The Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser
Fifth National Convention of Spiritualists, Rochester, New York, August 25-28.
“National Convention of Spiritualists,” The Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser, August 26, 1868.
There is quite a large attendance upon this convention now sitting at Corinthian Hall. Sixteen States have representatives here, and there is considerable talent in the gathering, and a few men and women of note in spiritual circles. None but delegates are allowed to participate in the proceedings, which are conducted with as much regularity as though the Convention was composed of common individuals who hold no special relation to the spirits of the departed.
At the opening of the afternoon session yesterday, the Business Committee supported the following formidable array of names for officers of the Convention:
For President—Dorus M. Fox, of Lyons, Michigan.
Vice Presidents—H. F. Brown, of Chicago, Ill.; Emma Tuttle, of Ohio; James Furbish, of Maine; Frank Chase, of New Hampshire; H. S. Greenleaf, of Massachusetts; Jacob Millisock, of Iowa; Reuben Post, Minnesota; Caroline a Fordham, Kansas; Jonathan E. Giles, Missouri; Nettie Pease, Indiana; R. P. Smith, Kentucky; Jesse B. Ferguson, Tennessee; E. F. Simon, Louisiana; Mrs. Dignowetty, Texas; Clara F. Sneld, Georgia; Flora M. Kimball, California; Philip D. Moore, Washington Territory.
Secretary—Henry T. Child, Philadelphia.
Treasurer—M. B. Dyott, Philadelphia.
Miss Weeks, Vermont; Laura Bliven, Rhode Island; Mr. Gates, Connecticut; Warren Chase, New York; Portia Gage, New Jersey; M. B. Dyott, Pennsylvania; Thomas Garrett, Delaware; Jacob Weaver, Maryland; John Mayhew, District of Columbia; Susan Coryell, Michigan; Lorenzo D. Nickerson, Wisconsin.
The report of the Committee was adopted.
Mr. Fox, the President elect, took the chair and made an extended address, stating what he understood to be the objects of the convention, and expressing his views as to the method of conducting the business.
The subject of education was first considered, and elicited considerable discussion. A committee of five ladies, and as many gentlemen, were appointed to consider and report on education. The children of the Spiritualists are not only to be educated, but they are to be taught the doctrines peculiar to their parents.
The rest of the afternoon session was consumed in a discussion as to the merits of long speeches, and whether such should be permitted in the evening.
Rev. John Pierpont deceased, late President of the Association, closed the session with a benediction, which came through a female named Horton, who had been in communication with the deceased.
The evening session was spent in revelations of personal experience among the spirits. Dr. Hallock, of New York; Dr. Havens, of Buffalo; Dr. Mayhew, of Washington, and W. L. Burtis, had the floor most of the time. Miss Nettie Pease recited a poem. Miss Horton spoke on the importance of harmony in the proceedings.
The Business Committee reported the following as the order of the proceedings for to-day:
The hall to be opened from 8 to 9 A. M. for social intercourse.
From 9 to 12 A. M. Reports of Committees are to be made.
From 2 to 5 P.M. discussion of resolutions.
From 7 to 8 P. M., Conference.
The remainder of the evening to be devoted to addresses by Frank Chase, Esq., of New Hampshire, and Dr. R. T. Hallock, of New York.
There was a very large attendance in the Convention this forenoon. A different and more intelligent class of people was present than has been seen at similar conventions heretofore.
The members of the Convention met informally at 8 o’clock, and an hour was spent in social converse.
The convention was called to order at 9 o’clock. Invocation by Mrs. E. P. Clark.
A report was made by Mr. Dyott of Philadelphia, from a committee appointed last year in regard to medals, &c. The emblems were exhibited. The one designed for the Children’s Lyceum is formed by a disk of pure silver, the lower half of which is embossed representing clouds; upon the upper half a golden sun is represented as rising out of and above the clouds, surmounted with the motto of progression occupying the centre of an arch, each end of which rests upon a cluster of stars. A golden target is placed upon the clouds, with the inscription “Lyceum” upon it.
Another emblem was exhibited, designed, as was explained, for the “Order of Eternal Progress.”
A discussion of some length ensued on the acceptance of the Report. The report was finally accepted and the committee discharged.
A motion was made to pay M. B. Dyott $1100 for the patent of the medals. Six ayes, several hundred noes. [The funds of the society being low, the last vote was received with cheers.]
