The Banner of Light (Boston), July 1.
Notices of Spiritualist Meetings; Spiritualist Lecturers’ Appointments and Addresses; Prospectus of the Banner of Light, with Contributors, Terms of Subscription, and Wholesale and Retail Agents.
Notices of Meetings
The Bible Christian Spiritualists hold meetings every Sunday in Templar Hall, corner of Bromfield and Province streets, at 10 ½ A.M. and 3 P.M. Mrs. M. A. Ricker, regular speaker. The public are invited. Seats free. D. J. Ricker, Sup’t.
Religious Service, with vocal and instrumental sacred music, is held at Dr. U. Clark’s Health Institute, 16 Chauncy street, Sundays, at 10 ½ A.M. Free.
Chelsea.—The Spiritualists of Chelsea have hired Library Hall, to hold regular meetings Sunday afternoon and evening of each week. All communications concerning them should be addressed to Dr. B. H. Crandon, Chelsea, Mass. Speakers engaged:— Charles A. Hayden during September; Mrs. Fannie B. Felton, Dec. 3 and 10.
Cincinnati, O.—The Spiritualists of Cincinnati have organized themselves under the laws of Ohio as a “Religious Society of Progressive Spiritualists,” and have secured Metropolitan Hall, corner of Ninth and Walnut streets, where they hold regular meetings on Sunday mornings and evenings, at 10 ½ and 7 ½ o’clock.
Dover and Foxcroft, Me.:—The Spiritualists hold regular meetings every Sunday, forenoon and evening, in the Universalist church. A successful Sabbath School is in operation. Speakers engaged:—Miss Susie M. Johnson during July; W. K. Ripley during August and September.
Foxboro, Mass.—Meetings in Town Hall. Speaker engaged:—Charles A. Hayden, July 2. Meetings during the summer months at 1 ½ and 3 ½ P.M.
Haverhill, Mass.—The Spiritualists and liberal minds of Haverhill have organized, and hold regular meetings at Music Hall. Speakers engaged:—Charles A. Hayden, July 9 and 16; N. Frank White, July 23 and 30; Mrs. Laura Cuppy during August; Isaac P. Greenleaf during September.
Lowell.—Spiritualists hold meetings in Lee street Church, forenoon and afternoon. “The Children’s Progressive Lyceum” meets at noon. Speakers engaged:—N. Frank White, July 2, 9 and 16; Mrs. Sarah A. Horton, July 23 and 30; Mrs. Nellie Temple Brigham during September; Charles A. Hayden during October; J. M. Peebles during November.
New York.—Spiritual meetings are held at Hope Chapel every Sunday. Seats free.
Old Town, Me.—The Spiritualists of Old Town, Bradley, Milford and Upper Stillwater hold regular meetings every Sunday, afternoon and evening, in the Universalist Church.
Plymouth, Mass.—Spiritualists hold meetings in Leyden Hall, Sunday afternoon and evening, one-half the time.
Portland, Me.—The Spiritualists of this city hold regular meetings every Sunday in Congress Hall, Clapp’s Block, corner of Congress and Elm streets. Free Conference in the forenoon. Lectures afternoon and evening
Providence, R. I.—Meetings are held in Pratt’s Hall, Weybosset street, Sundays, afternoons at 3 and evenings at 7 ¾ o’clock. Progressive Lyceum meets every Sunday forenoon, at 10 ½ o’clock. Speaker engaged:—Miss Emma Hardinge during July.
Quincy.—Meetings every Sunday in Rodgers’ Chapel. Services in the forenoon at 10 ¾, and in the afternoon at 2 ¾ o’clock. Speaker engaged:—Mrs. Laura Cuppy, July 2 and 9.
Rockland, Me.—Meetings are held at Rankin Hall every Sunday, afternoon and evening. Regular speaker:—J. N. Hodges.
Taunton, Mass.—Spiritualists hold meetings in Concern Hall regularly at 2 ½ and 7 ½ P.M. Admission 5 cents. Speaker engaged:—Mrs. Laura Cuppy, July 16, 23 and 30.
Vineland, N. J.—The Spiritualists of this place hold regular Sunday meetings at Union Hall.
Worcester, Mass.—Meetings are held in Horticultural Hall every Sunday afternoon and evening. Speakers engaged:—Miss Emma Houston during July; N. Frank White during September; Mrs. Anna M. Middlebrook during November; J. M. Peebles, Dec. 3 and 10.
Lecturers’ Appointments and Addresses.
Published Gratuitously Every Week in the Banner of Light.
