"Reformatory Lecturers," Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly (New York), August 16; "Directory of Social Freedom," August 30
In view of the determination recently manifested by certain would-be authorities in Spiritualism, and from a sincere desire to promote their expressed purposes, to set up a distinction that will produce a free and a muzzled rostrum; we shall henceforth publish in this list the names and addresses of such speakers, now before the public and hereafter to appear, as will accept no engagement to speak from any committee or arrangement, with any proviso whatever, as to what subject they shall treat, or regarding the manner in which it shall be treated. A reformatory movement, such as Spiritualism really is, cannot afford so soon to adopt the customs of the Church and fall into its dotage. On the contrary, it demands an unflinching advocacy of all subjects upon which the Spirit world inspires their mediums under the absolute freedom of the advocate. To all those speakers who wish to be understood as being something above the muzzled ox which treads out the corn, this column is now open:
C. Fannie Allyn, Stoneham, Mass.
J. I. Arnold, Clyde, O.
Rev. J. O Barrett, Battle Creek, Mich.
Mrs. H. F. M. Brown, National City, Cal.
Annie Denton Cridge, Wellesley, Mass.
Warren Chase, St. Louis, Mo.
A. Briggs Davis, Clinton, Mass.
Mrs. L. E. Drake, Plainwell, Mich.
Miss Nellie L. Davis, North Billerca, Mass.
Lizzie Doten, Pavilion, 57 Tremont street, Boston, Mass.
R. G. Eccles, Andover, Ohio.
Mrs. Elvira Hull, Vineland, N. J.
Moses Hull, Vineland, N. J.
D. W. Hull, Hobart, Ind.
Charles Holt, Warren, Pa.
E. Annie Hinman, West Winsted, Ct.
Anthony Higgins, Jersey City, N. J.
W. F. Jamieson, 139 Monroe street, Chicago, Ill.
Miss Jennie Leys, 4 Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass.
Cephas B. Lynn, Sturgis, Mich.
Mrs. F. A. Logan, Buffalo, N. Y.
Anna M. Middlebrook, Bridgeport, Ct.
J. H. Randall, Clyde, O.
A. C. Robinson, Lynn, Mass.
Mrs. H. J. Severance, Milwaukee, Wis.
Laura Cuppy Smith, No. 1 Atlantic street, Lynn, Mass.
M. L. Sherman, Adrian, Mich.
John Brown Smith, 812 N. 16th st., Philadelphia, Pa.
Mrs. H. T. Stearns, Corry, Pa.
Dr. H. B. Storer, 137 Harrison avenue, Boston, Mass.
C. W. Stewart, Janesville, Wis.
J. H. W. Toohey, Providence, R. I.
F. L. H. Willis, Willimantic, Ct.
Lois Waisbrooker, Battle Creek, Mich.
Prof. E. Whipple, Clyde, Ohio.
John B. Wolff, 510 Pearl street, N. Y.
William Rose, M. D. 102 Murison street, Cleveland.
Dr. George Newcomer, Jackson, Mich.
Mrs. L. H. Perkins, Kansas City, Mo.
James Foran, M. D., Waverly, N. Y.
Mrs. C. M. Stowe, San Jose, Cal.
Clara A. Field, Newport, Maine.
Hannah T. Stearns, Trance Speaker, Corry, Penn.
H. H. Brown, 347 W. Madison street, Chicago, Ill.
J. T. Haughey, Paola, Kansas.
J. P. Greenleaf, 37 Milford street, Boston, Mass.
Elvira Wheelock Ruggles, Havana, Ill.Directory of Social Freedom.
We desire to present from time to time a list of the writers and speakers who advocate Social Freedom. The time is not far distant when it will be necessary that these shall know each other, and it is at the suggestion of one of the most able writers and speakers, and most earnest of them all on this ubject that we now invite names for this directory:
Francis Barry, Ravenna, Ohio.
Julia [Juliet] H. Severance, Milwaukie, Wis.
Thomas W. Organ, Tuscola, Ill.
Loren Hollister, Turner, Ill.
J. W. Evarts, Centralia, Ill.
Laura Cuppy Smith, care this office.
Anna M. Middlebrook, Bridgeport, Conn.
J. K. Philleo, Parkman, Ohio.
L. K. Joslin, Providence, R. I.
E. H. Heywood, Princeton, Mass.
[Angela] Heywood, Princeton, Mass.
Seward Mitchell, Cornville, Me.
Carrie Lewis, Cleveland, Ohio.
Daniel Wood, Lebanon, Me.
Lessie Goodell Steinmetz, Amherst, Mass.
Nellie L. Davis, North Billerica, Mass.
J. K. Moore, Oil City, Pa.
Mrs. M. E. B. Sawyer, 27 Milford St., Boston.
Frances Rose Mackinley, 769 Mission St., San Francisco.
Sada Bailey, Waukegan, Ill.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::