M. B. Dyott of Philadelphia submitted a report in regard to a Secret Order of Spiritualists. The report took the ground that it was improper to form a religious secret order, but that a benevolent order, embracing Spiritualists of both sexes, after the plan of the Odd Fellows’ Society, was highly proper and should be encouraged. The report was accepted and the committee discharged.
Mr. Mayhew, from a committee appointed last year to collect statistics in regard to the progress of Spiritualism, submitted a report. The chairman of the committee stated that his efforts had been a failure, from the inaccuracy of statements submitted. He read a tabular statement of such facts as he had collected.
An animated discussion ensued. The report was not accepted.
After the transaction of some unimportant business, Sojourner Truth was introduced to the Convention, and made an address of five minutes.
Song by Mr. Beals.
The morning session was closed by prayer by Mrs. H. F. M. Brown of Illinois.
“National Convention of Spiritualists,” The Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser, August 27, 1868.
This body continues its sessions at Corinthian Hall with a large attendance. At the afternoon session of yesterday the hall was two-thirds filled, and no considerable portion were spectators.
After a song from Mr. Beals and an invocation from Miss Pierce [Pease?], a rule was adopted restricting delegates to ten minute speeches.
Mr. Dunn reported that the Finance Committee had collected $158, and that the balance required—some $40—would be forthcoming:
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved, That we sympathize with the friends of spiritualism in all parts of the country where they are so far isolated as not to be able to form local or State societies, and that a committee of five persons of each sex be appointed to take into consideration the general subject, and report at a future sitting of this Convention what in their judgment will be the best means of affording relief.
The Chair named the following as such committee:
Carpenter, of Massachusetts; Rehn, of Pennsylvania; Wheeler, of Ohio; J. H. White, of Michigan; Stone, of Wisconsin; and Mrs. Doty, Mrs. Child, Mrs. Burtis, Mrs. Lowrie, and Mrs. Anderson.
Mr. Kilgore, from the Committee on Resolutions, submitted the following:
Resolved, That the rights of minorities are in no wise compromised by the action of majorities, and therefore all resolutions of this Convention embodying declarations of principles or purposes are to be interpreted as the responsible opinions of those only who vote in the affirmative.
Resolved, That spiritualism teaches:
1. That man has a spiritual nature as well as a corporeal; in other words, that the real man is a spirit, which spirit has an organized form, composed of sublimated material, with parts and organs corresponding to those of the corporeal body.
2. That man, as a spirit, is immortal. Being found to survive that change called physical death, it may be reasonably supposed that he will survive all future vicissitudes.
3. That there is a spiritual world, or state, with its substantial realities, objective as well as subjective.
4. That the process of physical death in no way essentially transforms the mental constitution or the moral character of those who experience it, else it would destroy their identity.
5. That happiness or suffering in the spiritual state, as in this, depends not on arbitrary decree or special provision, but on character, aspirations and degree of harmonization, or of personal conformity to universal and divine law.
6. Hence that the experiences and attainments of this life lay the foundation on which the next commences.
7. That since the growth (in some degree) is the law of the human being in the present life, and since the process called death is in fact but a birth into another condition of life, retaining all the advantages gained, in the experiences of this life, it may be inferred growth, development, expansion or progression is the endless destiny of the human spirit.
8. That the spiritual world is not far off, but near around, or interblended with our present state of existence; and hence that we are constantly under the cognizance of spiritual beings.
9. That as individuals are passing from the earthly to the spiritual state in all stages of mental and moral growth, that state includes all grades of character from the lowest to the highest.
10. That, as heaven and hell, or happiness and misery, depend on internal states rather than on external surroundings, there are as many gradations of each as there are shades of character—each one gravitating to his own place by natural law of affinity. They may be divided into seven general degrees or spheres; but these must admit of indefinite diversifications, or “many mansion,” corresponding to diversified individual characters—each individual being as happy as his character will allow him to be.
11. That communications from the spirit world, whether by mental impressions, inspiration, or any other mode of transmission, are not necessarily infallible truth, but on the contrary partake unavoidably of the imperfections of the minds from which they emanate and of the channels through which they come, and are, moreover, liable to misinterpretation by those to whom they are addressed.
12. Hence, that no inspired communication, in this or any age (whatever claims may be or have been set up as to its source), is authoritative any farther than it expresses truth to the individual consciousness—which last is the final standard to which all inspired or spiritual teachings must be brought for judgment.
