our local medium, Mr. Peter Gregory, gave a very appropriate discourse on “God is Love.”  Evening: The Rev. W. Reynolds, of Ainsworth, discoursed on “Whither gleanest thou, and what dost thou glean.”—J. P.

WIBSEY.  Hardy Street.—Afternoon: Mr. Bloomfield’s guides dealt with “Many Conceptions of Spirits.”  Evening: Mr. Bloomfield took a subject from the audience, “Evolution of Spirits.” Also a question, “Is the Bible inspired by God?” It was well treated.  Mrs. Metcalfe’s guides gave sixteen clairvoyant descriptions at both services, thirteen recognized.  Henrietta Dickenson, ten years old, gave eleven descriptions, five recognized.  Mrs. Metcalfe also gave six psychometric delineations during the day.

WISBECH.  Public Hall.  Mrs. Yeeles’ guides dealt with a subject from the audience, “I am the Vine, and my Father is the Husbandman,” in an eloquent manner.  Also naming a child, with flowers (white).  The guide pointed out the formalities of christening with water.  The clairvoyant delineations were fully recognized, and our room was well filled.  Next Sunday’s service is left open for persons to give their experiences.  Mrs. Yeeles having promised a monthly visit to Stamford to establish a meeting there.—H. H. C.

RECEIVED LATE.—Bingley: A good opening of the new room.  Afternoon: Mr. Moulson gave successful clairvoyance.  Evening: Crowded meeting.  Mr. Bush gave a good address in favour of unity and harmony.  Mr. Moulson spoke well on “Is Spiritualism dangerous?”—Sunderland: Mr. Moorhouse presided.  Our speaker being unable to attend, a lady friend gave a large number of delineations, mainly recognized.


BATLEY CARR.—Morning: Our programme was characterized by an unusual number of songs.  Five were nicely rendered by the young ones to the exclusion of recitations.  After marching and calisthenics we formed into groups for lessons.  These were on “Principle,” “The world not made in six days,” and “A talk about Spiritualism.”  All interesting and instructive.  Afternoon: chain-recitations, readings, and songs.  A number of visitors present.  An excellent programme next Saturday.  Archer Brothers, Morley, and Master and Miss Ogram, Liversedge, have promised to render selections.  (See Prospective Arrangements.)—A. K., sec.

BLACKBURN.—About 100 present.  The children’s usual entertainment.  Invocation by the controls of Mr. George Edwards.  Mr. E. Campbell, conductor.  A good programme was gone through.  Steel-engraved cards were presented to the children for their reciting and singing.  A handsome book was presented to Miss A. E. Canavan for clever reciting.  The controls of Mr. G. Edwards spoke very effectively of the working up of children’s entertainments, by trying to make them interesting; instead of the young going to the music-room it would be the means of drawing them there, and of improving their minds.  Recitations by Miss Selina Stott, Master Noble Stephenson, and Master W. Hopper.  Hymns able rendered by Misses Stott, A. Lord and Hargreaves; reading by Mr. R. Burke.  Address by Mr. E. Campbell, “How I became a Spiritualist,” which was very eloquently given.  He advised people to seek truth and let nothing turn them from it.  Mr. W. Ward was taken under control, and spoke a few words.  We were glad to see our old friend, Mr. Coupe, from Haslingden, who said he was pleased to be amongst us again; he highly appreciated the morning’s entertainment.  He had been the means of organizing a Lyceum, which was now in operation at Rawtenstall.  A happy morning.—E. C.

HUDDERSFIELD.  John Street.—The committee have met to re-organize, and have placed the Lyceum on a more satisfactory and efficient basis; they look forward to a useful and successful career.  Every office is filled by a well-qualified staff of teachers, who try to teach through the eye as well as the ear, by diagrams and a blackboard, that a more lasting impression be made.  The youngest class is instructed in natural history, and supplied with pictorial books.  An enjoyable session this morning, but room for improvement.  32 present, 5 leaders, and 1 visitor.  The youngest group had Macaulay’s poem, “Horatius.”  Second group, “Physical Geography,” and the elder group, “Recreative Natural History.”  Miss Wardle gave the invocation and led the exercises.  Mr. T. Sykes added to the enjoyment by his music.—S. A.

