

The Banner of Light (Boston), June 30.

Spiritualist Lecturers’ Appointments and Addresses.

Lecturers’ Appointments and Addresses.

Published Gratuitously Every Week in the Banner of Light.

[To be useful, this list should be reliable. It therefore behooves Societies and Lectures to promptly notify us of appointments, or changes of appointments, whenever they occur. Should any name appear in this list of a party known not to be a lecturer, we desire to be so informed, as this column is intended for Lecturers only.]

MRS. REBECCA P. ADAMS will engage to speak in any of the New England States during the fall months. Address, care of John Gettenner, 64th street, between 8th avenue and Broadway, New York.

C. FANNIE ALLYN will speak in Woodstock, Vt., June 24 and July 4; in Ludlow, July 8 and 15; in Londonderry, July 22 and 29; in Rutland, Sept. 2 and 9. General address, Woodstock, Vt.

J. MADISON ALLYN, trance and inspirational speaker, will lecture in Londonderry, Vt., June 24 and July 1; in Woodstock, July 4, 8, 15 and 22; in Lowell, Mass., during August; in Rutland, Vt., Sept. 16 and 23. Will speak week evenings in vicinity of Sunday appointments and attend funerals. Will also receive subscriptions for the Banner of Light. Address, Woodstock, Vt., care of Thomas Middleton.

DR. J. T. AMOS will answer calls to lecture upon Physiology and Spiritualism. Address, box 2001, Rochester, N. Y.

N. K. ANDROSS, trance speaker, Delton, Wis.

CHARLES A. ANDRUSS, trance speaker, Grand Rapids, Mich., care of Dr. George F. Fenn.

GEORGE W. ATWOOD, trance speaker, Weymouth Landing, Mass.

DR. J. K. BAILEY, Quincy, Ill., will answer calls to lecture.

ADDIE L. BALLOU, inspirational speaker, Mankato, Minn.

REV. ADIN BALLOU, Hopedale, Mass.

M. C. BENT, inspirational speaker, will lecture in Middle Granville, N. Y., the first and third Sundays in each month, and in Kingsbury the second and fourth, up to July. Address, Middle Granville, or Smith’s Basin, N. Y.

MRS. E. A. BLISS, Springfield, Mass.

A. P. BOWMAN, inspirational speaker, Richmond, Iowa.

MRS. A. P. BROWN, St. Johnsbury Centre, Vt.

MRS. H. F. M. BROWN, P. O. drawer 5815, Chicago, Ill.

MRS. M. A. C. BROWN, West Brattleboro’, Vt.

MRS. EMMA F. HAY BULLENE, 151 West 12th st., New York.

MRS. SARAH A. BYRNES, 87 Spring st., East Cambridge, Mass.

JUDGE A. G. W. CARTER, Cincinnati, O.

MISS LIZZIE CARLEY, Ypsilanti, Mich.

ALBERT E. CARPENTER will lecture Sundays and week evenings, and also attend funerals. Address, Putnam, Conn.

MRS. SOPHIA L. CHAPPELL will receive calls to lecture in New England until the last of July. Address care of this office.

WARREN CHASE will lecture in Decatur, Ill., during June; will attend the Illinois Convention at Rockford, June 29 and 30 and July 1; will lecture in Cleveland, July 8, 15, 22 and 29; in Windsor, Conn., Aug. 12 and 19; will attend the National Convention in Providence, and return in September to the West, where he will answer some of the many urgent calls from that section. He will receive subscriptions for the Banner of Light.

DEAN CLARK, inspirational speaker, will answer calls to lecture. Address, Brandon, Vt.

MRS. ELIZA C. CLARK, inspirational speaker. Address care of this office.

MRS. JENNETT J. CLARK, trance speaker, will answer calls to lecture on Sundays in any of the towns in Connecticut. Will also attend funerals. Address, Fair Haven, Conn.

MRS. AMELIA H. COLBY, trance speaker, Monmouth, Ill.

THOMAS COOK, Huntsville, Ind., lecturer on organization.

DR. L. K. COONLEY. Will receive subscriptions for the Banner of Light, and sell Spiritual and Reform Books. Address, Vineland, N. J.

