

The Banner of Progress (San Francisco), June 1.

Progressive Lyceum Register; Spiritualist Societies and Meetings; Spiritualist Lecturers’ Appointments and Addresses.


Progressive Lyceum Register.

Boston, Mass.—Sunday at 10 a.m., at 544 Washington street, C. H. Rines, Conductor.

Brooklyn, N. Y.—At 3 p.m., in the Cumberland Street Lecture Room, between Lafayette and DeKalb avenues. John A. Bartlett, Conductor; Mrs. Fannie Cohill, Guardian.

Buffalo, N. Y.—In Music Hall Sunday afternoon. Mrs. S. H. Wertman, Conductor; Miss Sarah Brooks, Guardian.

Charlestown, Mass.—At City Hall, at 10 ¼ a.m. Dr. C. C. York, Conductor; Mrs. L. A. York, Guardian.

At Washington Hall, Sunday forenoon. A. H. Richardson, Conductor; Mrs. M. J. Mayo, Guardian.

Chelsea, Mass.—At Library Hall every Sunday at 10 a.m. James S. Dodge, Conductor; Mrs. E. S. Dodge, Guardian.

Chicago, Ill.—Sunday, at Crosby’s Music Hall, at 12 ½ p.m. Dr. S. J. Avery, Conductor; Mrs. C. A. Dye, Guardian; J. R. Sleeper. President Literary Circle.

Cincinnati—Greenwood Hall, corner of Sixth and Vine sts., at 9 a.m. A. W. Pugh, Conductor; Mrs. Lydia Beck, Guardian.

Cleveland, Ohio—At Temperance Hall, 184 Superior street. J. A. Jewett, Conductor; Mrs. D. A. Eddy, Guardian.

Dover and Foxcroft, Me.—Sunday afternoon, in the Universalist church.

Foxboro’, Mass—In the Town Hall every Sunday at 11 a.m.

Hamburg, Conn.—John Sterling, Conductor; Mrs. S. B. Anderson, Guardian.

Hammonton, N. J.—Sunday at 1 p.m. J. O. Ransom, Conductor; Mrs. Julia E. Holt, Guardian.

Havana, Ill.—Sunday at 3 p.m., in Andrus’ Hall. J. F. Coppel, Conductor; Mrs. E. Shaw, Guardian.

Haverhill, Mass.—Sunday at 10 a.m., in Music Hall. John Reiter, Conductor; Mrs. E. L. Currier, Guardian.

Jersey City, N. J.—Sunday afternoon in the Church of the Holy Spirit, 244 York street. Mr. Joseph Dixon, Conductor.

Johnson’s Creek, N. Y.—At 12 p.m. every Sunday. Miss Emma Joyce, Conductor; Mrs. H. O. Loper, Guardian.

Lotus, Ind.—F. A. Coleman, Conductor; Eliza M. Huddleston, Guardian.

Lowell, Mass.—Sunday in the forenoon, in the Lee street Church.

Milwaukee—Meets in Bowman Hall, every Sunday at 2 p.m. G. A. Libbey, Conductor; Mrs. Mary Wood, Guardian.

Mokena, Ill.—Sunday at 1 o’clock, in the village schoolhouse. W. Ducker, Conductor; Mrs. James Ducker, Guardian.

Newark, N. J.—Music Hall, No. 4 Bank street, Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Mr. G. T. Leach, Conductor; Mrs. Harriet Parsons, Guardian.

New York City—Sunday at 2 ½ p.m., at Ebbitt Hall, No. 55 West 23d street, near Broadway. D. B. Marks, Conductor; Mrs. H. W. Farnsworth, Guardian; E. O. Townsend, Manager of Dramatic Wing.

Osborn’s Prairie, Ind.—Sunday morning at Progressive Friends’ meeting-house. Rev. Simon Brown, Conductor; S. A. Crane, Guardian.

Oswego, N. Y.—In Lyceum Hall, Sunday at 12 ½ p.m. J. L. Pool, Conductor; Mrs. Doolittle, Guardian.

Philadelphia, Penn.—Sunday morning at 10 o’clock, at Thompson Street Church, below Front street. Isaac Rehn, Conductor; Mrs. Stretch, Guardian.

Philadelphia, Penn.—Sunday, at Washington Hall, south west corner of Eighth and Spring Garden streets, at 10 a.m., except July and August, in which the summer recess occurs. M. B. Dyott, Conductor; Arabella Ballenger, Guardian.

