

The Banner of Light, July 3.

List of Spiritualist Lecturers; Michigan Mediums Medical Association..


Rev. William Alcott, Swift River, Cummington, Mass.
J. Madison Allen, Matfield, Mass., box 26.
Mrs. N. K. Andross, trance speaker, Delton, Wis.
C. Fannie Allyn, Stoneham, Mass.
Stephen Pearl Andrews, 75 West 54th st., New York
Mrs. R. Augusta Anthony, Albion, Mich.
Mrs. M. C. Allbee, inspirational, Derby Line, Vt.
William H. Andrews, M.D., Cedar Falls, Ia.
Rev. Charles Andrus, Flushing, Mich.
Mrs. Emma Hardinge Britten, The Limes, 1 Humphrey street, Cheetham Hill, Manchester, Eng.
Mrs. Nellie J. T. Brigham, Colerain, Mass.
Mrs. R. W. Scott Briggs, West Winfield, N. Y.
Bishop A. Beals, Jamestown, Chautauqua Co., N. Y.
Mrs. Priscilla Doty Bradbury, Fairfield, Me.
Capt. H. H. Brown, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
Mrs. E. Burr, inspirational, box 7, Southford, Ct.
Addie L. Ballou, Sacramento, Cal.
Mrs. H. F. M. Brown, National City, Cal.
Dr. James K. Bailey, Sterlingville, Jefferson Co., N. Y.
Hervey Barber, Warwick, Mass.
William S. Bell, 73 Fourth street, New Bedford, Mass.
J. R. Buell and Mrs. Dr. Buell, Indianapolis, Ind.
Jennie Butler Browne, box 44, Stony Creek, Ct.
Prof. C. C. Bennett, M.D., New Haven, Ct. Lectures free.
Mrs. A. P. Brown, St. Johnsbury Centre, Vt.
C. A. Blake, 58 Front street, Worcester, Mass.
Mrs. S. A. Byrnes, 95 Webster st., East Boston, Mass.
J. Frank Baxter, 181 Walnut street, Chelsea, Mass.
Mrs. L. E. Bailey, Battle Creek, Mich.
A. B. Brown, box 744, Worcester, Mass.
J. P. Brown, M.D., philosophical, Whiteboro, Texas.
Mrs. Abby N. Burnham, 9 Davis street, Boston
Mrs. Emma J. Bullene, 137 East 27th street, New York.
Miss Lizzie D. Bailey, Louisville, Ky.
D. S. Cadwallader, 525 West Seventh street, Wilmington, Del.
W. J. Colville, inspirational orator and poet, 94 Pembroke street, Boston, Mass.
William Emmette Coleman, Chief-Quartermaster’s office, Presidio of San Francisco, Cal.
Warren Chase, Santa Barbara, Cal.
Dr. Dean Clark, Portland, Ore.
Mrs. Hettie Clarke, trance speaker, will answer calls to lecture or attend funerals. 57 Dover street, Boston.
Mrs. S. E. Crossman, 5 Temple Place, Boston.
Dr. J. H. Currier, 71 Leverett street, Boston, Mass.
Mrs. Jennett J. Clark, Plainville, Ct.
George W. Carpender, Kendallville, Ind.
Mrs. Marietta F. Cross, trance, W. Hampstead, N. H.
Mrs. M. J. Colburn, Champlin, Hennepin Co., Minn.
Mrs. Belle A. Chamberlain, Eureka, Cal.
Mrs. J. F. Coles, trance, 735 Broadway, New York.
Dr. James Cooper, Bellefontaine, O.
Dr. G. C. Castleman, Knobnoster, Johnson Co., Mo.
Dr. L. K. Coonley, “Payne Mansion,” Marshfield, Mass.
Mrs. Amelia H. Colby, Laona, N. Y.
Mrs. M. A. Charter, 51 Main street, Springville, N. Y.
Rev. A. C. Cotton, Vineland, N. J.
Eben Cobb, inspirational, 152 Castle street, Boston, Mass.
Rev. Norwood Damon, 62 Warrenton St., Boston, Mass.
William Denton, Wellesley, Mass.
Miss Lizzie Doten, Pavilion, 57 Tremont street, Boston.
Mrs. Addie P. M. Davis, Birmingham, Ala.
J. Hamlin Dewey, M.D., 63 Warren avenue, Boston
A. E. Doty, Ilion, Herkimer Co., N. Y.
A. H. Darrow, Waynesville, Ill.
A. Briggs Davis, Brentwood, L. I., N. Y.
Mrs. C. A. Delafolie, Hartford, Ct.
Mrs. S. Dick, care Banner of Light, Boston, Mass.
Prof. R. G. Eccles, 101 4th st., Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y.
John W. Evarts, inspirational speaker, Centralia, Ill.
John N. Eames, inspirational, 148 Cambridge street, Boston, Mass.
Thomas Gales Forster, 307 West 48th street, New York.
J. William Fletcher, care Banner of Light, Boston, Mass.
Rev. J. Francis, inspirational, Sacket’s Harbor, N. Y.
Mrs. Clara A. Field, inspirational, 19 Essex street, Boston, Mass.
Mrs. Mary L. French, Townsend Harbor, N. Y.
Mrs. M. A. Fullerton, M.D., 33 East Seneca street, Buffalo, N. Y.
George A. Fuller, trance and normal, Dover, Mass.
Nettie M. P. Fox, Ottumway, Ia.
D. M. Fox, Ottumwa, Ia.
Mrs. M. H. Fuller, Saratoga, Santa Clara Co., Cal.
A. B. French, Clyde, O.
P. A. Field, Bernardston, Mass.
Mrs. Addie E. Frye, trance medium, Fort Scott, Kan., will answer calls anywhere in the Southwest.
Dr. H. P. Fairfield, Worcester, Mass., P. O. box 275.
