

The Spiritual Telegraph (New York), August 23 and September 6.

Spirit and Clairvoyant Mediums; Spiritualists’ Directory—Public Lecturers; Journals, Magazines; Mediums’ Advertisements.


Spirit and Clairvoyant Mediums in New York.

Mrs. E. J. French, 780 Broadway, Clairvoyant and Healing Physician for the treatment of diseases. Hours, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M., and 2 to 4 P. M. Electro-medicated Baths given by Mrs. French.

Mrs. Harriet Porter, Clairvoyant Physician and Spirit-Medium, 109 West Twenty fourth-street, between Sixth and Seventh Avenues. Hours from 10 to 12 A. M. and from 2 to 5 P. M., Wednesdays and Sundays excepted.

Mrs. Lorin L. Platt, of New Brunswick, N. J., Spiritual and Clairvoyant Medium, employs her powers chiefly in the examination and treatment of disease.

Mrs. Bradley, Healing Medium, 109 Green-street. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 10 A. M. until 4 P. M.

Miss Katy Fox, Rapping Medium. Twenty-second street, corner Fourth Avenue. May be seen in the evening only.

Mrs. M. B. Gourlay, the Medium through whom Dr. Hare made most of his experiments, No. 361 Sixth Avenue, above Twenty-second street.

Miss A. Seabring, 477 Broadway, will be pleased to receive calls from those who may desire to investigate the phenomena of Spiritualism.

Mrs. Beck, 311 Fourth Avenue, Trance, Speaking, Rapping, Tipping and Personating Medium.

A. B. Smith, Rondout, N. Y., Clairvoyant and Spirit Medium for healing the sick. Mr. S. can examine patients at a distance by having their names and residences submitted to his inspection.


Mrs. J. R. Mettler, Clairvoyant and Spirit Medium, devotes her time chiefly to the examination and treatment of the sick. Mrs. M. also gives Psychometrical delineations of character. Residence, No. 9 Winthrop-street.


Mrs. W. R. Hayden, Test Medium, by Rapping, Writing, and other modes of manifestation. Residence, No. 5 Hayward-place.

Miss Frank Burbank, Trance, Speaking and Personating Medium, may be found at No. 98 Hudson Street.

G. A. Redman, Test Medium by the various modes, Rapping, Writing and Tipping, has his rooms at No. 45 Carver-street.

Mrs. B. K. Little, (formerly Miss Ellis,) Rapping, Writing and Trance Medium, has opened rooms at No. 46 Elliot-street.

Miss A. W. Snow, No. 104 Tyler-street, Writing and Trance Medium, proposes to answer sealed letters, and describe persons that have left the form.


Mrs. Mary H. Brown, Medical Clairvoyant and Healing Medium, will be happy to wait on the sick and afflicted.


Dr. Charles Ramsdell, Clairvoyant, Writing, and Psychometric Medium, No. 19 Elm-street.

Spiritualists’ Directory.

Public Lecturers.

REV. T. L. HARRIS, widely known in this country and Europe as an inspired thinker, poet and orator, is one of the most brilliant and powerful lecturers on the Spiritual Philosophy and cognate subjects. Mr. H. is traveling, and we can not at present indicate his Post-office address. Those who desire to secure his services, and may be pleased to address us, will have the substance of their requests made known through the TELEGRAPH, where they will doubtless arrest the attention of Mr. Harris.

MISS EMMA FRANCES JAY is a Trance Speaking Medium and vocalist of extraordinary powers, whose public efforts are everywhere received with mingled emotions of surprise and delight. The Editor of the Baltimore Republican, who has no faith in Spiritualism, in a recent notice of Miss Jay’s lectures in that city, says: Miss Jay seems to have either been in the hands of a Spirit who was perfect master of elocution, or else she has had excellent instructions in the art. Her gesticulation was graceful, frequent, and perfectly expressive of the idea conveyed. The language used was the most chaste and pure style, and seldom, if ever, excelled in the desk.

S. B. BRITTAN will devote a portion of his time to giving Lectures on the facts and Philosophy of Spiritualism; the Laws of Vital Motion and Organic Development; the relations of Sensation and Thought to the Bodily Functions; the Philosophy of Health and Disease; also, lectures on various Moral, Progressive, and Philosophico-Theological and Practical Subjects. Address Mr. Brittan, at this office.

WILLIAM FISHBOUGH, one of the first writers and speakers who took a public stand in favor of Spiritualism, who has been a close observer of its facts and phenomena, and a diligent student of its philosophy, is prepared to lecture on such branches of that and kindred themes as may be deemed useful and edifying to his audiences. Address, care of Partridge and Brittan, at this Office.

