

The Banner of Light (Boston), July 4.

List of Spiritualist Lecturers.

List of Lecturers.

Published Gratuitously Every Week

[To be useful, this list should be reliable. It therefore behooves Societies and Lecturers to promptly notify us of appointments, whenever they occur. Should any name appear in this list of a party known not to be a lecturer, we desire to be so informed, as this column is devoted exclusively to Lecturers.]

J. MADISON ALLYN, Principal of the Industrial Institute, Ancora, formerly Blue Anchor, N. J., lectures on Sundays at the Institute and at places within easy reach.

C. FANNIE ALLYN will speak in Stafford Springs, Conn., July 12, 19, and 26, in Putnam during August; in Salem, Mass., during September; in New York during October; in Cambridgeport, Mass., during November. Address as above, or 6 Gloucester place, Boston, Mass.

MRS. ANNA E. ALLEN (late Hill), inspirational speaker, 129 South Clark street, Chicago, Ill.

J. G. ALLEN, Chickopee, Mass.

MRS. N. K. ANDROSS, trance speaker, Delton, Wis.

DR. J. T. AMOS will answer calls to lecture upon Physiology and Spiritualism. Address, box 2601, Rochester, N. Y.

MARY A. AMPHLETT, 38 Rich street, Columbus, O.

REV. J. O. BARRETT, Sycamore, Ill.

MRS. SARAH A. BYRNES will speak in Cambridgeport, Mass., during July. Would like to make further engagements for the fall. Address, 87 Spring street, East Cambridge, Mass.

MRS. A. P. BROWN, St. Johnsbury Centre, Vt.

MRS. H. F. M. BROWN, P. O. drawer 5956, Chicago, Ill.

MRS. ABBY N. BURNHAM, inspirational speaker, Weston, Mass.

MRS. EMMA F. JAY BULLENE, 151 West 12th street, New York.

MRS. NELLIE J. T. BRIGHAM, Elm Grove, Colerain, Mass.

MRS. NELLIE L. BRONSON, 15th street, Toledo, O.

MRS. M. A. C. BROWN, West Randolph, Vt.

Z. J. BROWN, M. D., will answer calls to lecture on Sundays, and also attend funerals. Address, Cacheville, Yolo Co., Cal.

DR. JAMES K. BAILEY, Adrian, Mich.

ADDIE L. BALLOU, inspirational speaker, Mankato, Minn.

J. H. BICKFORD, inspirational speaker, Charlestown, Mass.

A. P. BOWMAN, inspirational speaker, Richmond, Iowa.

REV. DR. BARNARD, Lansing, Mich.

MRS. E. BURR, inspirational speaker, will answer calls to lecture in the Middle and Eastern States. Address, box 7, Southford, New Haven Co., Conn.

WILLIAM BRYAN will answer calls to lecture in Michigan and Northwestn Ohio until further notice. Address, box 53, Camden P. O., Mich.

M. C. BENT, inspirational speaker, Almond, Wis. Sundays engaged for the present.

WARREN CHASE, 544 Broadway, New York.

MRS. AUGUSTA A. CURRIER, box 815, Lowell, Mass.

ALBERT E. CARPENTER will answer calls to lecture and establish Lyceums. Is engaged for the present by the Massachusetts Spiritualist Association. Those desiring the services of the Agent should send in their calls early. Address, care of Banner of Light, Boston, Mass.

H. L. CLARK speaks in Thompson, O., the first, the Leroy the second, and in Willoughby the third Sunday of each month. Address, Painsville, Lake Co., O.

DR. J. H. CURRIER, corner of Broadway and Windsor street, Cambridgeport, Mass.

J. P. COWLES, M. D., will answer calls to lecture. Address, Ottawa, Ill., box 1374.

P. CLARK, M. D. will answer calls to lecture. Address, Augusta, Ga.

DEAN CLARK, Lyons, Mich., care Col. D. M. Fox.

DR. H. H. CRANDALL will answer calls to lecture. Address P. O. box 778, Bridgeport, Conn.

MRS. AMELIA H. COLBY, trance speaker, Lowell, Ind.

THOMAS COOK, Berlin Heights, O., lecturer on organizations.

IRA H. CURTIS, Hartford, Conn.

THOMAS C. CONSTANTINE, lecturer, Lowell, Mass.

MRS. ELIZA C. CRANE, inspirational speaker, Sturgis, Mich., care J. W. Elliott, drawer 36.

