Spiritual Telegraph (New York), May 27 and June 24
Massachusetts Spiritual Convention; Call for a National Convention of SpiritualistsMassachusetts Spiritual Convention
This body will meet in Boston on Friday, June 2d (immediately following the Anniversaries), and continue in session three days—ending on Sunday. Several distinguished speakers are expected to be present and address the meeting. Questions of the dead Past, of the living Present, and of the ever hopeful Future—questions of deep and vital interest in philosophy and practical utility, which have the honor of Heaven and the universal weal of man in view, will be introduced and discussed on the occasion. Friends from abroad, and all who are sincerely and earnestly interested in the question of Spiritual Intercourse, and in what Spiritualism proposes, are most cordially invited to meet with us in Convention and take part in our deliberations. The meetings on Friday and Saturday will be held in the Melodeon. First session commences at ten o’clock, A. M.
S. C. Hewitt,
For the Committee“The Convention in Boston,” Spiritual Telegraph, June 24, 1854.
Dr. H. F. Gardner President, and other officers
Business Committee:
John M. Spear
Rufus Elmer
A. J. Davis
Mrs. B L. Corbin
Mrs. S. B. ButlerResolutions:
[. . .]
14. That this Convention deems it expedient to hold a national Convocation at such time and place as the State Central Committee may think best, and in unison with the views of friends in different parts of the Union.
15. That the State central Committee be directed to correspond with leading Spiritualists in the United States as to the place of the gathering.
16. That the State Committee be directed to prepared all matters of business for the next Convention, and publish the programme in their call for said Convention.
State Central Committee for the year ensuing:
J. S. Loveland, Charlestown
Albert Bingham, Boston
John M. Spear, Boston
Rufus Elmer, Springfield
Miss Eliza J. Kenny, Salem
Dr. H. F. Gardner, Boston
S. C. Hewitt, Boston
Mrs. S. B. Butler, Boston
W. S. Haywood, Hopedale
Mrs. R. Bassett, Hopedale
Mrs. B. L. Corbin, Milford
Charles Buffum, Lynn
W. R. Hayden, BostonThe Convention also nominated and elected twenty-three persons to represent that body and the interests of Spiritualism in Massachusetts, in a National Convention, to be called hereafter, as proposed in the fourteenth resolution.
“Call for a National Spiritualist Convention,” New Era (Boston), February 17 and 24, 1855
Call for a meeting to form a Central National Organization of Spiritualists, to assemble in Boston on Wednesday and Thursday, March, 7-8, 1855. February 7 notice was signed by Eliza J. Kenny, Mrs. M. P. Trask, Mrs. Marianne D. Orvis, Bela Marsh, John Orvis, Mrs. S. B. Butler, John M. Spear, J. S. Loveland, Mrs. D. R. Hewitt, and S. C. Hewitt. Names added in the February 24 notice of the New Era included J. M. Sterling, Mrs. H. F. M. Brown, and Mrs. Caroline Lewis (all from Cleveland), and T. S. Sheldon, and D. F. Goddard.