The Philosophical Journal (San Francisco), May 13 and May 20
State spiritualists associations’annual meetings—California, Ohio, TexasCalifornia State Spiritualist Association.
Headquarters—2096 Market Street,
San Francisco, Cal.President: Thomas G. Newman, 2096 Market St.
Vice President: C. H. Wadsworth, Noe & Jersey sts.
Secretary: John Koch, 1607 Fillmore St.
Treasurer: B. F. Small, 310 Fell Street.Directors: Prof. J. S. Loveland, Dr. H. M. Barker, S. D. Dye and M. S. Norton.
Press Committee: Thomas G. Newman, M. C. Norton, C. H. Wadsworth.
Societies Holding Charters.
The following Societies are now holding charters under the California State Spiritualists’ Association:
The First Spiritual Union, San Francisco.
California Camp Meeting Association, Redondo.
The People’s Spiritualists’ Society, San Francisco.
People’s Progressive Spiritualists’ Society of Hollister.
The First Spiritual Union, San Jose.
Unity Spiritual Society, Santa Cruz.
The People’s Spiritualists’ Society, Stockton.
Ladies’ First Spiritual Aid Society, San Francisco.
First Christian Spiritualist Society, Oakland.
Society of Progressive Spiritualists, San Francisco.
Mediums’ Protective Association, San Francisco.
Children’s Progressive Lyceum, San Francisco.
First Progressive Spiritual Society, San Francisco.
The First Society of Progressive Mediums, San Francisco.
Harmonial Spiritualists’ Association, Los Angeles.
Oakland Psychical Society.
Ordained Ministers.
Mr. Thomas G. Newman
Mr. W. P. Haworth
Mrs. Dr. F. J. Miller
Dr. W. T. Cottier
Mrs. Mena FrancisOrdination Certificates Exchanged.
Dr. Max. F. Muehlenbruch
Mrs. C. Cornelius
Mrs. Agnes H. Pleasance
Madam Florence Montague
Mrs. F. A. LoganEndorsement of Ordination Certificates.
Mrs. Katie Eggert-Aitken
Mrs. Salome Cowell
Mrs. Louise Salzer Drew
Mrs. May F. Drynan
Mrs. Esther Dye
Mrs. M. A. Ellis
Mrs. E. Ladd-Finnican
Mrs. Maude L. Freitag
Mrs. H. A. Griffin
Mrs. Kate Heussmann
Mrs. Kate Hoskins
Mrs. Elizabeth Kelly
Mrs. R. S. Lillie
Mrs. C. J. Meyers
Mrs. C. R. McMeekin
Mrs. D. N. Place
Mrs. W. J. X. Robinson
Mrs. M. J. Hendee-Rogers
Mrs. Julia Schlesinger
Mrs. Emily Seeley
Mrs. Sarah Seal
Mrs. G. W. Shriner
Mrs. Elizabeth Sloper
Mrs. Clara E. Mayo-Steers
Mrs. Ella Merchant-Stewart
Mrs. Lizzie Fulton-Tuley
Mrs. Carrie Wermouth
Mrs. J. J. Whitney
Mrs. Hattie Wrenn
Mrs. E. Young
Dr. A. B. Coonley
Mrs. Carl Eberhard
Prof. Fred Evans
Mr. O. A. Kraus
Prof. J. J. MorseCertificates of Protection.
Miss Meda Hoskins
Mrs. R. A. GrayMissionaries
Mrs. Julia Schlesinger
Mrs. Elizabeth Sloper
Mrs. Salome Cowell
Mrs. W. J. X. Robinson
Mrs. Elizabeth Browning
Mrs. May Finlayson Drynan
Madam Florence MontagueMeeting of the State Board.
A special meeting of the Board of Directors of the California State Spiritualists’ Association was held last Thursday evening at 2096 Market St., San Francisco.
A charter was granted to the Society of Psychical Research, Oakland.
Mrs. Stanley, a poor old medium, made application for assistance, and the case was referred to the Ladies’ Aid Society for investigation.
Protection Certificates will now be issued to mediums, for a year, and the fee is $1.00.
Copies of the Constitution and Bylaws can be obtained free at the business office of the State Association—2096 Market St.
Any questions or requests for information, should be sent to the president or secretary.
The Constitution of the California State Association, gives “the exclusive right to ordain ministers or teachers” to its Board of Directors. All other alleged “ordinations” are unlawful, invalid and useless, and cannot be recognized by any loyal Spiritualistic individual or society in the world.
“Effective Organization,” The Philosophical Journal (San Francisco), May 13, 1897
On May 4th the prominent Spiritualists of Ohio assembled in the auditorium of the Board of Trade at Columbus, O., to organize a State Association. Although Ohio has been for years one of the strong-holds of Spiritualism, it has not been properly organized. The officers of the National Association have been busy for months trying to get an effecient organization there as well as in Tennessee, Texas and other States. They are now being rewarded in seeing these organizations inaugurated, and we all hope they may prosper and be the means of doing much effective service for the Cause.
In Columbus, the morning session of the first day was devoted to the reception of delegates, and the afternoon session of the convention was called to order by Charles W. Taylor of Washington, D. C., the State Organizer of the National Association. Mayor S. L. Black welcomed the delegates, and an impressive response was made by Mr. H. D. Barrett, of Boston, Mass., president of the National Spiritualists’ Association.
We have not yet received the report of the other sessions, but learn that among those from abroad upon the platform were Rev. Moses Hull, of Massachusetts, Maggie Waite of California, Hon. L. V. Moulton of Grand Rapids, Mich., J. Frank Baxter of Boston, and Mrs. Cora L. V. Richmond of Chicago.