MRS. HETTIE CLARK, trance speaker, East Harwich, Mass.

MRS. M. J. COLBURN, will answer calls to lecture. Address Champlin, Hennepin Co., Minn.

MISS EMMA CHADWICK, inspirational speaker, Vineland, N. J., box 272.

MRS. J. F. COLES, trance speaker, 737 Broadway, New York.

MRS. ELIZA C. CLARK, Eagle Harbor, Orleans Co., N. Y.

MRS. D. CHADWICK, trance speaker, Vineland, N. J., box 272.

MRS. LAURA CUPPY, San Francisco, Cal.

J. B. CAMPBELL, M. D., Cincinnati, O.

DR. JAMES COOPER, Bellefontaine, O., will lecture and take subscriptions for the Banner of Light.

MRS. MARIETTA F. CROSS, trance speaker, will answer calls to lecture. Address, Hampstead, N. H., care of N. P. Cross.

JUDGE A. G. W. CARTER, Cincinnati, O.

CHARLES P. CROCKER, inspirational speaker, Fredonia, N. Y.

MISS LIZZIE DOTEN, Pavilion, 57 Tremont street, Boston.

HENRY J. DURGIN, inspirational speaker, Cardington, O.

GEORGE DUTTON, M. D., Rutland, Vt.

ANDREW JACKSON DAVIS can be addressed at Orange, N. J.

MRS. CORA L. V. DANIELS will speak in Bangor, Me., during August.

MRS. E. DELAMAR, trance speaker, Quincy, Mass.

DR. E. C. DUNN, lecturer, Rockford, Ill.

MRS. AGNES M. DAVIS, 347 Main street, Cambridgeport, Mass.

HENRY VAN DORN, trance speaker, 48 and 50 Wabash avenue, Chicago, Ill.

MRS. CLARA R. DEEVERE, trance speaker, Newport, Me.

A. C. EDMUNDS, lecturer, Newton, Iowa.

DR. H. E. EMERY, lecturer, South Coventry, Conn.

A. T. FOSS, Manchester, N. H.

S. J. FINNEY, Troy, N. Y.

MISS ELIZA HOWE FULLER, inspirational speaker, San Francisco, Cal.

MRS. FANNIE B. FELTON, South Malden, Mass.

J. G. FISH will speak in Battle Creek, Mich., during September, and thence "Westward ho!" for the next six months.

MRS. M. L. FRENCH, inspirational speaker, will receive calls to lecture. Address Ellery street, Washington Village, South Boston, Mass.

DR. H. P. FAIRFIELD, Blue Anchor, Camden Co., N. J.

REV. J. FRANCIS, Ogdensburg, N. Y.

MRS. CLARA A. FIELD, lecturer, Newport, Me.

MISS ALMEDIA B. FOWLER, impressional and inspirational speaker, Omaha, Neb.

A. B. FRENCH, lecturer, Clyde, O.


DR. L. P. GRIGGS, inspirational speaker, will answer calls to lecture. Address, box 409, Fort Wayne, Ind.

REV. JOSEPH C. GILL, Belvidere, Ill.

MRS. LAURA DE FORCE GORDON will lecture in Nevada till July. Will make engagements to lecture in California, Oregon and Washington Territory during the coming fall and winter. Address, Virginia City, Nevada.

JOHN P. GUILD, Lawrence, Mass., will answer calls to lecture.

MRS. C. L. GADE, trance speaker, corner of Barrow and Washington streets, New York.

SARAH GRAVES, inspirational speaker, Berlin, Mich.

J. G. GILES, Princeton, Mo.

DR. M. HENRY HOUGHTON will be in Vergennes, Vt., during July; in West Paris, Me., during August; will speak in Allegan, Mich., during September, October and November 5.

MISS JULIA J. HUBBARD will speak in South Sutton, Mass., July 5. Address, box 293, Chelsea, Mass.

MOSES HULL, Hobart, Lake Co., Ind., will speak in Milford, N. H., July 5 and 12; in Vineland, N. J., July 19. Will answer calls in the West for the fall and winter months. Address as above.

MRS. S. A. HORTON, 24 Wamesit street, Lowell, Mass.

MISS NELLIE HAYDEN, 20 Wilmot street, Worcester, Mass.

S. C. HAYFORD, Boston, Mass., care Banner of Light.

MRS. F. O. HYZER, 122 East Madison street, Baltimore, Md.