13. That inspiration, or the influx of ideas and promptings from the spiritual realm, is not a miracle of a past age, but a perpetual fact, the ceaseless method of the divine economy for human elevation.
14. That all angelic and all demoniac beings which have manifested themselves or interposed in human affairs in the past, were simply disembodied human spirits, in different grades of advancement.
15. That all the authentic miracles (so called) in the past, such as the raising of the apparently dead, the healing of the sick, unharmed contact with poisons, the movement of physical objects, without visible instrumentality; &c., &c., have been produced in harmony with universal laws, and hence may be repeated at any time under suitable conditions.
16. That the causes of all phenomena—the sources of all life, intelligence and love—are to be sought in the internal, the spiritual realm, not in the external or material.
17. That the chain of causation leads inevitably upward or onward to an infinite spirit, who is not only a forming principle (wisdom) but an affectional source (love)—thus sustaining the dual, parental relations of father and mother to all finite intelligencies, who, of course, are all brethren.
18. That man as the offspring of this infinite parent, is his highest representative on this plane of being—the perfect man being the most complete embodiment of the “Father’s fulness” which we can contemplate; and that each man is or has by virtue of this parentage in his inmost a germ of divinity—an incorruptible portion of the divine essence, which is ever prompting to the right, and which in time will free itself from all imperfections incident to the rudimental or earthly condition, and will triumph over all evil.
19. That all evil is disharmony, greater or less with this inmost or divine principles; and hence whatever prompts and aids man to bring his more external nature into subjection to, and harmony with his interiors—whether it be called “Christianity,” “Spiritualism,” or the “Harmonial Philosophy,”—whether it recognize the “Holy Ghost,” the Bible, or a present spiritual and celestial influx—is a “means of salvation” from evil.
As soon as the reading of the resolutions was concluded a delegate rose and inquired if the substance of one or more of the resolutions was not copied from some work on spiritualism that he named. This caused a disturbance. The Chairman of the Committee refused to answer the question, and for a few minutes the audience was fluttering. At length, however, the storm subsided, as did the man who put the question.
A delegate objected to the term “sublimated material” in clause one of the platform. He said that it was a recognition of the doctrine of materialism. He moved to substitute the words “refined substance.”
A lady inquired what was the difference between material and substance?
No one was prepared to answer that question.
The Chairman of the Committee explained that it was designed to embody in this resolution, one of the primary doctrines of the spiritualists, and that was that the spirit after it had left the body which it used while here in its natural condition took another body and it was described in the resolution as “sublimated material.” His explanation appeared to be entirely satisfactory to everybody save the gentleman who had moved the amendment. And so the platform was adopted without amendment.
A letter reporting the progress of Spiritualism in Texas was read.
Fred. Douglass was invited to address the audience, and consented to do so. He expressed his sympathy with the Convention in its purposes to effect reforms beneficial to mankind, but he did not understand the Spiritual views of those who professed to entertain them. He presently ran into politics and began a Grant and Colfax speech.
Mr. Algar objected to politics in that Convention unless both sides were to be heard. After some sensation it was ruled that politics were not to be introduced and Douglass subsided.
At the Evening Session addresses were made by various persons.
The Convention met at 9 o’clock and invocation was offered by Mr. Clark.
In the matter of Mr. Dyott’s report on emblems and secret societies there was a misstatement yesterday. The emblem of Eternal Progress was not presented as the secret order of Spiritualists, but as an order for Progressive Minds.
The question of Sunday Schools in children’s lyceums was discussed by Mrs. H. F. Bowen. The children were the ones that were to carry spiritualism farther and perpetuate it.
Warren Chase introduced the following resolution:
Resolved, That we recommend to the Children’s Progressive Lyceums to form State organizations and from them a National Organization and to hold periodical conventions.
The resolution was discussed at length by several persons. It was adopted after an immaterial amendment. A committee consisting of the following persons was appointed to carry out the spirit of the resolution: M. B. Dyott, Pa.; Mrs. Mary F. Davis, N. J.; Warren Chase, N. Y.; A. C. Carpenter, Mass.; F. M. Brown, Ill.
The second of the series of resolutions was adopted after debate by Messrs. Wilson, Peebles, Ray, and Mrs. Wheeler of Ohio.
It was voted to consider the subject of organization this afternoon. The following committee on organization was appointed: D. M. Fox, Mich.; Mrs. Horton, Mich.; A. B. French, Ohio; Warren Chase, N. Y.; Mrs. A. Wilhelm, Pa.; Mr. Stone, Wis.; Jacob Weaver, Md.
