

The Religio-Philosophical Journal, July 5.

Lake Pleasant Spiritualist Campmeeting Association Announcement, Schedule, and Officers.

The New England Spiritualists Camp Meeting Association.
Eleventh Annual Convocation at Lake Pleasant, Montague, Mass.
On Hoosac Tunnel Route, from Aug. 2nd to Aug. 31st, 1884.


In making the Annual Announcement to the thousands who yearly pay a visit to this noted Camp Ground, the managers feel to say, that at no time in the past have they been able to present to the public a more talented listed of speakers or a more complete programme throughout, for the intellectual and social enjoyment of those who come here, than is presented for the season of 1884, and trust that it will meet with the approval of all.


Sunday, August 3rd.  Mrs. Sarah A. Byrnes, Boston, Mass.
             August 3rd.  Mr. Chas. Dawbarn.  New York, N. Y.
Tuesday, August 5th.  Mrs. C. F. Allyn, Stonham, Mass.
Wednesday, August 6th.  Mrs. Sarah A. Byrnes, Boston, Mass.
Thursday, August 7th.  Mr. Chas Dawbarn, New York, N. Y.
Friday, August 8th.  Mrs. C. F. Allyn, Stoneham, Mass.
Saturday, August 9th.  Mrs. R. S. Lillie, Philadelphia, Pa.
Sunday, August 10th.  Capt. H. H. Brown, Brooklyn, N. Y.
             August 10th.  Mrs. R. S. Lillie, Philadelphia, Pa.
Tuesday, August 12th.  Mrs. A. N. Burnham, Boston, Mass.
Wednesday, August 13th.  Mr. L. C. Howe, Fredonia, N. Y.
Thursday, August 14th.  Capt. H. H. Brown, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Friday, August 15th.  Mrs. N. Brigham, Elm Grove, Mass.
Saturday, August 16th.  Mr. L. C. Howe, Fredonia, N. Y.
Sunday, August 17th.  Rev. E. P. Powell, Clinton, N. Y.
             August 17th.  Mr. C. B. Lynn, Boston, Mass.
Tuesday, August 19th.  Mrs. Fanny D. Smith, Brnadon, Vt.
Wednesday, August 20th.  Mr. J. G. Jackson, Hockessin, Del.
Thursday, August 21st.  Mr. Shelly Denton, Wellesly, Mass.
Friday, August 22nd.  Mr. C. B. Lynn, Boston, Mass.
Saturday, August 23rd.  Mrs. H. Tuttle, Berlin Heights, O.
Sunday, August 24th.  Mr. H. Tuttle, Berlin Heights, O.
             August 24th.  Hon. A. H. Dailey, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Tuesday, August 26th.  Mr. H. Tuttle, Berlin Heights, O.
Wednesday, August 27th.  J. Frank Baxter, Chelsea, Mass.
Thursday, August 28th.  Mrs. Emma H. Britten, England.
Friday, August 29th.  Mr. H. Tuttle, Berlin Heights, O.
Saturday, August 30th.  Mr. Walter Howell, Philadelphia, Pa.
Sunday, August 31st.  J. Frank Baxter, Chelsea, Mass.
             August 31st.  Mrs. Emma H. Britten, England.


J. Frank Baxter.  Mr. Edgar W. Emerson.  Dr. W. B. Mills  Dr. J. V. Mansfield, the world renowned Spirit Post Master.  Mrs. Isa Wilson Porter.  Mrs. Maud E. Lord, and Dr. Henry Slade are also expected to be with us.


The Fitchburg Military Band of twenty-four pieces will arrive Saturday, August 2nd, and remain until Monday September 1st, giving daily two concerts—at 9:30 A. M. and 1 P. M.

Although this band has met with a great loss in the death of their late leader, Mr. Russell, we feel assured that its reputation will be fully sustained, and that the same care which led them to select Mr. Russell for their leader ten years, has been exercised in the choice of their new leader, Mr. G. A. Patz, of the Harvard Symphony Orchestra, and formerly a leader of the famous Gilmore’s Band, of Boston.  Mr. Patz is a fine performer, composer, arranger and conductor, and with a band composed of the best material as is the Fitchburg, we shall expect steady improvement under his baton.