At new Hall in Phoenix street, Sunday at 10 o’clock. Prof. I. Rehn, Conductor.

Plymouth, Mass.—Sunday forenoon at 11 o’clock. I. Carver, Conductor; Mrs. R. W. Bartlett, Guardian.

Providence, R. I.—Sunday, at 10 ½ a.m., in Pratt’s Hall, Weybosset street. Conductor, L. K. Joslin; Guardian, Mrs. Abbe H. Potter.

Putnam, Conn.—Sunday, at 10 ½ a.m., in Central Hall.

Quincy, Mass.—Sunday at 1 ¾ p.m.

Richland Center, Wis.—Sunday at 1 p.m. Mr. H. A. Eastland, Conductor; Mrs. Fidelia O. Pease, Guardian.

Richmond, Ind.—In Henry Hall, at 2 p.m. Eli Brown, Conductor; Mrs. Emily Addleman, Guardian.

Rochester, N. Y.—In Black’s Musical Institute, (Palmer’s Hall,) Sunday afternoon at 2 ½ p.m. Mrs. Jonathan Watson, Conductor; Mrs. Amy Post, Guardian.

Rockford, Ill.—Sunday, at 10 ½ a.m., in Wood’s Hall. F. C. Dunn, Conductor; Mrs. Rockwood, Guardian.

Rock Island, Ill.—At 10 o’clock, in Norris Hall, Illinois street. W. T. Riggs, Conductor; Mrs. W. T. Riggs, Guardian.

Sacramento, Cal.—At Turn-Versin Hall, Sunday at 2 p.m. H. Bowman, Conductor; Miss G. A. Brewster, Guardian.

San Francisco, Cal.—At Mechanics’ Institute Hall. Post street, Sunday at 1 ½ o’clock p.m. Conductor, John C. Mitchell; Guardian of Groups, Mrs. Whitehead.

Springfield, Mass.—Sunday at 10 ½ a.m., at Fallon’s Hall.

Springfield, Ill.—Sunday forenoon at 10 o’clock. William H. Planck Conductor; Mrs. E. G. Planck, Guardian.

St. Johns, Mich.—Clinton Hall, every Sunday at 11 a.m. E. K. Bailey, Conductor; Mrs. A. E. N. Rich, Guardian.

St. Louis, Mo.—Sunday, at 2 ½ p.m., at Mercantile Hall. Col. William E. Moberly, Conductor; Mrs. Mary Blood, Guardian.

At Polytechnic Institute, corner of Seventh and Chestnut streets, at 3 p.m. Myron Coloney, Conductor; Henry Stagg, Cor. Sec.

Sturgis, Mich.—Sunday at 12 ½ p.m., in the Free Church, John B. Jacobs, Conductor; Mrs. Nellie Smith, Guardian.

Troy, N. Y.—In Harmony Hall every Sunday at 2 ½ p.m. Monroe I. Keith, Conductor; Mrs. Louise Keith, Guardian.

Vineland, N. J.—Sunday at 1 o’clock p.m. Hosea Allen, Conductor; Mrs. Deborah Butler, Guardian.

Willimantic, Conn.—Remus Robinson, Conductor; Mrs. S. M. Purinton, Guardian.

Worcester, Mass.—In Horticultural Hall, Sunday, at 11 ½ a.m., Mrs. E. B. Fuller, Conductor; Mrs. M. A. Stearns, Guardian.

Spiritualist Societies and Meetings.


San Francisco, Cal.—Friends of Progress. President, Dr. H. J. Payne; Secretary, Dr. John Allyn.

Sacramento, Cal.—Children’s Progressive Lyceum, every Sunday afternoon, at Turn Verein Hall, K street. Conductor, H. Bowman; Guardian, Mrs. Brewster.

Portland, Oregon—First Society of Progressive Spiritualists, every Sunday. Benjamin Todd, Lecturer.

Salem, Oregon—Friends of Progress. Benjamin Todd, Lecturer.


Baltimore, Md.—The First Spiritualist Congregation of Baltimore, on Sundays, at Saratoga Hall, southeast corner of Calvert and Saratoga streets, at the usual hours. Mrs. F. O. Hyzer will speak till further notice.

Bangor, Me.—In Pioneer Chapel, every Sunday.