[To be useful, this list should be reliable. It therefore behooves Societies and Lecturers to promptly notify us of appointments, or changes of appointments, whenever they occur. Should perchance any name appear in this list of a party known not to be a lecturer, we desire to be so informed, as this column is intended for Lecturers only.]
J. M. and C. F. ALLEN may be addressed, for the present, at Searsport, Me.
REV. ADIN BALLOU, lecturer, Hopedale, Mass.
MRS. IDA L. BALLOU, Fond du Lac, Wis.
MISS MARTHA L. BECKWITH, trance speaker, will lecture in Portland, Me., during September. Address of New Haven, care of George Beckwith.
MRS. E. A. BLISS, Springfield, Mass.
A. P. BOWMAN, inspirational speaker, Richmond, Iowa.
MRS. NELLIE TEMPLE BRIGHAM, trance speaker, Coleraine, N. H.
MRS. A. P. BROWN, inspirational speaker, will speak in Danville, Vt., every other Sunday until further notice. She will attend funerals if desired. Address, St. Johnsbury Centre, Vt.
MRS. H. F. M. BROWN may be addressed at Chicago, Ill.
MRS. M. A. C. BROWN, of West Brattleboro’, Vt., will speak in Putney, July 2.
MRS. SARAH A. BYRNES, 87 Spring street, East Cambridge, Mass.
MISS LIZZIE CARLEY would like to make engagements for the late fall and winter months with the friends in New York and Pennsylvania. Address, Ypsilanti, Mich.
MRS. SOPHIA L. CHAPPELL. Address, Forestport, Oneida Co., N. Y., care of Horace Farley, Esq.
WARREN CHASE’S address will be South Hardwick, Vt., during July. He will answer calls to lecture and attend Conventions in that section of the State. He will receive subscriptions for the Banner of Light.
MRS. JENNETTE J. CLARK, inspirational speaker, will answer calls to lecture on Sundays in Eastern Massachusetts. Address, Lowell, Mass.
THOMAS COOK, Huntsville, Ind., will answer calls to lecture on organization.
DR. L. K. COONLEY will lecture and heal in Havana, Sparland, Lacon, LaPrairie Centre, Henry and Peoria. Address until July 15th, Sparland, Marshall Co., Ill. He will receive subscriptions for the Banner of Light.
DR. JAMES COOPER, of Bellefontaine, O., will deliver a funeral discourse at Bowling Green, Wood Co., O., July 30th, on the departure of Samuel Vail to spirit-life. Will receive subscriptions for the Banner of Light.
MRS. LAURA CUPPY will lecture in Quincy, July 2 and 9; in Taunton, July 16, 23 and 30; in Haverhill during August; in Portland, Me., during October. She will answer calls to speak week evenings. Address as above, or care Banner of Light.
MRS. AUGUSTA A. CURRIER will lecture in Bangor, Me., during July and August; in Milford, N. H., Sept. 3 and 10. Address, box 815, Lowell, Mass.
IRA H. CURTIS speaks upon questions of government. Address, Hartford, Conn.
MISS LIZZIE DOTEN will speak in Philadelphia during October. Will make no other engagements to lecture until further notice. Her many correspondents will note the above announcement. Address as above, or Pavilion, 57 Tremont street, Boston, Mass.
MRS. FANNIE B. FELTON will speak in Taunton, Mass., July 2 and 9; in Chelsea, Dec. 3 and 10. Will make engagements for the autumn and winter. Address, South Malden, Mass.
J. G. FISH will speak in Cincinnati during July. Will receive subscriptions for the Banner of Light. Address, Hammonton, N. J.
C. AUGUSTA FITCH, trance speaker, box 1835, Chicago, Ill.
MRS. LAURA DE FORCE GORDON has come North for the summer, and will remain in New England for a few weeks.
ISAAC P. GREENLEAF will speak in Stockton, Me., July 2, and Aug. 6; in Glenburn, July 23, and Aug. 27; in Levant, July 16, and Aug. 20; in Newport, July 9, and Aug. 13; in Haverhill, Mass., during September. Address, Exeter Mills, Me.
D. H. HAMILTON will answer calls to lecture on Reconstruction and the True Mode of Community Life. Address, Hammonton, N. J.
MISS EMMA HARDINGE will lecture in Providence, R. I., during July. Address, 8 Fourth avenue, New York. Her time is all taken up prior to leaving for Europe.
MRS. CORA L. V. HATCH. Address, Chicago., Ill., till the middle of July.