LEICESTER.—Present: 4 officers, 1 visitor, 27 children.  Our numbers have continued to increase, and show an average attendance of thirty for the past six weeks, during which we have had various addresses from Messrs. Timson (conductor) and Hodson (leader of Rose group).  Our children still maintain great interest in the efforts of their leaders, and are making good progress all round.—T. T.

LIVERPOOL.  Daulby Hall.—This week’s session is the best we have had, notwithstanding the damp weather.  Attendance: officers, 9; children, 44; visitors, 9.  We formed another group (the fifty), Mr. Nevatt kindly undertaking the office of leader.  Recitations by Maggie Sandham, Eva and Margaret Love, Lily Leckie, Reginald Stretton, Joseph and Alfred Catlow.  Marching and calisthenics much improved.  We hope soon to be in a position to provide badges and banners for the various groups.—“Mas.”

LONDON.  Marylebone.  24, Harcourt Street, W.—Opened and conducted in usual form by Mr. Lewis.  Marches, recitations, &c.  Twenty present, including visitors.—T. W.

MACCLESFIELD.—Morning.  Present, 32.  Reading by conductor (Mr. Hayes).  Recitations by Misses. M. Burgess and Nellie Hayes.  Boys, wake up!  How many of you have recited these last three months?  Marching and calisthenics performed with rather too much discord in the foot movements.  Groups were not formed, to allow time for the annual meeting.  Our lyceum pays the society half the rent of the place, and receives the profits resulting from all parties, open sessions, entertainment, &c. [619]  After paying all expenses and a portion of the rent we have a balance in hand of 3s. 7d.  Mr. Rogers surprised most of us with the happy intelligence that he had had placed in his hands (for disposal as he thought fit) of the sum of £5, towards the furtherance of the cause of spiritualism in Macclesfield. He has decided to divide it between the society and the lyceum.  A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the unknown donor, who desires to remain anonymous.  The following officers were elected for the half-year: Conductor, Mr. G. Rogers; assistant conductor, Mr. S. Hayes; guardian, Mr. C. Challinor; treasurer, Mr. Rogers; musical director, Miss Lovett; assistant musical director, Miss Hayes; leaders—1st group, Messrs. Rogers and Hayes; 2nd group (boys), Misses Lovett and Pimblott; 2nd group (girls), Mr. W. Albinson and Miss Dickens; committee to take charge of all gatherings, Messrs. Albinson, Bennison, Pimblott, and C. and W. Challinor; secretary, Mr. W. Pimblott; afternoon session conductor, Mr. Rogers.  Present, 38.  Readings by conductor and Mr. W. Albinson.  There has been a scarcity of solos for a few weeks back.  Take the hint, ye songsters!  Groups: No. 1, led by Mr. Rogers, discussed “Predestination.”  2nd group boys and 2nd group girls led by Misses Pimblott and Dickens respectively.—W. P.

MANCHESTER.—Tipping Street.—Afternoon, our second open session.  The room was beautifully decorated with flowers, fruit, and banners.  Invocation by Mr. Hy. Boardman.  Usual programme.  Recitations by Misses J. Hyde, S. J. Jones, L. B. Langstaff, E. Paddock, E. Jones, and Emily Maslin; Masters W. Lamb, W. Taylor, and W. Hall.  Duetts by Master and Miss Maslin.  Dialogue by Misses McTaggart and M. A. Lamb.  Marching and calisthenics.  Short address by Mrs. Green.  She wished the boys to abstain from tobacco and alcoholic drinks; also gave good advice to young and old.  Benediction by Mr. Boardman.  Conductor, Mr. Thomas Jones, assisted by Mr. J. Jones and Mr. Dugdale.  A good attendance of parents and friends.  The marching and calisthenics were gone through to the satisfaction of all.  The committee tender sincere thanks to all who assisted.—W. H. H.

MANCHESTER.  Psychological Hall.—Attendance very good.  Programme fairly gone through, including numerous recitations by members, well given; formed groups, which concluded an agreeable session.—A. S.

NELSON.—10 a.m., invocation by conductor.  Silver-chain recitations; classes were formed and lessons given on “Phrenology,” “Physiology” and Mr. Kitson’s work, “Spiritualism for the Young.”  Scholars present, 53.—W. W. G., sec.

NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE.—A good attendance.  Usual programme.  Miss J. McCormic gave a select reading; Miss J. Said, a pianoforte solo; and the Messrs. L. and A. Elissons a pianoforte duet.  Mr. Moore kindly gave a nice recitation.  Lessons from “Spiritualism for the Young.”

NOTTINGHAM.—35 present and 4 visitors.  Owing to the new tickets recitations flowed in abundantly.  I am sorry to say they were not well-got up.  Readings and recitations were given by Mr. Burrell, Fred Stevington, John Claybon, George Burrell, Bertha Constantine, and Evenlyn Constantine.  Drilling and marching was taken in hand by Mr. W. Twohy.  This old gentleman, aged 82, is as wiry as a boy of 16.  He says he is in his second boyhood.  He has kindly given his services as drilling master.  His remarks were interesting as well as amusing.  He particularly impressed us with the importance of punctuality.  We shall be glad of new members.—E. J. O.

OLDHAM.—Morning: Good attendance.  Chain recitations, with usual responses.  Recitations by Miss L. Calverlay, Miss P. Horrocks, Mr. F. Shaw, and Mr. W. H. Wheeler.  Marching and calisthenics successfully gone through.  The accompaniments were ably rendered by Mr. R. Wairight, organist.  Afternoon: Fair attendance.  Recitations by the lyceumists, with the usual instruction from the manual.  Mr. Wheeler, conductor for the day.—H.S.

PENDLETON.—Morning: Usual programme.  Our young friends bravely came to the fore with recitations, viz., Misses Mary Jackson, Emily Rowling, Gerty Rowling, Elizabeth Tepton, Lily Clarke, Emily Clarke, and Jane Fogg; Masters Edward Clarke, Ben Clarke, George Ellis, Ben Worthington, and John Jackson.  Usual marching and calisthenics.  Afternoon: We devoted our whole time to marching.  Very good attendances.  We were very pleased to have the assistance of our friend Mr. Ellison.  Conductors, Messrs. Howarth and Ellison.

RAWTENSTALL.—44 present.  Marching was well done.  Mr. Entwistle gave a reading.  Miss Maden and Brother John gave a duet, well rendered.  Recitations by Misses S. J. Stansfield and Smith.  Competing for prizes, which we give monthly to the best, to encourage reciting at our public gatherings.  After the usual instructions from Mr. Horsefield, who is heart and soul in the work (would we had more like him), closed a pleasant service.  A public tea party will be held on Christmas Day.—J. B.

SOUTH SHEILDS.  19, Cambridge Street.—Attendance very good.  Marching elegantly performed.  We had a beautiful golden-chain recitation, “The Lyceum,” showing the teaching and the object of our system.  The chief principle is harmony; good singing was very necessary to promote unity of feeling and purpose.  Recitations given by Miss Berkshire and L. Pinkney; song by B. Lowery.—F. P.

SOWERBY BRIDGE.—A very good session.  Mr. A. Sutcliffe, leader for the day.  Usual programme.  Two classes were without leaders, which does not augur well for the scholars.  Teachers have a duty to perform, which should not be shirked; and, if their absence is inevitable, it is always possible to find a substitute.  Study the lyceum, and be at your post in good time, with a determination to do your duty well.  Afternoon: Mr. Dixon read a nice essay on “Spiritualism; its Attributes, and how to Develop them,” to the higher groups.  Discussion followed.  Jackson Holroyd recited very creditably.  Next Sunday, open session, when Mr. Wheeler will speak on “Workers versus Idlers and Grumblers.”  He will conduct Liberty group in the morning.  Strangers welcome.—S. S. L.



BELPER (Jubilee Hall): 10, Mrs. Gregg; 17 and 18, Mr. J. S. Schutt; 24 and 25, Mr. J. Hopcroft.

CHURWELL: 10, Mr. Newton; 17, Mr. and Mrs. Hargeaves; 24, Open.

DENHOLME: 10, Mr. Boocock; 17, Mrs. Butler; 24, Mr. Parker.

HUDDERSFIELD (Brook Street): 10, Miss Keeves; 17, Mr. Johnson; 24, Mr. Morse.

LANCASTER: 10, Mrs. Green; 17, Mrs. Wade; 24, Mrs. Groom.