Boston, Mass.—Miss Lizzie Doten will lecture each Sunday afternoon in Mercantile Hall, 16 Summer street, commencing at 2 ½ o’clock. Admittance 15 cents.

The Progressive Bible Society, every Sunday, in No. 3 Tremont Row, Hall 58. Free discussion on the Christian Atonement at 10 ½ a.m. Lecture followed by conference at 3 and 7 p.m. Miss Phelps, regular lecturer.

Spiritual meetings every Sunday at 544 Washington street, Conference at 2 ½ p.m. Circle at 7 ½ p.m.

Brooklyn, N. Y.—In the Cumberland street Lecture Room, Sunday at 3 and 7 ½ p.m.

Charlestown, Mass.—First Spiritual Society, at Washington Hall, every Sunday.

The Independent Society of Spiritualists, Charlestown, every Sunday afternoon and evening, at Mechanics’ Hall, corner of Chelsea street and City square. Seats free.

City Hall, meetings every Sunday afternoon and evening.

Chelsea—The Associated Spiritualists of Chelsea, at Library Hall every Sunday afternoon and evening, 3 and 7 ½ p.m.

The Bible Christian Spiritualists, every Sunday to Winnisimmet Division Hall, Chelsea, at 3 and 7 p.m. Mrs. M. A. Ricker, regular speaker. D. J. Ricker, Superintendent.

Chicago, Ill.—First Society of Spiritualists in Chicago, every Sunday, at Crosby’s Opera House Hall, State street. Hours of meeting 10 ½ a.m. and 7 ½ p.m.

Spiritual meetings, for intellectual, scientific, and spiritual improvement, every Sunday at 10 ½ a.m., and Tuesday at 7 ½ p.m., at the hall of the Mechanics’ Institute, 155 South Clark street, room 9, third floor, till further notice. Seats free.

Cincinnati, Ohio.—Religious society of Progressive Spiritualists, Greenwood Hall, corner of Sixth and Vine streets, on Sunday mornings and evenings, at 10 ½ a.m.

Cleveland, O.—Sunday at 10 ½ a.m. and 7 ½ p.m., in Temperance Hall.

Dover and Foxcroft, Me.—Sunday forenoon and evening, in the Universalist church.

East Boston, Mass.—In Temperance Hall, 19 Maverick street.

Foxboro’, Mass.—In the Town Hall.

Lowell—Lee street Church, afternoon and evening.

Lynn, Mass.—Sunday, afternoon and evening, at Essex Hall.

Hammonton, N. J.—Sunday at 10 ½ a.m. and 7 p.m., at Ellis Hall, Belleview Avenue.

Haverhill, Mass.—Spiritualists hold meetings at Music Hall every Sunday, at 2 ½ and 7 p.m.

Jersey City, N. J.—Sunday at 10 ½ a.m. and 7 ½ p.m., at the Church of the Holy Spirit, 244 York street.

Louisville, Ky.—Sundays, at 11 a.m. and 7 ½ p.m, in Temperance Hall, Market street, between 4th and 5th.

Morrisania, N. Y.—First Society of Progressive Spiritualists in the Assembly Rooms, corner of Washington avenue and Fifth street, Sunday at 3 ½ p.m.

Newton Corner, Mass.—Spiritualists and Friends of Progress, in Middlesex Hall, Sundays, at 2 ½ and 7 p.m.

New York City.—The First Society of Spiritualists every Sunday, in Dodworth’s Hall, 806 Broadway. Seats free.

At Ebbitt Hall, 23d street, near Broadway, on Sundays, at 10 ½ a.m. and 7 ½ p.m. H. B. Storer, Secretary.

Oswego, N. Y.—Sunday at 2 ½ and 7 ½ p.m., in Lyceum Hall. West Second, near Bridge street.

Plymouth, Mass.—The Plymouth Spiritualists’ Fraternity, in Leyden Hall, three fourths the time.

Philadelphia, Pa.—In the new hall in Phoenix street, every Sunday afternoon, at 3 o’clock.

At Washington Hall, corner of 8th and Spring Garden sts., every Sunday.

Spiritualists in the southern part of Philadelphia, at No. 337 South Second street, at 10 ½ a.m. and 7 ½ p.m., and on Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock.

Providence, R. I.—In Pratt’s Hall, Weybosset street, Sunday afternoons, at 3 and evenings, at 7 ½ o’clock.

Putnam, Conn.—At Central Hall, Sunday at 1 ½ p.m.