H. Tuttle of the Ohio Convention gave the following statistics: Number of legally organized societies in Ohio 31, having an average of 55 members. Ten of these societies have lyceums, with an average membership of 150. Total number of members 3, 705. The number of Spiritualists in the State is estimated at 15,000.
The Second Annual Convention of Ohio will meet at Cleveland, Sept. 15.
A resolution of thanks to the Press of the city for their reports of the proceedings of the Convention was offered.
Mr. Wheeler, of Ohio, opposed the resolution. He was opposed to thanking any one for using them decent—particularly now when they are a power in the land.
One man made a special point on the Democrat and Express—but he was upset by a lady, who believed in returning thanks also the Union & Advertiser, using all alike when all have used them well. The resolution was tabled until to-morrow.
Adjourned until 2 ½ this P. M.
“National Convention of Spiritualists,” The Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser, August 28, 1868
At the morning session yesterday, a further report was made upon the Platform of the Spiritualists as follows:
Resolved, That the hearty and intelligent conviction of these truths with a realization of spirit communion tends
1st. To enkindle lofty desires and spiritual aspirations, an effect opposing to that of a groveling materialism, which limits existence to the present life.
2d. To deliver from painful fears of death and dread of imaginary evils consequent thereupon, as well as to prevent inordinate sorrow and mourning for deceased friends.
3d. To give a rational and inviting conception of the after-life to those who use the present worthily.
4th. To stimulate to the highest and worthiest possible employment of the present life, in view of its momentous relations to the future.
5th. To energize the soul in all that is good and elevating, and to restrain the passions from all that is evil and impure. This must result, according to the laws of moral influence, from a knowledge of the constant presence or cognizance of the loved and the pure.
6th. To guard against the seductive and degrading influence of the impure and the unenlightened of the spiritual world. If such exist and have access to us, our safety is not in ignorance.
7. To prompt our highest endeavors by purity of heart and life, by angelic unselfishness, and by loftiness of aspiration to live constantly en rapport with the highest possible grades of spirit, life and thought.
8. To stimulate the mind to the largest investigation and the freest thought on all subjects, especially on the vital themes of a spiritual philosophy and all cognate matters, that it may be qualified to judge for itself what is right and true.
9. To deliver from all bondage to authority, whether vested in creed, book or church, except that of perceived truth.
10. To make every man more an individual and more a man, by taking away the supports of authority and compelling him to put forth and exercise his own God-given, truth determining powers.
11. At the same time to make each one modest, courteous, teachable and deferential. (If God speaks in one person’s interiors, he does the same in those of every other person, with a clearness proportional to that individual development; and if one would know the truth in all its phases, it is well that he give a patient ear to the divine voice through others, as well as in himself, that all possible mistakes in his own intuitions may be corrected. To refuse to do this is the extreme of egotism; while unquestioning submission to another’s convictions is the extreme of selfishness.
12. To promote charity and toleration for all differences in so far as they result from variations in mental constitution, experience and growth.
13. To cultivate and wisely direct the affectional nature, making persons more kind, fraternal, unselfish, angelic.
14. To quicken the religious nature, giving a more immediate sense of the Divine existence, presence, power, wisdom, goodness, and parental care than is apt to be felt without a realization of angelic ministry and mediation.
15. To quicken all philanthropic impulses, stimulating to enlightened and unselfish labors for universal human good, under the encouraging assurance that the redeemed and exalted spirits of our race, instead of retiring to idle away an eternity of inglorious ease, are encompassing us about as a great cloud of witnesses inspiring us to the work and aiding it forward to a certain and glorious issue.
The resolutions were adopted without dissent.
Mrs. Brown, first Vice President, occupied the chair.
Mr. E. V. Wilson submitted a series of resolutions which were laid over for further consideration.
Col. Fox presented an extended report from the Committee on Organization. The report gave rise to discussion which occupied considerable time. The report was in part adopted and the rest reserved.
Mrs. Wilhelm made an address on the duty of Spiritualists and her remarks were well received by the Convention.