The Russell Orchestra will furnish music for the dancing assemblies at the Pavilion, afternoon and evening.

For the first two weeks of the meeting we take pleasure in announcing the engagement of Mr. J. Frank Bacon, of Philadelphia, to lead the singing by the audience, with music by the band.  Mr. Bacon will also organize a choir of mixed voices, and a chorus of children to sing as opportunity affords.  From the 17th to the 31st of August inclusive, the Amphion Glee Club of Troy, will be in attendance at all the meetings.  This Club is a quintette of male singers; John A. Gifford, manager; N. B. Ferguson, musical director; A. McGown, 1st tenor; Jas. Palmer, 2nd tenor; J. W. Lyons, organist.  The club will also give two evening concerts in the auditorium, at which a collection will be taken.  Mr. J. Frank Baxter will also be present the last two weeks of the meeting, and will frequently sing upon the platform.


Evening concerts, readings, etc., will be given in Association Hall.

Dancing assemblies at the pavilion every week day afternoon and evening.  Friday evening August 22, grand fancy dress party.

H. L. Barnard, of Greenfield, with his usual characteristic enterprise, has built a skating rink 70 x 170 feet, for the pleasure of the lovers of that fascinating art, which will be opened to the public July 4th.

Special trains for the accommodation of dancing parties, and for the rink, will be run from Turner’s Falls and Greenfield on Wednesday evenings, August 13, 20 and 27—and from Athol on Thursday evenings August 14, 21 and 28.


Those who wish to secure lots for tents or cottages, lumber for tent floors or building purposes, or have tents ready for occupancy upon their arrival, should correspond with the Chairman of the Committee on Grounds and Tents, Mr. N. S. Henry, Lake Pleasant, Montague, Mass.

Parties holding receipts for lots, and desirous of leasing them, will please notify Mr. Henry as early as possible.

The price for a 10 x 12 tent for the season will be $7, and $1 extra for fly roof; to be paid for as soon as occupied.

Ground rent for cottages, $3; tents, $2, and unless paid annually on or before January 7th, the claim will be forfeited to the Association.

An extra charge will be made for lots on which more than one tent is placed.


Camp Equipage.—Freight cars for the transportation of freight to Lake Pleasant will run as follows over the Fitchburg Railroad.

Leave Boston Wednesday mornings, July 9th and 16th, stopping at way stations on the main and east of Fitchburg.  The same car will leave Fitchburg of Thursday mornings, July 10th and 17th, stopping at way stations.

Between August 12th and 23rd, inclusive, leave Boston each Tuesday and Friday morning, stopping at way stations on the main road east of Fitchburg.  The same car will leave Fitchburg on Wednesday and Saturday mornings, stopping at way stations.

All freight from Boston for the above mentioned cars should be delivered at Freight House No. 1 one day in advance.

Between July 22nd and August 30th, inclusive, a freight car exclusively for freight from Boston will leave Boston each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, after 4 P. M. and will be due to arrive at Lake Pleasant early the following morning.  Freight for this must be delivered at Freight House No. 1, at or before 3:30 P. M.

On the Connecticut River Railroad, between July 18th and August 1st, inclusive, a car for freight will leave Springfield and way stations each Friday morning, arriving at the Lake the next morning.  All freight from Springfield for these cars must be loaded on Thursdays.

Camp equipage will be transferred from the cars to any part of the old grounds at the following prices:  One-horse load, 25 cents; two-horse load, 50 cents.  New grounds, one-horse load, 35 cents; two-horse load, 60 cents.

Baggage from passenger trains to the old grounds—one trunk, 15 cents; two or more trunks for the same or different parties, 10 cents each.  To the new grounds—one trunk, 25 cents; two or more trunks to the same or different parties, 15 cents each.  Valises and satchels to all parts of the grove, 10 cents each.


The hotel, under the management of H. L. Barnard of Greenfield, the genial and popular landlord of last season, will be open for guests June 15.

Table board $5 per week; meals served on the European plan.

Rooms $1 per day and upwards according to location.

