The Religio-Philosophical Journal, November 11
Seconed National Convention of Spiritualists, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Proceedings of the Second National Convention of Spiritualists,
Held at Concert Hall, Philadelphia, October 20, 1865.
The Convention met pursuant to adjournment.
Address by Mrs. Chappell.
The following preamble and resolutions were offered by Mrs. C. L. V. Scott, and after remarks by Mr. Sprague, Mr. Bush, Mr. Chase, Mr. Dixon, John Langham, Mrs. Young, Mrs. C. L. V. Scott, Mr. Justice, Lizzie Doten, and the Hon. S. S. Jones.
A motion was made to lay the preamble and resolutions on the table. Lost.
They were then adopted, and are as follows:
Whereas, A free expression of free thought, free speech, and a free platform, are indispensable safeguards to the freedom of a free people. Therefore,
Resolved, That from and after the passage of this resolution at this and all subsequent sessions of this National Convention of Spiritualists, discussions of all themes except those of a purely financial and business nature, shall not be confined to delegated members, but that all persons, irregardless of sex, color, race, or station, are cordially invited to mingle freely in debate and discussion of all those humanitarian operations that may be brought to the consideration of the Convention.
The report of the Committee on Education was read and adopted, as follows:
The Committee on Education presented the following resolutions:
Resolved, That Education is of the highest importance to a nation, save its existence; and demands from Spiritualists, especially, effective labor.
Resolved, That we recognize certain grand and fundamental principles as the basis of a true system of education. Among which, are the following:
1. All science, all philosophy, and all religion, are in man, and therefore a true method of education is to educe or draw out what is in man, rather than seek to put in him what is already there by nature.
2. The true process of education is always attentive to the learner, whose mind as instinctively turns to some department of nature, as the plant draws the support from the elements.
3. A sound physical development is of vital importance, and constitutes a primary part of true education.
Resolved, That we recommend Spiritualists everywhere to endeavor to secure wise legislative action upon school laws, and cooperate heartily with the State in securing the blessings of free schools; to cultivate the appointment of teachers, and suggest plans of improvement, and move frequently to visit the schools and encourage the work by their presence.
Resolved, That we deem the subject of education as necessarily connected by nature with industry; and believe that industry and education should be equally and mutually extended to both sexes with equal advantages to each.
Resolved, That as the complete and harmonious development of the individual is the grand use of life, it should be the aim of all education, and in an especial manner the spiritual aspirations of children and youth should be met and their religious natures expanded and rightly directed by impressing upon their minds the truths of Spiritualism as a Religion, and as Children’s Progressive Lyceums seem to be well adapted to the happy and symmetrical culture of body, soul and spirit; therefore, we recommend the adoption of the principles and plan of the Lyceum to Spiritualists throughout the world.
Resolved, That we, as Spiritualists, consider that there is nothing so well calculated to soothe, harmonize and elevate the human soul, as music. Therefore we recommend the introduction of a complete and thorough course of musical instruction as one of the essential parts of our educational system.
Resolved, That this Convention constitute a National Board of Education, until their successors shall be appointed, whose duty it shall be to co-operate with each other in promoting the interests of education.
(Signed, in behalf of the Committee)
Warren Chase, Chairman.F. L. Wadsworth offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That we highly approve of social organizations of Spiritualists and all who sympathize and co-operate with them, and that we cordially recommend to Spiritualists and progressive reformers everywhere a concentration of effort by local organizations and representation in future National Conventions.
The following preamble and resolution were presented by Mr. Newman Weeks, and unanimously adopted:
Whereas, All Spiritualists and friends of human progress claim to be free from the bondage of bigotry, superstition and priestly despotism, and by virtue of their humanity, which is an ordinance and state ordained by God and sanctioned by the angel world as a sacred right to life, liberty, and the free pursuit of happiness. Therefore,
Resolved, That as consistent Spiritualists and true reformers, we are in favor of freedom from slavery and bondage of every kind, for a universal humanity, without regard to race, sex or color.
Warren Chase presented the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That we heartily approve of the course pursued by the Spiritualists of Vermont in holding for the last twelve years annual State Conventions, and we recommend State and District Conventions to the Spiritualists throughout the world, where comparison of views and experiences may be made and expression of sentiment declared.