J. D. HASCALL, M. D., Waterloo, Wis.

DR. E. B. HOLDEN, inspirational speaker, No. Clarendon, Vt.

CHARLES HOLT, Corry, Erie Co., Pa., box 247.

DR. J. N. HODGES, trance speaker, will answer calls to lecture. Address, 121 Maverick street, East Boston, Mass.

MRS. EMMA HARDINGE can be addressed, (postpaid,) care of Mrs. Wilkinson, St. George’s Hall, Langham Place, W., London, England.

MRS. M. S. TOWNSEND HOADLEY, Bridgewater, Vt.

JAMES H. HARRIS will answer calls to lecture and attend funerals. Address, box 99, Abington, Mass.

W. A. D. HUME will speak in Liberty Hill, Conn., June 16. Address as above.

LYMAN C. HOWE, inspirational speaker, Laona, N. Y.

MISS SUSIE M. JOHNSON will speak in Lyons, Mich., during July; in Toledo, O., during September; in Cleveland during October; in Oswego, N. Y., during November. Address accordingly; permanent address, Milford, Mass.

GEORGE KATES (formerly of Dayton, O.) will answer calls to lecture in Iowa and adjoining States during the spring and summer. Address, Afton, Union Co., Iowa.


DR. P. T. JOHNSON, lecturer, Ypsilanti, Mich.

W. F. JAMIESON, inspirational speaker, Belvidere, Ill.

ABRAHAM JAMES, Pleasantville, Venango Co., Pa., box 34.

S. S. JONES, ESQ., Chicago, Ill.

O. P. KELLOGG, lecturer, East Trumbull, Ashtabula Col., O., speaks in Monroe Centre the first, in Andover the second, and in Thompson the third Sunday of every month.


MRS. M. J. KUTZ, Bostwick Lake, Mich.

HARVEY A. JONES, ESQ., can occasionally speak on Sundays for the friends in the vicinity of Sycamore, Ill., on the Spiritual Philosophy and reform movements of the day.

CEPHAS B. LYNN, semi-conscious trance speaker, 154 Tyler street, Boston, Mass., will answer calls to lecture in the West.

J. S. LOVELAND, Monmouth, Ill.

WILLIAM A. LOVELAND, 25 Bromfield street, Boston, will answer calls to lecture. Subject: Integral Education, or the Era of our New Relations to Science.

MRS. A. L. LAMBERT, trance and inspirational speaker, will receive calls to lecture. Address, 821 Washington st., Boston.

B. M. LAWRENCE, M. D., and wife, independent missionaries, will answer calls to speak, attend Conventions and sing original songs on all questions of reform, including Christianity and Spiritualism, ancient and modern. Address, care of Dr. McCall’s Hygiean Home, Galesburg, Ill.

MRS. F. A. LOGAN will answer calls to lecture on temperance and kindred reforms in Wisconsin and Minnesota during the spring and summer months. Address, care Religio-Philosophical Journal, Chicago, Ill.

MARY E. LONGDON, inspirational speaker, 60 Montgomery street, Jersey City, N. J.

MRS. L. W. LITCH, 6 Townsend Place, Boston, Mass.

JOHN A. LOWE, lecturer, box 17, Sutton, Mass.

MISS MARY M. LYONS, inspirational speaker, 98 East Jefferson street, Syracuse, N. Y.

H. T. LEONARD, trance speaker, New Ipswich, N. H.

MRS. MARY A. MITCHELL, clairvoyant inspirational speaker, will answer calls to lecture upon Spiritualism, Sundays and week-day evenings, in New York State. Address soon, Apulia, Onondaga Co., N. Y.

CHARLES S. MARSH, semi-trance speaker. Address, Wonewoc, Juneau Co., Wis.

PROF. R. M. M’CORD, Centralia, Ill.

MR. & MRS. H. M. MILLER, Elmira N. Y., care of W. B. Hatch.

EMMA M. MARTIN, inspirational speaker, Birmingham, Mich.

JAMES B. MORRISON, inspirational speaker, box 378, Haverhill, Mass.

MRS. H. M. W. MINARD, trance speaker, Oswego, Ill.

DR. LEO MILLER, Appleton, Wis.

DR. JOHN MAYHEW, Washington, D. C., P. O. box 607.

DR. G. W. MORRILL, JR., trance and inspirational speaker.