Quincy, Mass.—Sunday at 2 ¾ and 7 p.m.

Richmond, Ind.—The Friends of Progress, every Sunday morning, in Henry Hall, at 10 ½ a.m.

Rochester, N. Y.—Society of Progressive Spiritualists, at Black’s Musical Institute (Palmer’s Hall), Main street, Sunday evening. Public circle on Thursday evening.

Salem, Mass.—Sunday, afternoon and evening, in Lyceum Hall.

South Danvers, Mass.—In the Town Hall, Sunday at 2 and 7 p.m.

Springfield, Ill.—Every Sunday in the hall.

Springfield, Mass.—The Fraternal Society of Spiritualists is every Sunday at Fallon’s Hall.

St. Louis, Mo.—At Polytechnic Institute, corner of Seventh and Chestnut streets, at 10 ½ a.m. and 7 ½ p.m.

Taunton, Mass.—Sunday, in Concert Hall.

Toledo, O.—Sunday at 10 ½ a.m. and 7 ½ p.m.

Troy, N. Y.—Sunday at 10 ½ a.m. and 7 ½ p.m., in Harmony Hall, corner of Third and River streets.

Vineland, N. J.—Friends of Progress, Sunday at 10 ½ a.m.

Washington, D. C.—In Union League Hall, every Sunday, at 11 a.m. and 7 ½ p.m.

Woburn Centre, Mass.—Bible Spiritualists, Central House Hall.

Worcester, Mass.—In Horticultural Hall every Sunday afternoon and evening.


Lecturers' Appointments and Addresses

Arranged Alphabetically.

Pacific States and Territories.

John Allyn, San Francisco, California.

Mrs. Ada Hoyt Foye, rapping and writing test medium, 124 Sutter street, San Francisco, Cal.

Mrs. C. M. Stowe, lecturer and clairvoyant physician, San Jose, Cal.

Benjamin Todd, San Francisco, Cal.

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Young, Boise City, Idaho Territory.

Atlantic States.

J. Madison Allyn, trance and inspirational speaker, Boston.

C. Fannie Allyn, Londonderry, Vt., during July.

Mrs. Sarah A. Byrnes, Lowell, during June. Address, 87 Spring street, East Cambridge, Mass.

Mrs. A. P. Brown, Eden Mills, Vt., June 30 and July 7; Woodstock, June 16 and 23; Bridgewater, June 2; South Reading, June 9. Address, St. Johnsbury Centre, Vt.

Mrs. H. F. M. Brown, P. O. drawer 6325, Chicago, Ill.

Mrs. Emma F. Jay Bullene, 151 West 12th st., New York.

Mrs. E. A. Bliss, 250 North Second street, Troy, N. Y.

Mrs. Abby N. Burnham, inspirational speaker, Auburndale, Mass.

Warren Chase, 544 Broadway, New York.

Dean Clark, inspirational speaker, Brandon, Vt.

Dr. L. K. Coonley, Vineland, N. J.

Mrs. Marietta F. Cross, trance speaker. Address, Hampstead, N. J., care of N. P. Cross.

Mrs. Hettie Clark, trance speaker, East Harwich, Mass.

Mrs. Sophia L. Chappell, 11 South st., Boston.

Mrs. Augusta A. Currier, Box 815, Lowell, Mass.

Dr. J. H. Currier, 199 Cambridge street, Boston, Mass.,

Albert E. Carpenter, Putnam, Conn.

Mrs. Jennet J. Clark, trance speaker, Fair Haven, Conn.

Miss Lizzie Doten, Pavilion, 57 Tremont street, Boston.

George Dutton, M. D., Room 25, Post office building, Newburgh, N. Y.

Andrew Jackson Davis, Orange, N. J.

A. T. Foss, Manchester, N. H.

Mrs. Mary L. French, inspirational and trance medium, Ellery street, Washington village, South Boston.

Dr. H. P. Fairfield, Greenwich Village, Mass.

S. J. Finney, Ann Arbor, Mich.

J. G. Fish, Red Bank, Monmouth Co., N. J.

Mrs. Fannie B. Felton, South Malden, Mass.

C. Augusta Fitch, trance speaker, box 1835, Chicago, Ill.

Isaac P. Greenleaf, Kenduskeag, Me.

Mrs. Laura De Force Gordon. Denver City, Col. Ter.

Mrs. C. L. Gade (formerly Mrs. Morris,) trance speaker, 77 Cedar street, Room 8, New York.