Mr. J. S. Loveland offered the following resolution which, after some discussion, was not adopted.
Resolved, That ten persons—five ladies and five gentlemen—two from each of the cities of Chicago, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, New York and Boston, be appointed a Committee who shall be empowered, under the approbation of this National Convention, to publish such essays, in tract form, as they may deem conducive to the promulgation of the principles of the New Dispensation and institute such methods for their general circulation, as they may deem proper.
Mr. Carey offered the following resolution, which was adopted:
Resolved, That the President, Vice-President and officers of this Convention who have been constituted the Executive Committee of the Permanent National Organization, and hereby instructed and empowered to see that proper and just provision is made for the delegates to the next Annual Convention for their comfort and support during their sojourn in attendance on the Convention, in whatever city or place it may be held.
Address by Rev. J. G. Fish, Jacob L. Paxon, and Isaac Rehn.
Mr. Dinsmore presented the following resolution, as an addition to the articles of association for the National Organization.
Resolved, That in all sessions of the National Organization of Spiritualists, discussions of all themes, except those of a purely financial and business nature, shall not be confined to delegated members, but that all persons, irrespective of sex, color, race or station, are cordially invited to mingle freely in debate and discussion of all these humanitarian questions that may be brought to the consideration of the Convention.
This was debated on by Mr. Dinsmore, Mr. Chase, Mrs. C. L. V. Scott, Mr. Bush, Mr. Toohey, Mr. William L. Robinson, Mr. Rehn, Mr. Fish, Miss Doten, and Mr. Justice.
The yeas and nays being called, were as follows:
Vermont—Milo O. Mott.
Massachusetts—Lizzie Doten, A. M. Spence, Clifford Rogers, Mrs. Clifford Rogers, Charles A. Hayden, A. S. Hayward, S. H. Young, Sarah A. Southworth.
Rhode Island—Miss Phoebe Hull.
New York—A. J. Davis, Mary F. Davis, Emma Halstead, J. W. Seaver, Cora L. V. Scott, W. A. Ludden, J. H. W. Toohey.
New Jersey—Mr. Morrill.
Pennsylvania—C. E. Sargent, John Langham, Mary Cavanaugh, William H. Johnston, Olive H. Frazer, Emmet Densmore.
Illinois—S. S. Jones, A. H. Robinson, Emma Steel, William Butler, Mrs. J. S. Fuller, N. E. Dagget.
Wisconsin—Joseph B. Burr, A. S. Palmer, Mrs. A. S. Palmer.
Michigan—F. L. Wadsworth, John P. Jacobs.
Kentucky—Sarah E. Smith.—36.NAYS.
Vermont—Newman Weeks, Mrs. M. B. Randall, M. D.
Massachusetts—J. S. Loveland, N. S. Greenleaf.
Rhode Island—L. K. Joslyn, Samuel B. Shaffer.
Connecticut—Dr. J. J. Hatlinger.
New York—Henry Bush, Mrs. S. L. Chappell, E. Sprague.
New Jersey—J. G. Fish, Mrs. C. A. K. Poor, Deborah Butler, Dr. C. N. Howard, Miss A. Woodburn, Warren Chase.
Pennsylvania—M. B. Dyott, Dr. H. T. Child, Mrs. Dr. Chase, Martha Brown, Mrs. Minnie Shumway, Susan Baker, William Wharton, Alice Tyson, I. Rehn, Mary Stretch, Mrs. M. Barney, William L. Robinson, Alfred B. Justice, John S. Isett.
District of Columbia—J. C. Smith, Dr. J. A. Rowland.
Ohio—A. G. W. Carter, William W. Ward, Charles T. Thompson, Sarah M. Thompson, George Carey, Mrs. George Carey.
Illinois—George Haskell, M. D.
Wisconsin—H. S. Brown, M. D., William White, M. D.—41.EVENING SESSION.
Addresses by A. J. Davis and Mrs. Cora L. V. Scott. At the conclusion of which, Mrs. Scott offered her resignation as a member of the National Organization. Lizzie Doten also requested her name withdrawn from the roll of membership.