DR. JAMES COOPER, Bellefontaine, Ohio. Will take subscriptions for the Banner of Light.

CHARLES P. CROCKER, inspirational speaker, Fredonia, N. Y.

MRS. LAURA CUPPY is lecturing in San Francisco, Cal.

MRS. AUGUSTA A. CURRIER will speak in Providence during June. Will answer calls to speak in New England through the summer and fall. Address, box 815, Lowell, Mass.

IRA H. CURTIS speaks on questions of government. Address, Hartford, Conn.

ANDREW JACKSON DAVIS can be addressed at Orange, N. J.

MRS. E. DELAMAR, trance speaker, Quincy, Mass.

MISS LIZZIE DOTEN will lecture in Chelsea during June. She will not make any other engagements to lecture until further notice. Address, Pavilion, 57 Tremont st., Boston.

DR. E. C. DUNN, Rockford, Ill.

DR. H. E. EMERY, lecturer, South Coventry, Conn.

MRS. FANNIE B. FELTON’s address through the summer will be Cache Creek, Colorado Territory.

MRS. CLARA A. FIELD will answer calls to lecture. Address, Newport, Me.

S. J. FINNEY, Ann Arbor, Mich.

J. G. FISH, Carversville, Pa., “Excelsior Normal Institute.”

C. AUGUSTA FITCH, trance speaker, box 1835, Chicago, Ill.

DR. WILLIAM FITZGIBBON will answer calls to lecture on the science of Human Electricity, as connected with the Physical Manifestations of the Spiritual Philosophy. Address, Philadelphia, Pa.

A. T. FOSS will speak in Bangor, Me., during June; in Glenburn, Me., July 1; in Old Town, July 8 and 15. Would be glad to make further engagements in New England for the summer and fall. Address, Bangor, Me.; permanent address, Manchester, N. H.

REV. JAMES FRANCIS, Mankato, Minn.

MRS. MARY L. FRENCH, inspirational and trance medium, will answer calls to lecture, attend circles or funerals. Free Circles Sunday evenings. Address, Ellery street, Washington Village, South Boston.

MISS ELIZA HOWE FULLER, trance medium, will make engagements to lecture for the summer and fall. Apply as early as convenient. Address as above, or LaGrange, Me.

MRS. DR. D. A. GALLION will answer calls to lecture, under spirit control, upon diseases and their causes, and other subjects. Address Dr. J. Gallion, Healing Institute, Keokuk, Iowa.

MRS. LAURA DE FORCE GORDON’s address is Cache Creek, Colorado Territory.

ISAAC P. GREENLEAF will speak in South Reading, Mass., during June. Is reading to answer calls to lecture anywhere the friends may desire. Address as above.

N. S. GREENLEAF, Lowell, Mass.

DR. L. P. GRIGGS, Evansville, Wis.

D. H. HAMILTON lectures on Reconstruction and the True Mode of Communitary Life. Address, Hammonton, N. J.

EMMA HARDINGE. Persons desiring information of her whereabouts can obtain it by inquiry of Mrs. E. J. French, 9 Fourth avenue, New York. Those who have occasion to write to her can address letters to Mrs. Hardinge, care of Mrs. Gilbert Wilkinson, 205 Cheetham Hill, Manchester, England.

J. D. HASCALL, M. D., will answer calls to lecture in Wisconsin. Address, Waterloo, Wis.

JOSEPH J. HATLINGER, M. D., inspirational speaker, will answer calls to lecture in the West, Sundays and week evenings. Address, 25 Court street, New Haven, Conn.

CHARLES A. HAYDEN will speak in Providence, R. I., during September; in Cincinnati, O., during October and November; in Cleveland during December; in Philadelphia, Pa., during May, 1867. Will make engagements to speak week evenings in the vicinity of Sunday engagements. Address as above.

MRS. LOVINA HEATH, trance speaker, Lockport, N. Y.

MRS. ANNA E. HILL, inspirational medium and psychometrical reader, Whitesboro’, Oneida Co., N. Y.

DR. E. B. HOLDEN, No. Clarendon, Vt.