N. S. Greenleaf, Lowell, Mass.

Dr. L. P. Griggs, Evansville, Wis.

Mrs. Emma Hardinge, Worcester, Mass., during June. Address care of Mrs. Martha Jacobs, Worcester, or care of Thomas Ranney, 50 Federal street, Boston, Mass.

Dr. M Henry Houghton, West Paris, Me., until further notice.

W. A. D. Hume, Lowell, Mass.

Lyman C. Howe, inspirational speaker, New Albion, New York.

Mrs. Susie A. Hutchinson, Somers, Conn., during August; Cleveland, Ohio, during September, October, and November.

S. C. Hayford, Coopersville, New York.

Charles A. Hayden, 82 Monroe street, Chicago, Ill.

Miss Nellie Hayden, No. 20 Wilmot street, Worcester, Mass.

Mrs. S. A. Horton, Brandon, Vt.

Miss Julia J. Hubbard, box 2, Greenwood, Miss.

Mrs. F. O. Hyzer, 60 South Green street, Baltimore, Md.

Dr. E. B. Holden, Carendon, Vt.

Moses Hull, Milwaukee, Wis.

Miss Susie M. Johnson, Milford, Mass.

Dr. P. T. Johnson, lecturer, Ypsilanti, Mich.

W. F. Jamieson, inspirational speaker, Post office drawer 6325, Chicago, Ill.

S. S. Jones, Esq., 12 Methodist Church Block, South Clark street, Chicago, Ill.

Harvey A. Jones, Esq., Sycamore, Ill.

William H. Johnston, Correy, Pa.

O. P. Kellogg, lecturer, East Trumbull, Ashtabula Co., O.

George F. Kittridge, Buffalo, New York.

Cephas B. Lynn, inspirational and semi-conscious trance speaker, 567 Main street, Charlestown, Mass.

J. S. Loveland, Sturgis, Mich.

Mrs. E. K. Ladd, trance lecturer, 179 Court street, Boston.

Mrs. F. A. Logan, Salina, Onandaga Co., New York.

B. M. Lawrence, M. D., 54 Hudson street, Boston, Mass.

Mary E. Longdon, inspirational speaker, 60 Montgomery street, Jersey City, N. J.

Mr. H. T. Leonard, trance speaker, New Ipswich, N. H.

Miss Mary M. Lyons, inspirational speaker, 98 East Jefferson street, Syracuse, New York.

John A. Lowe, Box 17, Sutton, Mass.

Dr. G. W. Morrill, Jr., trance and inspirational speaker, Boston, Mass.

Loring Moody, Malden, Mass.

B. T. Munn, Skaneateles, New York.

Dr. Leo Miller, Post office box 2326, Chicago, Ill.

Mrs. Anna M. Middlebrook, Box 778, Bridgeport, Conn.

Mrs. Sarah Helen Mathews, East Westmoreland, N. H.

Dr. John Mayhew, 50 Montgomery street, Jersey City, New Jersey.

Dr. James Morrison, lecturer, McHenry, Ill.

Mr. & Mrs. H. M. Miller, Elmira, care W. B. Hatch, N. Y.

Prof. R. M. M’Cord, Centralia, Ill.

Emma M. Martin, inspirational speaker, care of box 221, Chicago, Ill.

Charles S. Marsh, semi-trance speaker, Wonewoc, Juneau County, Wis.

Mrs. Mary A. Mitchell, inspirational speaker, care of box 221, Chicago, Ill.

Miss Sarah A. Nutt, Lawrence, Kansas.

C. Norwood, Ottawa, Ill., impressional and inspirational speaker.

A. L. E. Nash, lecturer, Rochester, N. Y.

J. William Van Namee, Monroe, Mich.

A. A. Pond, inspirational speaker, Nor West, Ohio

J. L. Potter, trance speaker, Cedar Falls, Iowa, box 170.

Dr. D. A. Pease, Jr., Detroit, Mich.

Mrs. Anna M. L. Potts, M. D., lecturer, Adrian, Mich.

George A. Pierce, Auburn, Me.

Mrs. J. Puffer, trance speaker, South Hanover, Mass.

L. Judd Pardee, Philadelphia Pa.

Lydia Ann Pearsall, inspirational speaker, Disco, Mich.

Mrs. Nettie M. Pease, trance speaker and test medium, Detroit, Mich.