J. M. Peebles also made an address of which the following is the substance.
“Ye shall know the truth,
And the truth shall make you free.”—Jesus.Truth allied to and rooted in God is necessarily immortal. There are no new truths in the moral universe. Only our conceptions of them are new. Truth is the soul’s deepest, divinest conviction, and all truths, whether in Bibles or out of them, ancient or modern are inspired. God imminent in all things, inspiration is universal, and just as fresh now as when Isaiah bared his head on Syrian mountains, or John from Patmos, saw a “door opened in Heaven.” God is neither respecter of “persons” nations or ages. Why feasts for ancient Jews and famines for Anglo Saxons? Why revelations and communications from gods, angels, spirits? Why vision, trance, prophecy, healing, during some 4,000 years of Bible times, and a silence, pertaining now to the upper kingdom of immortal intelligences as chilling as the stone house of Adders? The living inspirations of to-day are fanning thoughts, ideas, truths to flames, go to it in widening cycles great redemptive forces to elevate humanity.
All the historic ages abound in spiritual phenomena relating to the measureless future. The “book of the dead”—sacred with the Egyptians before the pyramids touched the clouds—the “Vedas” rich in poetry and religious philosophy—the “Analects” of China—the “Avesta” of Persia, as well as the writings of “Moses and the Prophets,” teach—all teach an inter-communion between mortals and immortals, Hierophants, Rashees, Gymnosophists, Prophets, Seers, Magi, Apostles, Oracles, Martyrs in connection with the Media of the present constitute an unbroken column testifying not of the probability, but the certainty of intercourse with the spirit world.
Pythagoras taught that the world was surrounded by concentric circles of ether, within which Hesiod, Homer and others held a guardian care over mortals. Plato taught a similar doctrine relative to the gods. Socrates had a wise, attending-demon guide. Jesus was a remarkable spiritualist, also. He not only saw Moses and Elias in spirit-life, and “healed the sick,” but promised that these “gifts” should follow for true believers. Many of the early church fathers were blessed with visions and prophetic revelations. Joan of Arc was guided by spirit direction. Emanuel Swedenborg conversed with spirits twenty-seven years of his life, and the same truth flashed from the mediumistic soul of Potter, who welcomed John Murray to these shores. In fine, there’s such a vast array of past facts, harmonizing with an corroborating the facts of the present visions, trances, dreams, prophecies, discerning of spirits, and healing by the laying on of hands, &c., that we wonder how any brave soul, how any investigator or sound thinker can doubt for a moment? Why, the skepticism, the “infidelity” of the churches absolutely shocks us!
Spiritualism numbers in the country its millions. It is a vast army, and is continually becoming better organized. It wields to-day a mighty power, and those who fight it content against their own souls’ divinest hopes, desires, prayers—against spirits, angels, God!
“If a man die shall he live again,” is still a question with the masses. Spiritualism answers the question in the affirmative, and gives the world tangible demonstrations of and reasons for the answer.
Spiritualism is just as much superior to any denomination of “liberal Christians,” as knowledge is in advance of faith. The Apostle Paul enjoined that man “add to their faith . . . knowledge” and “go on unto perfection.” The Roman Catholic plants his feet upon the platform of absolute authority. The Protestants upon the platform of faith; the Spiritualist upon knowledge—knowledge of the future life; the conditions and occupations of that life.—And with them science, reason, religion and philosophy are all in perfect harmony.
Only twenty years since those first “raps” as related to the Modern Cycle. Minute they were—minute as Franklin’s string and kit, as Arkwright’s cog in the wheel, as Newton’s falling apple, as Jesus’ manger-cradle, and yet behind these phenomena there lay concealed laws, forces, principles, truths that have shaken the foundations of the earth. Give us twenty years more—and none will ask what has Spiritualism done? It is to-day the great growing religious thought of America.
In its ranks are Senators, judges, jurists, poets, scholars, and the profoundest thinkers of the country. Our books, pamphlets, periodicals are being disseminated throughout the world.
We print The Banner of Light, The Religio-Philosophical Journal, The Present Age, The Banner of Progress, The Ohio Spiritualist, The Lyceum Banner, The Wisconsin Spiritualist, The Spiritual Rostrum and The Le Salut, a French sheet in New Orleans. New Books are constantly coming from the press. Already we hear in the distance the shout of victory.
The attendance was pretty large—a considerable number of spectators, not spiritualists, being present.
Mr. Wheeler of Ohio, an “inspirational” poet proposed to deliver a poem upon any subject that a committee might select. A committee of three was chosen, and they named as the subject for such poem “The destiny of a love child born under harmonious ante-natal influences.”