CHARLES A. HAYDEN will speak in Foxboro’, July 2; in Haverhill, July 9 and 16; in Bucksport, Me., July 23 and 30; in Chelsea, Mass., during September; in Lowell during October; in Philadelphia during November. Will make engagements to speak in the West through the winter and spring of 1866, if the friends desire. Address as above.
MRS. LOVINA HEATH, trance speaker, Lockport, N. Y.
MRS. S. A. HORTON will speak in Rutland, Vt., the first Sunday of each month until November; in Ludlow, July 9; in Lowell, Mass., July 23 and 30; in Quincy, Aug. 13 and 20.
M. H. HOUGHTON will speak in Locke’s Mills, Me., July 2; in Stafford, Conn., July 23 and 30. Will answer calls to lecture in any of the Eastern or Middle States this coming fall and winter. Address as above, or West Paris, Me.
MISS EMMA HOUSTON, Manchester, N. H.
MOSES HULL will speak in Jonesville, Mich., July 2. He will attend grove meetings, if applied to in season. Address accordingly, or Decatur, Mich.
MRS. SUSIE A. HUTCHINSON will speak in Cincinnati during August. Address as above, or Syracuse, N. Y.
MRS. F. O. HYZER. Address, box 166, Buffalo, N. Y.
W. F. JAMIESON, inspirational speaker, Decatur, Mich.
MISS SUSIE M. JOHNSON will speak in Providence, R. I., during June; in Dover, Me., during July; in Bangor during September.
MISS SOPHIA KENDRICK, trance speaker, will answer calls to lecture Sundays, week evenings, or attend funerals. Address, Lebanon, N. H.
GEORGE F. KITTREDGE will answer calls to attend public circles, and lecture on Sundays, in Northern Michigan. Address, Grand Rapids, box 663.
MRS. E. K. LADD, No. 140 Court street, will answer calls to lecture.
J. S. LOVELAND. Address, Banner of Light office, Boston.
MRS. ELIZABETH MARQUAND, inspirational speaker, 97 Walnut street, Newark, N.J.
MRS. EMMA M. MARTIN, inspirational speaker, Birmingham, Mich.
ANNA M. MIDDLEBROOK. Engagements made for the remainder of the year. Address, box 778, Bridgeport, Conn.
MR. and MRS. H. M. MILLER, Elmira, N. Y., care of William B. Hatch.
LEO MILLER, Davenport, Iowa.
B. T. MUNN will lecture on Spiritualism anywhere in the country within a reasonable distance. Address, Skaneateles, N. Y.
MISS SARAH A. NUTT will speak in Woodstock, Vt., July 9, 16 and 23. Address as above, or Claremont, N. H.
L. JUDD PARDEE, Somerset, Somerset Co., Pa.
MRS. LYDIA ANN PEARSALL will lecture one-half the time at Utica and Washington, Mich., until further notice.
J. M. PEEBLES, of Battle Creek, Mich., will lecture in Providence, R. I., during September and October.
GEORGE A. PEIRCE will speak in Maine the coming season upon subjects pertaining to Christian Spiritualism, if desired so to do, at accessible places, and at reasonable distances from his home. Will also attend funerals. In all cases a reasonable compensation will be expected. Address, Auburn, Me., box 87.
MISS B. C. PELTON will speak at Sheddsville, in West Windsor, Vt., July 9 and 16, Aug. 6 and 13, and Sept. 3 and 10. Those desiring her services as a spiritual medium and trance speaker are requested to consult her by letter, directing their communications, until further notice, to Woodstock, Vt.
J. L. POTTER, trance speaker, will make engagements through the West to speak where the friends may desire. Address, Cedar Falls, Iowa, until further notice.
MRS. ANNA M. L. POTTS, M.D., of Philadelphia, will lecture upon anatomy, physiology, hygiene and dress reform through the Western States. Address, 462 State street, Chicago, Ill.
MRS. FRANK REID, inspirational speaker, Kalamazoo, Mich.
G. W. RICE, trance speaking medium, will answer calls to lecture. Address, Brodhead, Green County, Wis.
W. K. RIPLEY will speak in Dover, Me., during August and September. Address, Foxboro’, Mass.
WILLIAM H. SALISBURY, trance speaking medium, will answer calls to lecture. Address, No. 7 Bank Row, Taunton, Mass.
MISS BELLE SCOUGALL, inspirational speaker, Rockford, Ill.