MRS. HANNAH MORSE, trance speaker, Joliet, Will Co., Ill.

MRS. ANNA M. MIDDLEBROOK, box 778, Bridgeport, Conn.

MRS. SARAH HELEN MATTHEWS will receive calls to lecture and attend funerals. Address, care Dr. Roundy, Quincy, Mass.

MISS EMMA L. MORSE, trance speaker, Alstead, N. H., will answer calls to lecture Sundays or week-evenings.

DR. W. H. C. MARTIN, 173 Windsor street, Hartford, Conn.

O. W. MANUEL, trance speaker, 35 Rutland Square, Boston.

DR. JAMES MORRISON, lecturer, McHenry, Ill.

A. L. E. NASH, lecturer, Rochester, N. Y.

C. NORWOOD, Ottawa, Ill., inspirational speaker.


W. M. ODEN, Salem, Ill.

L. JUDD PARDEE, Philadelphia, Pa.

J. H. POWELL, Vineland, N. J.

GEORGE A. PEIRCE, inspirational trance speaker, P. O. box 87, Auburn, Me. In addition to his practice, healing sick and infirm people in places he may visit, will be pleased to answer calls to lecture. His themes pertain exclusively to the gospel and philosophy of Spiritualism.

MRS. PIKE lectures before Spiritualistic and Scientific Associations on the following subjects: “Christ;” “The Holy Ghost;” “Spiritualism;” “Demonology;” “Prophecy;” “Noon and Night of Time;” “The Kingdom of Heaven;” “Progress and Perfection;” “Soul and Sense;” “Introversion of Abnormal Inspiration;” “The Seven Spheres;” “The World and the Earth.” Address, Mrs. Pike, St. Louis, Mo.

MRS. E. N. PALMER, trance speaker, Big Flats, Chemung Co., N. Y.

MISS NETTIE M. PEASE, trance speaker, New Albany, Ind.

A. A. POND, inspirational speaker, North West, Ohio.

MRS. J. PUFFER, trance speaker, South Hanover, Mass.

J. L. POTTER, trance speaker, La Crosse, Wis., care of E. A. Wilson.

MRS. Anna M. L. POTTS, M. D., lecturer, Adrian, Mich.

LYDIA ANN PEARSALL, inspirational speaker, Disco, Mich.

DR. W. K. RIPLEY, Foxboro’, Mass.

A. C. ROBINSON, 111 Fulton street, Brooklyn, N. Y.

DR. P. B. RANDOLPH will speak in Rochester, N. Y., during July. Address, care box 3352, Boston, Mass.

J. T. ROUSE, normal speaker, box 281, Beaver Dam, Wis.

MRS. JENNIE S. RUDD will speak in Putnam, Conn., during July. Address, 46 Randall street, Providence, R. I.

WILLIAM ROSE, M. D., inspirational speaker, Springfield, O.

MRS. E. B. ROSE will answer calls to lecture and attend funerals. Address, Providence, R. I. (Indian Bridge.)

C. H. RINES, inspirational speaker, Boston, Mass.

J. H. RANDALL, inspirational speaker, Upper Lisle, N. Y.

REV. A. B. RANDALL, Appleton, Wis.

MRS. FRANK REID, inspirational speaker, Kalamazoo, Mich.

AUSTEN E. SIMMONS, Woodstock, Vt.

DR. H. B. STORER, 56 Pleasant street, Boston, Mass.

MRS. H. T. STEARNS may be addressed at Springfield, Mass., till further notice.

J. W. SEAVER, inspirational speaker, Byron, N. Y., will answer calls to lecture or attend funerals at accessible places.

MRS. NELLIE SMITH, impressional speaker, Sturgis, Mich.

SELAH VAN SICKLE, Greenbush, Mich.

MRS. M. E. B. SAWYER, Baldwinsville, Mass.

ABRAM SMITH, ESQ., inspirational speaker, Sturgis, Mich.

MRS. MARY LOUISA SMITH, trance speaker, Toledo, O.

MRS. L. A. F. SWAIN, inspirational speaker, Union Lakes, Rice Co., Minn.

DR. E. SPRAGUE, inspirational speaker, Schenectady, N. Y.


MRS. E. W. SIDNEY, trance speaker, Fitchburg, Mass.

MRS. ALMIRA W. SMITH, 36 Salem street, Portland, Me., will answer calls to lecture.

MRS. C. M. STOWE, San Jose, Cal.