MR. and MRS. URIAH CLARK, the Spiritual Lecturers, and Mr. C. in concert with DR. A. G. FELLOWS, for public test-examinations and healing, may be addressed, care of PARTRIDGE & BRITTAN, this office.

MISS C. M. BEBEE, Medium, whose lectures lately delivered in New York, Troy, Philadelphia, Baltimore and elsewhere, have been so highly appreciated for the chasteness and elegance of their diction, and the refining and elevating character of their subject matter, may be addressed by those who desire her services as a lecturer, care of PARTRIDGE & BRITTAN, this office.

R. P. AMBLER, one of the most eloquent and popular speakers, lectures, under Spiritual Influence, on the Principles of Modern Spiritualism in all its Relations. He will answer calls for lectures on Sunday, and also for lectures, during the week, in the vicinity of Philadelphia, New York, and Boston. Address, Baltimore, Maryland.

CHARLES PARTRIDGE, an early advocate and supporter of Spiritualism, and a diligent collector of the facts of the new unfolding, is prepared to give the results of his investigations to audiences which may require his services. Address, this Office.

JOHN H. W. TOOHEY will respond to the calls of those who desire his services as a lecturer on the general themes of Spiritualism. Address, Office of the New England Spiritualist, 15 Franklin-street, Boston.

DR. J. R. ORTON, who has several well-prepared lectures in illustration and defense of Spiritualism, will deliver them to such audiences as may apply for his services. Address, care of PARTRIDGE & BRITTAN, this office.

MISS A. W. SPRAGUE lectures under spiritual influence. Her abilities are spoken of in terms of high estimation by those who have been accustomed to hear her. Address Plymouth, Vt.

A. E. NEWTON, Editor of the New England Spiritualist, will respond to the calls of those who may desire his services as a lecturer on the Facts and Philosophy of Spiritualism. Address No. 15 Franklin-street, Boston, Mass.

DR. R. T. HALLOCK, known and appreciated as a clear and fluent speaker, will lecture on various subjects connected with Spiritualism. Address, corner of Christie and Broome-streets, New York.

MRS. M. S. NEWTON delivers lectures on themes connected with Spiritualism while in the trance state. (What is her P. O. address?)

AUSTEN E. SIMMONS lectures in the trance state as he is impressed by the controlling spiritual influences. Address Woodstock, Vt.

S. C. HEWITT, formerly Editor of the New Era, lectures on Spiritualism, as a science, as clearly proved as chemistry or any of the natural sciences; also, on its philosophy and its uses, embracing, as may be demanded in any locality, much or little of the wide range of earnest thought and vital truth which this vast and important subject affords. He may be addressed at 15 Franklin-street, Boston, Mass.

REV. GIBSON SMITH will lecture on Human Magnetism, Clairvoyance, the Facts and Laws of Spiritualism, and all similar subjects wherever he may be called. Post-office address South Shaftsbury, Vt.

G. C. STEWART, who is qualified from his own mental resources to edify an audience, but who generally speaks involuntarily, under spirit control, will respond to calls to lecture on Spiritualism, within any convenient distance from this city. He may be addressed at Newark, N. J.

Weekly Journals Devoted to Spiritualism.

SPIRITUAL TELEGRAPH; Editor, S. B. Brittan; publishers and proprietors, Partridge & Brittan, 842 Broadway, N. Y. Terms, $2 per annum.

CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST; Edited and published by the Society for the Diffusion of Spiritual Knowledge, 553 Broadway, N. Y. Terms, $2 per annum.

NEW-ENGLAND SPIRITUALIST; Editor and publisher, A. E. Newton, 15 Franklin street, Boston; Terms, $2 per annum.

SPIRITUAL UNIVERSE; L. S. Everett, Editor and proprietor, Cleveland, O. Terms, $2 per annum.

AGE OF PROGRESS; Editor and publisher, Stephen Albro, Buffalo, N. Y.; Terms, $2 per annum.

SPIRITUAL MESSENGER; E. Mead, M. D., Editor and publisher, No. 30 Sixth-street, Cincinnati, O. Terms, $2 per annum.

THE TRUTH SEEKER; Editors and proprietors, A. P. Bowman, and E. B. Louden, Angola, Steuben Co., Indiana. Terms, $1.50 per annum.

THE CRISIS; Editor, Rev. Henry Weller, La Porte, Indiana. Terms, $2 per annum.

THE MEDIUM; conducted by J. M. Barnes and H. W. Hulbert; published at Conneaut, O. Terms, $1.50 per annum, in advance.