MRS. S. A. HORTON will speak in Eden Mills, Vt., and vicinity, during June and the first Sunday in July. Address as above, or Brandon, Vt.

M. HENRY HOUGHTON will lecture in Sutton, N. H., July 1 and 8. Will speak Sundays and week evenings. Address as above, or box 95, Foxboro’, Mass.

LYMAN C. HOWE, trance speaker, Clear Creek, N. Y.

JULIA J. HUBBARD, trance speaker, care Banner of Light.

MOSES HULL, Milwaukee, Wis.

W. A. D. HUME will lecture on Spiritualism and all progressive subjects. Address, West Side P. O., Cleveland, O.

MRS. SUSIE A. HUTCHINSON will speak in Haverhill during June; in Charlestown during July; in Stafford, Con., Aug. 5 and 12; in Willimantic, Conn., Aug. 19 and 26; in Worcester, Mass., during September. Address as above.

MRS. F. O. HYZER, 60 South Green street, Baltimore, Md.

O. P. KELLOGG, lecturer, East Trumbull, Ashtabula Co., O.

W. F. JAMIESON, inspirational speaker, Decatur, Mich.

MISS SUSIE M. JOHNSON will speak in Houlton, Me., during June.

MRS. E. K. LADD, trance lecturer, 179 Court street, Boston.

B. M. LAWRENCE, M. D., will answer calls to lecture. Address, 15 Marshall street, Boston, Mass.

J. S. LOVELAND will lecture in Troy, N. Y., during June. Will answer calls to lecture, and will pay especial attention to the establishment of Children’s Lyceums. Address, Hamburg, Conn.

MRS. ELIZABETH MARQUAND, trance and normal lecturer, chamois, Osage Co., Mo.

CHARLES S. MARSH, semi-trance speaker. Address, Wonewoc, Juneau Co., Wis.

EMMA M. MARTIN, inspirational speaker, Birmingham, Mich.

MRS. SARAH HELEN MATTHEWS will speak in Quincy, Mass., during June and July. Address as above, in care of Clift Rogers, Esq., or East Westmoreland, N. H.

MRS. ANNA M. MIDDLEBROOK will lecture Sundays and week-evenings. Address as above, or box 778, Bridgeport, Ct.

MRS. & MRS. H. M. MILLER, Elmira, N. Y., care W. B. Hatch.

MRS. MARY A. MITCHELL, inspirational speaker, will answer calls to lecture upon Spiritualism, Sundays and weekday evenings, in Illinois, Wisconsin and Missouri during the summer, fall and winter. Will attend Conventions and Grove Meetings when desired. Address, care of box 221, Chicago, Ill.

LORING MOODY, Malden, Mass.

DR. G. W. MORRILL, Jr., trance and inspirational speaker, will lecture and attend funerals. Address, Boston, Mass.

DR. JAMES MORRISON, lecturer, McHenry, Ill.

B. T. MUNN will lecture on Spiritualism within a reasonable distance. Address, Skaneateles, N. Y.


MISS SARAH A. NUTT, Claremont, N. H.

L. JUDD PARDEE. Address, care of Thomas Rathbun, box 1231, Buffalo, N. Y.

LYDIA ANN PEARSALL, inspirational speaker, Disco, Mich.

J. M. PEEBLES, box 1402, Cincinnati, O.

MISS B. C. PELTON, Woodstock, Vt.

A. A. POND, inspirational speaker, North West, Ohio.

J. H. RANDALL, inspirational speaker, will lecture on Spiritualism and Physical Manifestations. Upper Lisle, N. Y.

Dr. P. B. RANDOLPH, lecturer, box 1714, New Orleans, La.

J. L. POTTER, trance speaker, Cedar Falls, Iowa, box 170.

MRS. ANNA M. L. POTTS, M.D., lecturer, Adrian, Mich.

MRS. FRANK REID, inspirational speaker, Kalamazoo, Mich.

G. W. RICE, trance speaking medium, Brodhead, Wis.

DR. W. K. RIPLEY will speak in Great Falls, N. H., during June. Address, Foxboro’, Mass.