LONDON (Stratford): 10, Open meeting; 17, Mr. W. E. Walker; 24, Mrs. W. Stanley.

PENDLETON: 10, Mr. Tetlow; 17, Mr. E. W. Wallis; 24, Mr. Schutt.

SLAITHWAITE: 10, Mr. Plant; 17, Mrs. Gregg; 24, Mr. Wilson.

WIBSEY (Hardy Street): 10, Mrs. Metcalf and Mr. Bloomfield; 17, Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. Roberts; 24, Mrs. Hill.

BACUP: 9, tea party and entertainment; 10, Mr. E. W. Wallis; 17, Mr. J. B. Tetlow; 24, Mr. W. H. Wheeler.

BATLEY CARR.—Saturday, Nov. 2, Lyceum tea and entertainment.  Tea at 5 p.m.  Tickets, 9d., children under six, 4d., under fourteen, 6d.

BLACKBURN:  3, Mr. A. D. Wilson; 10, Mr. C. J. Swindlehurst; 17, Mr. John Walsh; 24, Mr. E. W. Wallis.  We have left the Exchange Lecture Hall, owing to the Exchange Company wishing to largely increase the rent, and in future our meetings will be held in the Science and Art School, Paradise Lane.—S. R.

BRADFORD Bowling, Harker Street):  10, Mr. Fillingham; 17, Mrs. Benison; 24, Messrs. Thresh and F. Firth.  November 2nd, annual tea party.  Tea at 4-30.  Tickets 6d. each.  After tea Mr. Allan Moulson will occupy the platform.  November 10th, Mr. Fillingham will conduct a healing circle.

BRIGHOUSE.—November 3rd, Mr. E. W. Wallis.  2-30: “The life after death revealed.”  At 6: Six subjects from the audience.

COLNE.—Mr. G. Smith, of 50, Spring Lane, writes: “I have three dates open through societies failing to keep their course, viz., Nov. 17, 24, and Dec. 1.  Also desirous of dates from societies for 1890, who have not sent.”

DEWSBURY.  Vulcan Road.—Nov. 2nd:  A tea meeting at 4-30; after tea, a social meeting.  Our friend, Mr. D. Milner, of Huddersfield, will give persons present descriptions of their surroundings.  Adults 6d.; children 3d.—J. H.

HECKMONDWIKE.  Amateur Entertainment Society, Thomas Street.—The above has been formed, and will give their services free toward raising funds to clear our place of debt.  The first entertainment, on Saturday, November 9, will consist of songs, dialogues, recitations, &c.  Admission 3d., children 1d.  Should any other society wish their services, they will be willing to give them for their expenses only, any time they are at liberty.—J. C.

HALIFAX.  Society have arranged to hold their Sunday evening services in the Mechanics’ Hall, during November.

LONDON (Spiritualist Federation): The next monthly gathering will be held Sunday, November 3, at Harcourt Street, Marylebone.  Addresses will be given at seven o’clock, by Dr. Bowles Daly, Mr. Hopcroft, Mr. W. E. Long, and other mediums and speakers.  After the evening service there will be the usual meeting of delegates from the federated societies.  All spiritualists will be heartily welcomed.  It is hoped there will be a crowded meeting.—W. E. L.

LONDON (Notting Hill Gate, Zephyr Hall):  The committee have engaged Mr. J. J. Morse, who will lecture on December 4, or thereabouts, in the Kensington Town Hall, on “Spiritualism.” Admission by ticket.  Early application is necessary, as we expect they will be quickly disposed of.  Further particulars as soon as possible.  Nov. 24, Captain Pfoundes, on “Theosophy—the truth about it,” and Dec. 1st, “Buddhism—what it is and is not.”  As the work we are carrying out entails much expense and responsibility, we hope our members will all try and help as much as possible, both financially and socially.  The committee will be glad to add to their numbers any interested persons wishing to become members.—F. S.

LONDON (Winchester Hall): Social gathering and entertainment, Monday, November 11, at 8 p.m.  A good programme of songs, dances and games.  Tickets 6d. each.