YORKSHIRE SPIRITUAL TELEGRAPH, a monthly periodical, published by J. Rhodes, Market Place Keighley; and Holyoake & Co., Fleet-street, London.

Spiritual Magazines.

TIFFANY’S MONTHLY. Editor and proprietor, Joel Tiffany; publishers, Partridge & Brittan, 342 Broadway, New York. Terms, $3 per annum.

SACRED CIRCLE. Editors, Hon. J. W. Edmonds and O. G. Warren; publishers, S. A. & H. Hoyt, 241 Broadway, New York. Terms, $2 per annum.

THE NORTH-WESTERN ORIENT. Editors, Hiram Hugunin and George Haskell, M. D.; publisher, J. N. Brundage, Waukegan, Ill. Terms, $1.50 per annum.

THE SPIRITUAL HERALD. Publisher, H. Balliere, 219 Regent-street, London, and 290 Broadway, New York. Price sixpence (sterling) per number.


The morbid conditions for the Human organism, delineated and prescribed for with unparalleled success.

TERMS—For examination and prescription $5, when the patient is present; if absent $10. All subsequent examinations $2. Terms strictly in advance. In order to insure prompt attention some of the leading symptoms must be given when sending a lock of hair.

Hours from 10 to 1 and from 2 to 4, except Saturdays and Sundays.


Can now receive into his family new patients from abroad, on reasonable terms; and with the aid of Mrs. Atwood, who is a superior Medical Clairvoyant, he continues to make scientific examinations and prescriptions for diseased persons residing at any distance. Syrups prepared under Spirit-direction in all cases, if desired.

TERMS—Examination, two dollars; including prescription, three dollars, if parties are present; if by letter (age and name given), from three to five dollars.


Healing, Clairvoyant, Psychometric, Speaking, Writing and TEST MEDIUM (through whom Prof. Hare, of Philadelphia, conducted his investigations of the Spiritual Phenomena) offers her services to the Public.

Unmistakable Tests of Spiritual presence, identity and communion, together with diagnoses of disease and treatment are given. Hours, from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M., and from 4 to 10 P. M. Residence, No. 361 Sixth Avenue, near Twenty-Second street.


Test-examinations and Treatment by Spiritual and Healing Mediumship, for disease, and all other human needs. Central Office, 195 Bowery, N. Y. Hours 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. Residence, 6 Lewis Place, Second-street, Williamsburg, N. Y. Address, care of Partridge & Brittan, office of TELEGRAPH. Persons writing will remit from $1 to $10, according to their means or the service they ask.


No. 37 Lafayette Place, New York. Office hours, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M., exclusively for ladies, and from 2 to 5 P. M. for gentlemen, Wednesdays excepted. All other hours by appointment.

Persons applying by letter must state the name, sex, and age of the patient, together with the leading features of the case. Examinations made in the interior, not the clairvoyant state.


A. B. SMITH, Rondout, N. Y., Clairvoyant and Spirit Medium for healing the sick. Mr. S. can examine patients at a distance by having their names and residences submitted to his inspection. Each letter in which the writer requires such an examination must enclose one dollar. Each prescription, if the medicine be furnished, one additional dollar.


Is the soul of man immortal? Do the Spirits of the Dead commune with and influence the living? Hundreds of persons who have visited the Rooms of Mrs. Seabring, 477 Broadway, as obstinate skeptics, now frankly answer the above questions in the affirmative. Hours 10 A. M. to 12, 2 to 5 P. M., and 7 to 10 P. M.


No Males received. Displacements treated with remarkable success. Such patients, whether bed-ridden or not, will find our course of treatment a cure, when medication has entirely failed. Our method must and will supersede all others, in the treatment of this class of patients. Terms $7 and $10 per week.

Address W. SHEPARD, M. D., Columbus, O.


Mrs. Beck, 311 Fourth Avenue, Trance, Speaking, Rapping, Tipping and Personating Medium. Any sincere person wishing to investigate Spiritualism can have the opportunity by calling on her from ten to twelve A. M., or from three to five P. M., Sundays excepted. Mrs. B. will also attend private circles evenings, when timely notice is given her.


Terms—For Medical Examination and Prescription . . . . . . . . . . $3.00
For Psychometrical Delineation of Character, including conjugal adaptation, $2.00.

Address, R. P. WILSON, Cleveland, Ohio.


Clairvoyant and Healing Physician, Office 176 Grand-street. Wonderful cures by her clairvoyant powers. Terms: Examination, including prescription, $1. Satisfactory examinations given, remember, or no pay taken. DR. HAYES, Electrician.


Clairvoyant and Spirit-Medium for healing the Sick by examination and prescription. No. 132 West Nineteenth-street, New York.


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