Mr. Wheeler then pronounced his poem, occupying a quarter of an hour. The recitation elicited hearty applause and was regarded as a triumph of spiritualism over the skeptical. If Mr. W. had no previous intimation as to the subject to be chosen for him, the performance was rather wonderful.
Our late townsman, Lewis Burtis, deceased, then addressed the Convention, using Dr. Child of Philadelphia, as his medium. He spoke very well but was rather brief.
The Convention was wholly occupied this forenoon in discussing the Resolutions and Constitution. At noon they were adopted by a rising vote.
The President thereupon said he thanked God that by the vote just taken, the divinity of the tiny raps heard in this city just twenty years ago was acknowledged—and that by a large and intelligent convention, representing millions of Spiritualists.
Within twenty years he expected to see Spiritualism revolutionize the world. We find it now in our schools, in our legislative halls, in our workshops—everywhere; and we have seen [Abraham Lincoln] was a spiritualist. He held circles in his house—the White House—and there called upon those who had passed over the Vale to advise him in the troublous times in which he was President. This could be proved. In conclusion he hoped that all spiritualists would be anti-tobacco, anti-profane men and women, and all would banish the bottle from their lips.
Anti-tobacco resolutions were adopted by the Convention at the commencement of the morning session.
E. V. Wilson related his experiences of the last forty years in furthering the cause of Spiritualism. He had been rotten egged and foully abused, but now he was welcome among intelligent people, and could do battle for the right. He could speak now to a convention over which was presiding a man, who, twenty years ago, did not (and so wrote him) believe it prudent for him to speak in a certain town in Wayne county, in this State. The President was then an anti-Abolitionist.
The President said Mr. Wilson was mistaken. He had always been and was now an anti-slavery Democrat.
This evening there will be a Spiritual Love Feast, closing the session of the Convention.
“National Convention of Spiritualists,” The Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser, August 29, 1868
This body concluded its labors last evening and adjourned sine die.
At the afternoon session the following additional resolutions supplementary to the platform were adopted:
Resolved, That woman and man have been equally endowed by Nature, and that they should have the same political, social and religious privileges.
Resolved, That all punishment for crime which does not aim at the security of society, reparation for the injury done, and the reformation of the criminal, is wrong in principle and pernicious in practice; hence the death penalty being destructive of each of these ends, should be abolished.
Resolved, That hereafter our National Convention shall be known as “The Convention of Spiritualists,” and be so designated in the call.
Resolved, That the object of all reformation may be best and easiest gained by proper formation; that the human being, rightly generated, will not require an special regeneration, but is capable of spontaneous growth and unending progression, in harmony with natural law.
Resolved, That the first and most important department of education is the ante-natal in its influence through the parents upon the child, and, as such, should receive the careful attention of parents, teachers and scientists, to the end that a correct knowledge of the requirements of the case may lead to an observance of the laws of nature, and the establishment of proper conditions of artistic maternity, that every child may be conceived “without sin,” and born in the “most excellent spirit” of conjugal love and purity—thus securing the formation of a perfect individual character.
Resolved, That we deplore the universal spirit of war, the alarming increase of intemperance, including the use of tobacco, intoxicating drinks and the practical disregard of the laws of life and health, and that we will co-operate with any and all agencies to promote temperance, purity, peace and universal charity and love.
Resolved—That we recommend “The Spiritual Harp” for use in all our Societies.
Resolved, That we extend our moral influence and sympathies, and, so far as possible, our practical co-operation with all efforts to ameliorate the condition of the Indians, and carry out a civilized, humane and wise policy in relation to them.
Mr. Peebles paid the Press of Rochester the compliment of having made fair reports of the proceedings of this Convention, better than he had ever known made at any Convention which he had attended. He moved a vote of thanks to the press. The subject was referred to the Committee on Resolutions.
The following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
President, D. M. Fox; Secretary, Henry T. Child; Treasurer, M. B. Dyott.
Trustees—Mrs. H. F. M. Brown, of Illinois; Dr. R. T. Hallock, of New York; Warren Chase, of New York; George A. Bacon, of Massachusetts; A. B. French, of Ohio; J. C. Dexter, of Michigan.
Dr. Child of Philadelphia, offering the following:
In the light of our philosophy, life is not measured by length of years, though false beauty make its duration on the physical plane, and while intimately associated with the external world around us, we must ever miss the vacant places left by those who have been earnest workers amongst us.