Dr. Robert Greer, Chicago, Ill.
Dr. C. D. Grimes, P. O. Box 452, Sturgis, Mich.
Kersey Graves, Richmond, Ind.
N. S. Greenleaf, Lowell, Mass.
Isaac P. Greenleaf, Onset Bay, East Wareham, Mass.
Sarah Graves, inspirational, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Miss Lessie N. Goodell, inspirational, Amherst, Mass., lock box K.
Mrs. Cornelia Gardner, 68 Jones street, Rochester, N. Y.
Mrs. R. K. Stoddard-Gray, lecturer, and her son, DeWitt C. Hough, physical medium, 324 West 52nd street, New York City.
E. G. Granville, Atchison, Kan.
Mrs. M. C. Gale, North Lansing, Mich.
Lora S. Gregg, West Littleton, Mass.
Ella E. Gibson, Barre, Mass.
George H. Geer, inspirational, Farmington, Minn.
Miss E. M. Gleason, trance speaker, Geneva, Ashtabula Co., O.
E. Anne Hinman, West Winsted, Ct., box 323.
Lyman C. Howe, Fredonia, N. Y.
Mrs. S. A. Horton, Galveston, Tex.
Mrs. S. A. Rogers Heyder, trance and inpirational, Grass Valley, Nevada Co., Cal., care William Heyder, Esq.
Mrs. M. J. Upham Hendee, 900 Post street, San Francisco, Cal.
William A. D. Hume, West Side P. O., Cleveland, O.
R. W. Hume, Long Island City, N. Y., will lecture on the reforms connected with Spiritualism.
Rev. J. H. Harter, Auburn, N. Y.
Dr. E. B. Holden, inspirational, North Clarendon, Vt.
Mrs. F. O. Hyzer, 433 E. Baltimore st., Baltimore, Md.
Mrs. L. Hutchison, inspirational, Owensville, Cal.
Dr. Adelia Hull, 109 South 2nd street, Harrisburg, Pa.
Henry Hitchcock, 620 North 5th st., St. Louis, Mo.
Mrs. M. A. C. Heath, Bethel, Vt.
Anthony Higgins, Jr., 209 Stewart street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Dr. D. W. Hull, Montgomery, Mich.
F. B. Hawkins, 154 Division avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Prof. William H. Holmes, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Annie C. Torry Hawks, trance, inspirational, 206 Union street, Memphis, Tenn.
Zella S. Hastings, inspirational, East Whately, Mass.
Moses Hull, Lineville, Crawford Co., Penn.
Mrs. Mattie E. Hull, Lineville, Crawford Co., Penn.
Miss Susie M. Johnson, 317 First avenue, South Minneapolis, Minn.
Mary L. Jewett, M. D., trance, Rutland, Vt.
W. L. Jack, Haverhill, Mass.
Harvey A. Jones, Esq., Sycamore, Ill.
Mrs. S. A. Jesmer, Amdsden, Vt.
Dr. William R. Joscelyn, Santa Cruz, Cal.
Mrs. L. E. H. Jackson, Lock Box 18, Fitchburg, Mass.
D. P. Kayner, M.D., St. Charles, Ill.
O. P. Kellogg, East Trumbull, Ashtabula Co., O.
Mrs. R. G. Kimball, Lebanon, N. H.
Mrs. Frank Reid Knowles, Breedsville, Mich.
Mrs. Dr. H. R. Knaggs, box 227, Traverse City, Mich.
Mrs. Nellie J. Kenyon, trance, Woodstock, Vt.
Mrs. Laura Kendrick, 31 Henson st., Boston, Mass.
Mrs. Anna Kimball, box 20, Dunkirk, N. Y.
Dr. J. S. Loucks, Potsdam, N. Y.
Miss Jennie Leys, inspirational, Los Angeles, Cal.
William F. Lyon, Adrian, Mich.
Mrs. F. A. Logan, 221 First street, Portland, Ore.
Henry C. Lull, 943 Washington street, Boston, Mass.
Dr. George W. Lusk, lecturer, Eaton Rapids, Mich.
Cephas B. Lynn, care Banner of Light, Boston, Mass.
Charles H. Leland, Hayden Row, Mass.
Mrs. M. W. Leslie, inspirational, 81 Dover street, Boston, Mass.
Mrs. J. T. Lillie, inspirational, 1601 North 15th street, Philadelphia, Pa.
John N. Lee, inspirational speaker, 59 Dover street, Boston, Mass.
P. C. Mills, Sioux Rapids, Iowa.
Mrs. E. H. Fuller McKinley, San Francisco, Cal.
F. H. Mason, inspirational speaker, No. Conway, N. H.
Mrs. Lizzie Manchester, West Randolph, Vt.
Mrs. Nettie Colburn Maynard, White Plains, N. Y.
Mrs. H. Morse, 77 Dartmouth street, Boston, Mass.
Mrs. Minnie Merton, Brentwood, L. I., N. Y.
J. William Van Namee, M.D., 8 Davis street, Boston, Mass.
Valentine Nichelson, Ashley, Delaware Co., O.
Celia M. Nickerson, 89 School street, Egleston Sq., Boston, Mass.
J. M. Peebles, Hammonton, N. J.
Mrs. L. H. Perkins, trance, Kansas City, Mo.
Mrs. A. M. L. Potts, M.D., lecturer, Adrian, Mich.
Theodore F. Price, inspirational, Menon, White Co., Ind.
Lydia A. Pearsall, Disco, Mich.
Mrs. A. E. Mossop-Putnam, Flint, Mich.
Miss Dorcas E. Pray, Augusta, Me.
Dr. G. Amos Peirce, inspirational, trance, box 129, Lewiston, Me.
Mrs. L. A. Paseo, 137 Trumbull street, Hartford, Conn.