MACCLESFIELD.—Wednesday, Nov. 13th: Our conductor, Mr. Rogers, will give the Lyceumists a treat, to congratulate them on the success achieved since its inauguration two years ago.  Admission by ticket.  Tea at 6-30 prompt; after tea we hope to enjoy a happy evening, to conclude with dancing.  Nov. 24th: Open session at 2-30 prompt.  A service of song, “Marching Onward,” by Mr. W. H. Wheeler, will also be rendered.  Collection on behalf of the Lyceum.—W. P.

MANCHESTER.  Assembly Room, Co-operative Hall, Downing St., Ardwick.—On Wednesday, Nov. 10th, Mr. J. J. Morse, the celebrated trance speaker, will lecture at the above hall at 7-45 p.m., this being his first appearance in Manchester since his return from a four years’ tour through the United States of America; subject, “Mr. Morse’s American Experiences.”  Mr. Morse has long enjoyed the reputation of being one of the most logical and eloquent speakers of the day, both in Great Britain and America; and it is confidently expected that the spiritualists, liberalists, and progressionists of Lancashire will gladly embrace this opportunity of listening to so admirable an orator, and greeting so indefatigable, as well as able, an advocate of true spiritual and liberal thought as J. J. Morse.  Chair to be taken at 7-45.  Collection to defray expenses.

MANCHESTER.  Collyhurst Road.—Speakers for November: 10, Local; 17, Mr. J. T. Standish; 24, Mrs. Smith.  Saturday, Nov. 2, and Monday, 4: A couple of humorous dramatic sketches will be given; to commence at 7-30; Monday, 8 o’clock.  Doors open half-an-hour earlier.  Tickets 3d. each.

MANCHESTER.  Geoffrey Street, off Shakespeare Street, Stockport Road.—We still hold circles every Sunday at 10-30 a.m. and Tuesdays at 8 p.m. for the public.  On Thursday, at 8 p.m., for spiritualists only.  Admission to all meetings 2d. each.—W. H.

NORTH EASTERN FEDERATION OF SPIRITUALISTS.—The next Committee meeting will be held in Newcastle-on-Tyne, Sunday, November 3, at 10-30 a.m.—F. Sargent, hon. sec., 42, Grainger Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

NEWCASTLE.—Sunday, Nov. 3rd:  Alderman Barkas, F. G. S., will lecture on “Religions and Scientific Progress during the current half century.”  Victor Wyldes will commence a course of lectures and demonstrations on Nov. 10th.

OLDHAM.—A public reception to Mr. J. J. Morse, and re-union of Lancashire Spiritualists will be held in the Spiritual Temple, off Union Street, on Saturday, November 9th.  Tea on the tables at 4-30 prompt.  Tickets, 1s. (sandwich), under twelve, 8d. each; after tea, 6d. each.  Mr. Wallis, Mrs. Green, Mr. W. Johnson, and others are expected to be present.  Mr. Morse will lecture on the following Sunday at 2-30 and 6-30 p.m.; also on Monday evening at 7-30.  Tea will be provided on Sunday for friends coming a distance, at 6d. each.

PENDLETON.  Spiritual Hall of Progress, Cobden Street.—The committee announce the first of their winter series of entertainments, by the Orsall Temperance Choir, on Saturday, November 2nd, consisting of a service of song, entitled, “Buy your own cherries.”  Reader, Mr. J. B. Tetlow; conductor, Mr. J. Shillcross; harmonist, Mr. W. Greenwood.  Doors open at 7, commence 7-30.  Admission free.  A collection in aid of furnishing fund.  Nov. 9, at 7-30.  The Orsall Nightingale Company will give their miscellaneous entertainment, consisting of songs, duets, trios, glees, sketches, and gipsy entertainment.  Chairman, Mr. David Arlott; accompanist, Master Alfred Macouthy.

The Yorkshire Federation have arranged the following meetings in aid of the Speakers’ Sick Fund, viz., November 6, Batley, speaker, Mrs. Stansfield; 11, Halifax, speaker, Mrs. Crossley; and Leeds Institute, miscellaneous entertainment; 28, Batley Carr, speaker, Miss Keeves.  All are earnestly desired to support these meetings.