A. C. Robinson, 15 Hawthorne street, Salem, Mass.

Dr. W. Ripley, Box 95, Foxboro’, Mass.

Dr. P. B. Randolph, lecturer, care box 3352, Boston, Mass.

G. M. Rice, trance speaking medium, Broadhead, Wis.

J. H. Randall, inspirational speaker, Upper Lisle, New York.

Mrs. Frank Reid, inspirational speaker, Kalamazoo, Mich.

Austen E. Simmons, Woodstock, Vt.

Mrs. Fannie Davis Smith, Milford, Mass.

Abram Smith, Esq., inspirational speaker and musical medium, Sturgis, Mich.

Mrs. Nellie Smith, impressional speaker, Sturgis, Mich.

Dr. William H. Salisbury, Box 1313, Portsmouth, N. H.

E. Sprague, M. D., inspirational speaker, Schenectady, New York.

Selah Van Sickle, Greenbush, Mich.

Prof. S. M. Strick, inspirational speaker, Peoria, Ill.

J. W. Seaver, inspirational speaker, Byron, N. Y.

Miss Lottie Small, trance speaker, Mechanic Falls, Me.

Mrs. M. E. B. Sawyer, Baldwinsville, Mass.

Miss Martha S. Sturtevant, trance speaker, Boston, Mass.

Mrs. Mary Louisa Smith, trance speaker, Toledo, Ohio.

H. B. Storer, inspirational lecturer, 75 Fulton street, New York.

Mrs. H. T. Stearns, Detroit, Mich., care of H. N. F. Lewis.

Mrs. M. S. Townsend, Bridgewater, Vt.

Mrs. Charlotte F. Taber, trance speaker, New Bedford, Mass., Post office box 394.

J. H. W. Toohey, 42 Cambridge street, Boston.

Mrs. Sarah M. Thompson, inspirational speaker, 36 Bank street, Cleveland, Ohio.

Hudson Tuttle, Berlin Heights, Ohio.

James Trask, Kenduskeag, Me.

Francis P. Thomas, M. D., lecturer, Harmonia, Kansas.

N. Frank White, Oswego, N. Y., during June; during July, Seymouth, Conn.

Mrs. M. Macomber Wood, 11 Dewey street, Worcester, Mass.

F. L. H. Willis, M. D., Post office box 29, Station D, New York.

A. B. Whiting, Albion, Mich.

Mrs. S. E. Warner, Box 14, Berlin, Wis.

E. V. Wilson, Rock Island during June; Galesburg during July. Address, Babcock’s Grove, Du Page Co., Ill.

Alcinda Wilhelm, M. D., inspirational speaker, care of H. N. F. Lewis, Detroit, Mich.

Prof. E. Whipple, lecturer upon Geology and the Spiritual Philosophy, Sturgis, Mich.

Elijah Woodworth, inspirational speaker, Leslie, Mich.

Mrs. E. M. Wolcott, every Sabbath in Danby, Vt. Address, Danby, Vt.

S. H. Wortman, Buffalo, N. Y., Box 1434.

E. S. Wheeler, inspirational speaker, 5 Columbia street, Boston.

Mrs. S. A. Willis, Lawrence, Mass., Post office box 473.

Lois Waisbrooker, Mankato, Blue Earth Co., Minn., care of the Clifton House.

Mrs. N. J. Willis, trance speaker, Boston, Mass.

F. L. Wadsworth, Post office drawer 6325, Chicago, Ill.

A. A. Wheelock, trance and inspirational speaker, St. Johns, Mich.

Miss Elvira Wheelock, normal speaker, Janesville, Wis.

Warren Woolson, trance speaker, Hastings, N. Y.

Henry C. Wright, care of Bela Marsh, Boston.

Mrs. Mary J. Wilcox, care of Dr. Larkin, 244 Fulton street, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Mrs. Mary E. Withee, trance speaker, 71 Williams street, Newark, N. J.

A. C. Woodruff, Buffalo, N. Y.

Miss H. Maria Worthing, trance speaker, Oswego, Ill.

Jonathan Whipple, Jr., inspirational and trance speaker, Mystic, Conn.

Mrs. Juliette Yeaw, Northboro, Mass.

Mrs. S. J. Young, trance lecturer, 268 Tremont street, corner LaGrange, Boston.

Mrs. Fannie T. Young, of Boston, trance speaker, 285 South Clark street, Chicago, Ill.


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