John G. Priegel, Plattsburg, Mo.
Stillman Putney, Owego, Tioga Co., N. Y.
F. L. Richardson, trance, Augusta, Me.
Rev. A. B. Randall, Appleton, Wis.
Mrs. Palina J. Roberts, Carpenterville, Ill.
Dr. H. Reed, Chicopee, Mass.
J. B. Randall, trance, Clyde, O., till further notice.
William Rose, M.D., 598 First street, Louisville, Ky.
Lysander S. Richards, East Marshfield, Mass.
Mrs. C. L. V. Richmond, 64 Union Park Place, Chicago, Ill.
Sarah Helen M. Roundy, Springfield, Vt.
Frank T. Ripley, Antwerp, Paulding Co., O.
M. L. Sherman, trance speaker, box 126, Adrian, Mich.
Mrs. Addie M. Stevens, inspirational, Claremont, N. H.
E. W. Shortridge, Salem, Oregon.
Mrs. K. R. Stiles, 146 Pleasant st., Worcester, Mass.
Thomas Street, Lockland, O.
Sarah E. Somerby, M.D., 18 Bond street, New York.
Oliver Sawyer, inspirational, Fitzwilliam, N. H.
Albert Stegeman, Allegan, Mich.
Mrs. Fannie Davis Smith, Brandon, Vt.
Mrs. P. W. Stephens, Sacramento, Cal.
John M. Spear, 2210 Mount Vernon st., Philadelphia, Pa.
Mrs. S. A. Smith, trance speaker, Athol, Mass.
Giles B. Stebbins, 280 Henry street, Detroit, Mich.
Dr. O. Clark Sprague, Rochester, N. Y.
Mrs. C. M. Stowe, 119 Fourth st., San Francisco, Cal.
Dr. H. B. Storer, 29 Indiana Place, Boston, Mass.
Mrs. J. H. Severance, M.D., Milwaukee, Wis.
Mrs. Julia A. B. Seiver, Tampa, Fla.
John Brown Smith, M.D., Redwood Falls, Minn.
James H. Shepard, South Acworth, N. H.
Mrs. Almira W. Smith, Portland, Me.
Abram Smith, Sturgis, Mich.
Mrs. L. A. F. Swain, inspirational, Union Lakes, Minn.
E. D. Strong, lock box 65, Danbury, Ct.
J. W. Seaver, inspirational, Byron, N. Y.
Joseph D. Stiles, Weymouth, Mass.
Austen E. Simmons, Woodstock, Vt.
Mrs. Julia A. Spaulding, 12 Front street, Worcester, Mass.
C. W. Stewart, Geneva Lake, Wis.
E. W. Slosson, Alburgh, Franklin Co., N. Y.
T. H. Stewart, Kendallville, Ia.
A. B. Spinney, M.D., 204 Woodward avenue, Detroit, Mich.
Mrs. H. T. Stearns, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Miss Hattie Smart, inspirational, 30 Medford street, Chelsea, Mass.
Mrs. L. M. Spencer, trance speaker, 470 East Water street, Milwaukee, Wis.
George W. Taylor, Lawton’s Station, Erie Co., N. Y.
J. H. W. Toohey, 147 ½ Broadway Square, Chelsea, Mass.
Hudson Tuttle, Berlin Heights, O.
S. A. Thomas, M. D. Pennville, Ind.
Thomas B. Taylor, inspirational, Milford, Mass.
William Thayer, Corfu, Genesee Co., N. Y.
T. B. Taylor, M. D., 31 West State st., Trenton, N. J.
C. M. A. Twitchell, 129 Prospect st., Somerville, Mass.
Mrs. Anna (Middlebrook) Twiss, Manchester, N. H.
Elizabeth L. Watson, Titusville, Penn.
N. Frank White, 521 Tenth street, Washington, D. C.
Susie Nickerson White, trance speaker, 148 West Newton street, Boston, Mass.
James J. Wheeler, Cedar Lake, Herkimer Co., N. Y.
Dr. E. R. Wheelock, Berville, Mich.
Elijah Woodworth, inspirational, Leslie, Mich.
E. A. Wheeler, inspirational, Utica, N. Y.
A. C. Whipple, Valley Falls, R. I.
Mrs. Elvira Wheelock, Janesville, Wis.
Mrs. Hattie K. Wilson, Hotel Kirkland, Kirkland street, Boston, Mass.
S. H. Wortman, Buffalo, N. Y.
Mrs. Sophia Woods, Eden Mills, Vt.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Wheat, Colfax, Iowa.
Marcenus R. K. Wright, Middleville, Mich., box 11.
Warren Woolson, inspirational, North Bay, N. Y.
Mrs. Mary E. Withee, Marlboro, Mass, box 532.
R. P. Wilson, 247 East 52nd street, New York.
Mrs. Rachel Walcott, No. 55 North Liberty street, Baltimore Md.
Miss Abbie W. Whitney, Montpelier, Vt.
R. Witherell, Chesterfield, Mass.
Asa Warren, No. 101 Julien avenue, Dubuque, Iowa.
Mrs. N. J. Willis, 236 Broadway, Cambridgeport, Mass.
George C. Waite, Sandy Point, Me.
Sarah A. Wiley, Rockingham, Vt.
Lois Waisbrooker, Riverside, Cal.
E. S. Wheeler, 1412 North 11th street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Mrs. M. S. Townsend Wood, West Newton, Mass.
Dr. D. Winder, Wyoming, Ohio.
Mrs. H. P. Wells will answer calls to lecture and conduct funeral services.  Address Highland Ave., Salem, Mass.
Mrs. S. A. Walters, North Lansing, Mich.
Mrs. Juliette Yeaw, Northboro, Mass.
Dr. J. L. York, Ionia, Mich.
Dr. John S. Zelley, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa.