Organization is our only hope. If the Spiritualists will combine and work together for the Cause, there are great possibilities for its success, and the propagation of the truths we hold dear. If nothing but disjointed action and strife are to prevail, then the result will be a disastrous failure.
We hope, however, that there is a sufficient appreciation of the work before us, and love for the truths committed to our care, to impel us to forget “the things which are behind,” and reach out for those before us, and with a hearty determination to work vigorously for organized labors and a systematic, energetic and decisive battle for our generous philosophy and its underlying phenomena.
“Ohio State Convention,” The Philosophical Journal (San Francisco), May 20, 1897
The opening exercises were noted in last week’s Journal.
On the second ay (May 4), the Ladies’ Aid Society tendered a reception to the delegates in the Odd Fellows’ Temple.
D. M. King said that Spiritualism was revolutionizing the religious thought of the age. He spoke enthusiastically of the fact that many business men, all over the state, were embracing Spiritualism.
C. C. Pomeroy, of Columbus, heartily endorsed the movement for closer relations among Ohio Spiritualists.
Rev. S. S. Bartlett, of Painsville, a recent convert, said that he investigated Spiritualism two years ago. Since that time he has been making two Spiritualist speeches a day.
J. L. Beilhart, of Canton, urged the necessity for organization along all lines.
The committee on nominations, reported the following, who were elected:
President—Hon. E. W. Bond, Willoughby; First Vice-President—Dell A. Herrick, Ravenna; Second Vice-President—Carrie Firth Curran, Toledo; Secretary—C. W. Taylor, Lima; Treasurer—J. D. Arras, Columbus; Trustees—J. E. Bruner, Cincinnati; W. H. Meyers, Hoaglin; Elizabeth Coit, Columbus; Abby L. Pettingill, Cleveland. These officers constitute the Board of Trustees.
On the third day, a conference meeting was conducted by Dr. F. Schermerhorn, of Akron. Several speakers related their experiences, including C. C. Pomeroy, of Columbus, and Prof. D. M. King, of Mantua Station.
It was decided that missionaries should be put into the field as soon as possible.
The financial affairs of the State Association were discussed, and the others and Trustees raised among themselves $425.
Vice-President Herrick explained the preparations for the Lake Brady Spiritualist Camp-meeting which will be held from June 27 to Aug. 29; Moses Hull will be the first speaker.
Addresses were made by J. E. Brunner and W. H. Meyers, two newly-elected trustees, who pledged renewed support and inspiration.
Mr. John Mullen, of California, followed with a beautiful solo, “Once More We Meet.”
Rev. Moses Hull delivered a very searching address, particularly to the Spiritualists. He explained the plan and growth of Spiritualism, referring to the excellent work accomplished by this convention.
The address of Rev. Cora L. V. Richmond, was one of the best delivered during the sessions of the convention.
Mrs. Maggie Waite, of California, gave successful tests.
The auditorium was crowded Wednesday evening. Brief addresses were made by J. Frank Baxter, Boston; Rev. Mrs. H. S. Lake, Cleveland; Hon. L. V. Moulton, Grand Rapids, Mich.; and Rev. Cora L. V. Richmond, Chicago.
The closing feature of the evening was some remarkable tests by Mrs. Maggie Waite, of California. Spiritualists were delighted and not a few strangers were completely mystified.
The convention was formally brought to a close about 10 p.m. Thursday, the attendance at the closing session being the largest yet. The addresses of the evening were delivered by President Barrett, Willard J. Hull, Hon. L. V. Moulton and Mrs. Cora L. V. Richmond. The addresses were followed by Spiritualist tests by Mrs. Maggie Waite, of California.
“Texas State Convention,” The Philosophical Journal, May 20, 1897
A Texas State Association has been formed and we are glad to say that it was harmonious throughout. It was a grand success, and all the delegates went home pleased. Dawning Light was made its official organ and gives a very good report of the proceedings from which we condense the following:
The proceedings opened with an address of welcome by Charles S. Newnam followed with an address by Dr. A. F. Brown. Miss Lydia W. Allen responded on behalf of the delegates.
The committee on permanent organization reported as follows: President, Allen Franklin Brown, San Antonio; Vice-President, Lock McDaniels, Houston; Secretary, Charles W. Newnam, San Antonio; Treasurer, H. A. Landes, Galveston; Trustees, Justin Cook, Baird; Jennie B. Hurlburt, Fort Worth; Miss Lydia W. Allen, Houston; W. H. Winn, El Paso; George Lang, Rosenburg.
The committee on permanent organization reported Constitution and By-Laws which were adopted.
In the evening Mr. John W. Ring gave an inspirational lecture and Mrs. E. A. Wells-Bedell gave tests.
On Sunday morning, Rev. R. H. Kneeshaw lectured on “Spiritual Unity,” and then gave tests.
In the afternoon Miss Lydia W. Allen gave a lecture, and Mrs. Cora L. V. Richmond followed with a beautiful inspirational poem.
In the evening a large crowd assembled to listen to an inspirational lecture by the guides of Mrs. Cora L. V. Richmond.
After Mrs. Richmond’s lecture Miss Bessie Rollins sang the beautiful solo, “Let the Sun Shine In.” Mrs. Richmond then rendered an inspirational poem from subjects suggested by the audience.
On Monday, after some routine business, passing of resolutions, etc., the closing addresses were given, and the convention adjourned, having done effective work and laid plans for future operations.