J. W. SEAVER, inspirational speaker, Byron, N. Y., will answer calls to lecture or attend funerals at accessible places.
AUSTEN E. SIMMONS will speak in Woodstock, Vt., on the first Sunday, in Bridgewater on the second Sunday, and in East Bethel on the fourth Sunday of every month during the coming year. Address, Woodstock, Vt.
MRS. H. T. STEARNS will lecture in Dover, Me., July 2; in Kenduskeag, July 9; in Glenburn, July 16; in Bradford, July 23. Address, South Exeter, Me.
H. B. STORER, Brooklyn, N. Y.
MRS. C. M. STOWE will answer calls to lecture in the Pacific States and Territories. Address, San Jose, Cal.
MISS MARTHA S. STURTEVANT, trance speaker, 72 Warren street, Boston.
MRS. SARAH M. THOMPSON, trance speaker, post office box 1019, Cleveland, O.; residence, 36 Bank street.
BENJAMIN TODD, normal speaker. Address, Richmond, Ind., care of Samuel Maxwell, after the first of August; till then, at this office.
MRS. M. S. TOWNSEND. Address, during July and August, Bridgewater, Vt.
SAMUEL UNDERHILL, M. D., is again in the field, and ready to receive calls for lectures. Address care of A. J. Davis, 274 Canal street, New York.
F. L. WADSWORTH’S address will be Battle Creek, Mich., till further notice.
LOIS WAISBROOKER will be at the Yearly Meeting, Flora, Boone Co., Ill., June 25. Address accordingly.
N. FRANK WHITE will speak in Lowell, July 2, 9 and 16; in Haverhill, July 23 and 30; in Seymour, Conn., during August; in Worcester, Mass., during September; in Troy, N. Y., during October. Will answer calls to lecture in the West Sundays and week evenings through the rest of the fall and winter. Apply immediately. Address as above.
A. B. WHITING, Albion, Mich.
MISS L. T. WHITTIER, Dansville, N. Y.
MRS. MARY J. WILCOXSEN, Hammonton, Atlantic Co., N. J.
ALCINDA WILHELM, M.D., inspirational speaker, will lecture in Northern and Southern Missouri, July, Aug. and Sept.; in Kansas, Oct., Nov. and Dec. Address, in care of Jas. Hudson, Terre Haute, Ind., until Aug. 1st.
F. L. H. and LOVE M. WILLIS, 192 West 27th street, New York City.
MRS. N. J. WILLIS, trance speaker, Boston, Mass.
E. V. WILSON, Menekaune, Ocento Co., Wis. Parties wishing his services week evenings will address him as above. He will give magnetic readings of character and tests during the week-days.
MRS. E. M. WOLCOTT will speak in Eden Mills, Vt., and vicinity during July. Address as above.
ELIJAH WOODWORTH, inspirational speaker. Address, Leslie, Ingham Co., Mich.
MISS H. MARIA WORTHING, trance speaker, Oswego, Ill., will answer calls to lecture and attend funerals.
MRS. FRANCES T. YOUNG, trance speaking medium, No. 12 Avon place, Boston, Mass.
FOR 1865:
A Journal of Romance, Literature and General Intelligence;
also an Exponent of the Spiritual Philosophy of the Nineteenth Century.
William White & Co., Publishers and Proprietors.
William White, Isaac B. Rich, Charles H. Crowell.
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All which features render the BANNER OF LIGHT a popular Family Paper, and at the same time the harbinger of a Glorious Scientific Religion.
HENRY T. CHILD, M. D., 634 Race street, Philadelphia, Pa.; PROF. S. B. BRITTAN, of New York City; J. S. LOVELAND, of Willimantic, Conn.; HON. WARREN CHASE, of South Pass Union County, Ill.; HUDSON TUTTLE, Esq., of Berlin Heights, O.; GEORGE STEARNS, ESQ., of West Acton, Mass; J. M. PEEBLES, of Rockford, Ill.; Hon. FREDERIC ROBINSON of Marblehead, Mass.; H. F. GARDNER, M. D., of Boston; C. D. GRISWOLD, M. D., of Batavia, N. Y.; A. B. CHILD, M. D., of Boston, Mass.; FRED. L. H. WILLIS, of New York City; URIAH CLARK, of Auburn, N. Y.; W. W. H. MCCURDY, of Albany, N. Y.; MISS LIZZIE DOTEN, of Boston, Mass.; MISS EMMA HARDINGE, of New York; MISS CORA WILBURN, of Lasalle, Ill.; MISS BELLE BUSH, of Norristown, Pa.; Mrs. EMMA TUTTLE, of Berlin Heights, Ohio, and many other writers of note.
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