To the Editor of the Banner of Light:

The Board of Censors of the above Association met at Liberal Hall, Lansing, May 20th, for the purpose of perfecting their organization and the examination of applicants, the Rev. Charles A. Andrus, President, in the chair.

After some preliminary business they proceeded to fill the various chairs as follows:  Dr. R. M. Lewis, Chesaning, Professor of Anatomy, Obstetrics, Surgery; Dr. W. De Clarenze, East Saginaw, Professor of Theory and Practice; Dr. George Bliss Fowler, Professor of Physiology and Chemistry; Mrs. Dr. E. E. Hatch, Elkhart, Ind., Professor of Pathology, Materia Medica; Dr. M. B. Sheets, Lansing, Professor of Clairvoyance and Magnetism.

A Medical Diploma in regular form was drawn up and printed; eight of these were immediately granted to worthy practicing physicians, one among the number being Charles E. Taylor, of St. Thomas, Danish West Indies, a prominent Spiritualist worker in the cause.

Amendments to the obnoxious medical bills now pending were drawn up and presented after a thorough discussion of the matter.

The Professors were instructed to prepare themselves to deliver one or more lectures, clinical or otherwise, at the Annual Meeting to be held in Lansing, July 30th, when applicants for certificates or diplomas from any State or County must present themselves for examination, or satisfy the Board of their proficiency.

A. E. Nugent, Sec’y.
Lansing, Mich., May 25th, 1881.


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