Board can also be obtained on the European plan at Mr. F. E. Stedman’s Lake Shore Café, in connection with which will be found a first-class bakery for the accommodation of campers.

Campers will furnish lodgings in their tents and cottages at 25 and 50 cents per night.

Cot beds, mattresses, and blankets, can be had of N. S. Henry, on Montague street.


The rates given are for tickets to Lake Pleasant and return, good from July 15 to September 15, unless otherwise specified in tables.

[Details of fares given for the following:]
Providence and Worcester Railroad
Boston, Barre & Gardner R. R.
Worcester & Nashua Railroad
Burlington & Lamoille Railroad
Cheshire Railroad
The Connecticut River Road
Old Colony Railroad
Passumpsic Railroad
New Haven & Northampton Railroad
New London Northern Railroad
[From New York via New London—Steamers of the Norwich and New York Transportation Company]
Bennington & Rutland Railroad, via Hoosac Tunnel Route
Central Vermont Railroad
New York Central Railroad, via Troy & Boston Railroad
Troy & Boston Railroad, via Hoosac Tunnel Route
[From New York via New York and Troy Citizen’s Line Steamers: Saratoga and City of Troy]
Fitchburg Railroad


Campers are requested to register at Headquarters on 1st avenue, on their arrival, in order that telegrams, express packages or inquiring friends may be directed to their cottages or tents.

Meats, poultry, fresh vegetables, berries, milk, fish, oysters and ice will be brought through the camp each morning by Franklin County dealers and farmers; and butter, cheese, eggs, fruit, groceries of all kinds, tin and wooden ware, crockery, etc., can be found at C. P. Wise’s grocery, on Montague street, opened June 15.

The Post Officer, Telegraph Office and Barber Shop will be opened Saturday, July 26.

The Lake Pleasant Stables have been enlarged to meet the growing demand for board, and will be in charge of Mr. W. E. Dudley, as heretofore.

A camp meeting paper will be published by R. Wm. Waterman, of Athol, who so ably conducted the Lake Pleasant Siftings of last season, and will be devoted to the best interests of the Association, reporting lectures, giving news items, and general information for visitors, etc.

Laws, Rules and Regulations, essential to good order, safety from fire, and strict sanitary conditions are in force and will be duly posted about the camp.  The laws of the State relating to camp meetings will be strictly enforced, as well as the special rules of this camp.

No Independent Conferences allowed.  All conference meetings to be appointed and controlled by the Association.


Any person of good moral character, in sympathy with the Association, and desiring to promote its objects, and not under 18 years of age, may become a member by subscribing his or her name to the Constitution and By-Laws, and paying $1.50 annually to the Association, or authorizing such subscription and payment.  All memberships expire at 9 o’clock A. M., of the third Monday of August of each year.  Next annual meeting, Monday, August 18th, at 9 o’clock, A. M.


Dr. Joseph Beals, Greenfield, Mass.

Newman Weeks, Rutland, Vt.
S. B. Nichols, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Silas Mason, Hartwellville, Vt.

N. S. Henry, Montague, Mass.

M. V. Lincoln, Boston, Mass.

Joseph Beals, Greensfield, Mass.
T. W. Coburn, Springfield, Mass.
David Jones, Utica, N. Y.
James Wilson, Bridgeport, Conn.
A. T. Pierce, Providence, R. I.
W. H. Gilmore, Chicopee, Mass.
Hon. A. H. Dailey, Brooklyn, N. Y.
M. V. Lincoln, Boston, Mass.

N. S. Henry, J. S. Hart, Frank Reed

Dr. N. D. Ross, Dr. E. A. Smith, D. B. Gerry

Dr. J. Beals, Dr. E. A. Smith, Mrs. A Pierce

T. W. Coburn, Mrs. J. Beals, W. H. Gilmore

J. S. Hart, Fred Gallupe

T. W. Coburn, N. S. Henry, Wm. H. Rynus

Mrs. N. D. Ross, Mrs. M. V. Lincoln, Mrs. M. H. Fletcher, Mrs. S. M. Kingley, Mrs. E. P. Morrell

A. T. Pierce, W. H. Gilmore

N. S. Henry, Chairman

N. S. Henry


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