Therefore, Resolved—That in the removal by death of that earnest and faithful laborer, N. W. Daniels, our Vice President for the State of Louisiana, we feel that an energetic and faithful worker has been removed from the field of labor to one in which those traits of character which marked his career among us, will be usefully employed.
Resolved, That we tender our sympathies to his beloved companion in her bereavement, and trust that she may be sustained to pursue the noble work in which she has been so successfully engaged.
Resolutions of a similar character were adopted with reference to the death of Lewis Burtis of Rochester and A. G. Purdee of Philadelphia.
At the Evening Session the Committee on Education, reported as follows:
Whereas, The importance of a natural and harmonious development of the physical, intellectual and moral nature of the child is second only in importance to his proper generation, which lays the foundation of a divine manhood; and whereas, by the present system of education, in schools and colleges, the methods of nature framed by infinite wisdom are often ignored, and the imperfect methods of unskilled art, employed in their stead, and whereas it is impossible to incorporate the true system in institutions controlled by persons who believe the divine methods of nature are wrong, therefore
Resolved, That we recommend the establishment of progressive schools and colleges so soon as the necessary means can be secured; and until that time shall come, that spiritualists do patronize only the most liberal institutions; and thus, as far as possible, guard their children from the evils of a false education, which after commencing in the nursery and family, is continued in the schools, by neglecting physical culture; by forcing ideas upon the youthful mind beyond its comprehension; by filling it with false ideas of God and man, derived from mythology, and by so perverting the social, moral and spiritual faculties as to encourage shams and conceal realities; and culminates in a pernicious theology and enfeebled powers, that unsettles the foundations of moral responsibility and forbids the high destiny of the race to which all Spiritualists aspire and for which they will ever work.
Resolved, That we regard “The Children’s Progressive Lyceum,” and its excellent organ, the Lyceum Banner, an efficient instrument in the cause of education.
Resolved, That as this subject is of almost infinite importance, and your committee having had only a limited time for consultation, we recommend the continuance of the committee or the appointment of a new one.
Respectfully submitted.
Damon Y. Kilgore, Chairman.
The following additional resolutions were adopted:
Whereas, From the Manifest tendency of the various Protestant organizations to consolidate, and the Ritualistic movement toward Roman Catholicism, it is evident that the ultimate purpose of these efforts is more effectually to assert and maintain the dogma of authority as against the true Protestant doctrine of the right of private judgment; and,
Whereas, The Spiritual movement is the chief and avowed exponent of the sovereign right of every man and woman to judge in all matters of faith and conscience; and,
Whereas, The issue to be met not far in the future is plainly that of authority on the one hand, and the right of private judgment on the other; therefore,
Resolved, that in view of this impending conflict, it becomes the duty of all liberal men and women to unite and meet this issue by concerted action, and that a committee of seven by appointed by this convention to devise a plan of organization to be recommended to the liberal minds of every locality in the United States.
Resolved, That we are Spiritualists and know no other name under which to live and have a being, and that any other prefix or suffix is calculated only to retard and injure us before the world.
10. Resolved, That the varied phenomena and developments of spiritualism constitute the foundation of a universal system of science, philosophy and religion, and that we consider the subject of mediumship entitled to a candid and critical examination by those best qualified to classify its facts, elucidate its principles and popularize a knowledge of the same, to the end that a scientific Pschycology and Physiology may be developed, the sufferings of humanity mitigated, and a rational philosophy of life and its relations established for the benefit of mankind.
11. Resolved, That we extend our moral influence; and, as far as possible, our practical cooperation with all agencies to ameliorate the condition of the Indians and carry out a civilized, humane and wise policy in relation to them.
14. Resolved, That the thanks of this Convention are hereby extended to the reporters of the daily papers of Rochester for the able and impartial manner in which our proceedings have been published; to Professor Tillotson and Beals for their sweet music; to Mr. Fleming, agent of Corinthian Hall, for the provision made for our comfort; to the people of the goodly city who have treated us with so much hospitality and kindness; to our President, Vice President, Secretaries, and all other officers of the Convention for the ability and faithfulness with which they have discharged their duties; and finally, we render our unfeigned thanks to the angel world and the infinite spirit for the harmony and love vouchsafed to us during our entire session.
Respectfully submitted,
Damon Y. Kilgore, Chairman.Speeches followed from a number of ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Wheeler delivered an inspirational poem on “the significance of the Spiritual movement;” Mrs. Watson delivered a closing invocation; the President made a brief address, and declared the Convention closed.