Barrow-in-Furness, Victoria Hall, 82, Cavendish Street
Batley Carr
Batley, Wellington Street
Beeston, Conservative Club, Town Street
Belper, Jubilee Hall
Birmingham, 92, Ashted Row
Birmingham, Oosells Street
Bishop Auckland
Blackburn, Exchange Lecture Hall
Bradford, Birk Street
Bradford, Bowling, Harker Street
Bradford, Little Horton, 1, Spicer Street
Bradford, Milton Rooms, Westgate
Bradford, Otley Road, 165
Bradford, Ripley Street
Bradford, Rooley Street
Bradford, St. James’, near St. James’ Market
Bradford, Walton Street
Brighouse, Commercial Street
Burnley, Tanner Street
Cleckheaton, Odd Fellows’ Hall
Colne, Cloth Hall
Cowms, Lepton, near Huddersfield
Cromford and High Peak
Darwen, Church Bank Street
Denholme, 6, Blue Hill
Dewsbury, Vulcan Road
Eccleshill, Stone Hall Road
Exeter, Longbrook Street Chapel
Felling, Felling Park Road High Felling
Foleshill, Edgewick, Coventry
Glasgow, Bannockburn Hall, 36, Main Street
Halifax, Winding Road
Heckmondwike, Assembly Room, Thomas Street
Heywood, Argyle Buildings
Huddersfield, 3, Brook Street
Huddersfield, Kayes’ Buildings
Keighley, Assembly Rooms
Keighly, East Parade
Lancaster, Atheneum Lecture Hall, St. Leonard’s Gate
Leeds, 23, Cookridge Street
Leeds, Psychological Hall
Lile, 2, Back Lane
Liverpool, Daulby Hall, Daulby Street
London (a number of places)
London, Canning Town, 125, Barking Road
London, King’s Cross, 184, Copenhagen Street (corner of Pembroke Street)
London, Notting Hill Gate, 9, Bedford Gardens, Silver Street
Macclesfield, Free Church, Paradise Street
Manchester, Assembly Rooms, Downing Street
Manchester, Collyhurst Road
Middlesbrough, Sidney Street
Middlesbrough, Spiritual Hall, Newport Road
Monkwearmouth, 3, Ravensworth Terrace
Nelson, Public Hall, Leeds Road
Newcastle-on-Tyne, Cordwainers’ Hall, 20, Nelson Street
North Shields, 41, Borough Road
North Shields, 6, Camden Street
Nottingham, Morley Hall, Shakespeare Street
Oldham, Spiritual Temple (off Union Street)
Openshaw, Mechanics’ Institute, Pottery Lane
Parkgate, Bear Tree Road
Peckham, Winchester Hall, 33, High Street
Pendleton, Co-operative Hall
Rochdale, Blackwater Street
Rochdale, Michael Street
Rochdale, Regent Hall, Regent Street
Scholes, Silver Street
Sheffield, Central Board School
Sheffield, Pond Street
Slaithwaite, Laith Lane
South Shields, 19, Cambridge Street
Sowerby Bridge, Lyceum, Hollins Lane
Stonehouse, Corpus Christi Chapel
Tyldesley, Elliott Street
Waisall, Exchange Buildings, High Street
Wellington, Durham, Albert Hall
West Pelton, Spiritual Association
West Vale
Westhoughton, Spiritual Hall, Wingates
Wibsey, Hardy Street
Wisbech, Lecture Room, Public Hall
York, 7, Abbott Street, Groves

Blackburn heads the list of membership, Openshaw second, Colne third, Manchester fourth; Liverpool and Newcastle each have 100.  It does not look as if our foes had killed spiritualism in any of these towns!  Bradford has 187 members divided between seven societies (Is it worth while to spend so much in rent?).  Openshaw, Heckmondwike, Pendleton, Blackburn, Burnley, Liverpool, Wisbech, and Halifax show the highest averages of attendance.

The Lyceum statistics are most encouraging.  Oldham and Colne head the list with 135 and 135 members respectively; Keighly, East Parade (130) is a good third, while Newcastle, Halifax, Burnely, and Blackburn are not far behind.  Barrow-in-Furness has a Band of Hope of 130 members and with such resources an active Lyceum should soon be established.  Keighley shows the highest average Lyceum attendance.  Colne, Newcastle, and Oldham being second, third, and fourth.  Where so many have done so well, it seems invidious to make comparisons, but we draw attention to these figures to emphasize the growth which has taken place, and encourage others to push forward.  To one and all we say God speed, and may his angels bless and strengthen you in your work.


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