A. C. ROBINSON, 15 Hathorne street, Salem, Mass., will answer calls to lecture.

MRS. M. E. B. SAWYER, Baldwinsville, Mass.

MISS BELLE SCOUGALL, inspirational speaker, Rockford, Ill.

J. W. SEAVER, inspirational speaker, Byron, N. Y., will answer calls to lecture or attend funerals at accessible places.

SELAH VAN SICKLE, Lansing, Mich.

AUSTEN E. SIMMONS will speak in Woodstock, Vt., on the first and fifth Sundays, in Bridgewater on the second Sunday, and in Braintree on the third Sunday of every month during the coming year.

MRS. SUSAN E. SLIGHT, trance speaker, will lecture for the Society of Spiritualists in Yarmouth, Me., till further notice.

MISS LOTTIE SMALL, trance speaker, will answer calls to lecture. Address, Mechanic Falls, Me.


MRS. MARY LOUISA SMITH, trance speaker, Toledo, O.

MRS. H. T. STEARNS, Vineland, N. J.

MRS. C. M. STOWE will answer calls to lecture in the Pacific States and Territories. Address, San Jose, Cal.

MISS MARTHA S. STURTEVANT, trance speaker, 56 Elliot street, Boston.

ELIJAH R. SWACKHAMER, Chamois, Osage Co., Mo.

FRANCIS P. THOMAS, M. D., lecturer, Harmonia, Kansas.

MRS. SARAH M. THOMPSON, inspirational speaker, 36 Bank street, Cleveland, O.

BENJAMIN TODD, San Jose, Cal., care of A. C. Stowe.

J. H. W. TOOHEY, 42 Cambridge street, Boston.

MRS. M. S. TOWNSEND, Bridgewater, Vt.

HUDSON TUTTLE, Berlin Heights, O.

F. L. WADSWORTH’s address is care of the R. P. Journal, P. O. drawer 6325, Chicago, Ill.

LOIS WAISBROOKER can be addressed at Lowell, Mass., care of Cutter & Walker, during July. Will receive calls to lecture in New England during August and September.

E. S. WHEELER, inspirational speaker, will lecture in Lowell during June; in East Kingston, N. H., July 8, 22 and 29; in Quincy, Aug. 19 and 26. Address this office.

JONATHAN WHIPPLE, Jr., inspirational and trance speaker. Address, Mystic, Conn.

N. FRANK WHITE will speak in Battle Creek, Mich., during June; in Seymour, Conn., during July and August. Applications for week evenings must be made in advance, and will be promptly answered. Address as above.

A. B. WHITING, Albion, Mich.

MRS. MARY J. WILCOXSON will lecture in Northwestern Pennsylvania and Western New York till after the Mass Convention in Corry. Address, care of A. C. Stiles, M. D., Hammonton, Atlantic Co., N. J.

ALCINDA WILHELM, M. D., inspirational speaker, is engaged to lecture in Illinois until the fall. Address, care of E. Nye, Esq., box 50, Monmouth, Warren Co., Ill.

F. L. H. WILLIS, M. D., will lecture in Worcester during June. Address as above, or care Banner of Light, Boston.

MRS. N. J. WILLIS, trance speaker, will lecture in Worcester, July 1, 8, 15, and 22. Address, Boston, Mass.

E. V. WILSON may be addressed during the summer at Menekaune, Oconto Co., Wis., for engagements next fall and winter.

MRS. E. M. WOLCOTT is engaged to speak half the time in Danby, Vt. Will receive calls to speak in Vermont, New Hampshire, or New York. Address, Danby, Vt.

MRS. M. MACOMBER WOOD will speak in Charlestown (Washington Hall) during June. Address, 11 Dewey street, Worcester, Mass.

ELIJAH WOODWORTH, inspirational speaker, Leslie, Mich.

WARREN WOOLSON, trance speaker, Hastings, N. Y.

MISS H. MARIA WORTHING, trance speaker, Oswego, Ill., will answer calls to lecture and attend funerals.

HENRY C. WRIGHT will answer calls to lecture. Address care of Bela Marsh, Boston.

MRS. FRANCES T. YOUNG, trance speaking medium, care Banner of Light.


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