E. R. SWACKHAMER, 128 So. 3d street, Brooklyn, N. Y., E. D.

MRS. S. J. SWASEY, normal speaker, Noank, Conn.

JAMES TRASK, lecturer on Spiritualism, Kenduskeag, Me.

HUDSON TUTTLE, Berlin Heights, O.

BENJAMIN TODD, San Francisco, Cal.

MRS. SARAH M. THOMPSON, inspirational speaker, 36 Bank street, Cleveland, O.

J. H. W. TOOHEY, Providence, R. I.

MRS. CHARLOTTE F. TABER, trance speaker, New Bedford, Mass. P. O. box 392.

MRS. ESTHER N. TALMADGE, trance speaker, Westville, Ind.

DR. S. A. THOMAS, lecturer, Westville, Ind.

DR. J. VOLLAND, Ann Arbor, Mich.

N. FRANK WHITE can be addressed during July, Seymour, Conn.; during August, care Banner of Light. Applications for week-evenings promptly responded to. Address as above.

E. V. WILSON is engaged by the Missouri State Organization of Spiritualists. Persons wishing lectures under the direction of the State Organization will address care N. O. Archer, Esq., Hannibal, Mo.; permanent address, Babcock’s Grove, Du Page Co., Ill.

MRS. A. WILHELM, M. D., inspirational speaker, can be addressed during July and August, care I. Searles, box 252, Providence, R. I.; during September, Portland, Me.; during October, Salem, Mass.; during December, box 5379, New York.

E. S. WHEELER, inspirational speaker, Cleveland, O.

MRS. H. MACOMBER WOOD, 11 Dewey st., Worcester, Mass.

F. L. H. WILLIS, M. D., 16 West 24th street, near Fifth avenue Hotel, New York.

F. L. WADSWORTH, 399 South Morgan street, Chicago, Ill.

HENRY C. WRIGHT, care Bela Marsh, Boston, Mass.

MRS. E. M. WOLCOTT will make engagements for the coming spring and summer months. Address, Danby, Vt.

MRS. MARY J. WILCOXSON will receive calls to lecture on the route from Chicago to Rochester, N. Y., through the summer months. Apply immediately, care John Spettigue, 192 South Clark street, Chicago, Ill.

MRS. HATTIE E. WILSON (colored), trance speaker, 79 Tremont street, Boston, Mass.

LOIS WAISBROOKER can be addressed at St. Louis, Me., care of Henry Stagg, Esq., till August; permanent address, box 58, Hudson, Summit Co., O.

A. B. WHITING, Albion, Mich.

MISS ELVIRA WHEELOCK, normal speaker, Janesville, Wis.

A. A. WHEELOCK, Toledo, O., box 643.

MRS. S. A. WILLIS, Lawrence, Mass., P. O. Box 473.

MRS. MARY E. WITHEE, inspirational speaker, 182 Elm street, Newark, N. J.

DR. J. C. WILSEY will answer calls to lecture on Spiritualism or Temperance, and organize Children’s Progressive Lyceums. Address, Burlington, Iowa.

REV. DR. WHEELOCK, inspirational speaker, State Center.

WARREN WOOLSON, trance speaker, Hastings, N. Y.

DR. R. G. WELLS, Rochester, N. Y., trance speaker.

A. C. WOODRUFF, Battle Creek, Mich.

S. H. WORTMAN, Conductor of the Buffalo Lyceum, will accept calls to lecture in the trance state, also to organize Children’s Lyceums. Address, Buffalo, N. Y., box 1454.

J. G. WHITNEY, inspirational speaker, Rock Grove City, Floyd Co., Iowa.

ELIJAH WOODWORTH, inspirational speaker, Leslie, Mich.

GILMAN R. WASHBURN, Woodstock, Vt., inspirational speaking.

PROF. E. WHIPPLE, lecturer upon Geology and the Spiritual Philosophy, Clyde, O.

MRS. JULIETTE YEAW will speak in East Boston, Mass., July 5 and 12; in Hingham, Aug. 3; in Warren, R. I., Aug. 8; in Lynn during September; in Cambridgeport during October. Address, Northboro’, Mass.

MR. & MRS. WILLIAM J. YOUNG will answer calls to lecture in the vicinity of their home, Boise City, Idaho Territory.

MRS. FANNIE T. YOUNG, Boston, Mass., care Banner of Light.


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