Archival Copy |
Psypioneer, an electronic journal focused on the early period of Modern Spiritualism, operated continuously from 2004 until December of 2016, and on its termination was archived at IAPSOP (under psypioneer.iapsop.com) for historical value.
History |
Prior to Psypioneer proper, there had been a forerunner website publication called Psychic Pioneer from 1999 to 2001, written by Leslie Price, which included news items. This had been supported on launch by grants from Spiritual Truth Foundation, the College of Psychic Studies and by private donors such as Edwin Butler and Denise Iredell.
Psypioneer began as a free online monthly newsletter in May 2004 - available on publication to an email subscribers list. JV Trust and the Survival Joint Research Committee Trust later became donors for equipment and other running costs. Leslie Price was the founder editor of Psypioneer, and Paul Gaunt took over in July 2005, assuming ownership in February 2006. Much support was given by established UK institutions in the field, such as the Society for Psychical Research (SPR), College of Psychic Studies (CPS), Spiritualists' National Union (SNU), Churches' Fellowship for Psychical and Spiritual Studies (CFPSS) and Psychic News (PN). In December 2016 Paul Gaunt retired as proprietor and editor to concentrate on his work at Stansted, including the free on line journal Pioneer which deals with the history of the Spiritualists' National Union. Circulation of Psypioneer reached 480 e-subscribers in 2012 and nearly 800 in 2016. In addition to circulation to the e-subscribers, Psypioneer was from the beginning archived on the website of the Woodlands Sanctuary Foundation Inc. in Melbourne, Australia, whose members Garth Willey and Peter Hui provided literary and technical help respectively. The team at Woodland Way retired in January 2017, and IAPSOP donated the technology and services to produce and maintain the present Psypioneer site. The easy availability of Psypioneer to students for over a decade was only possible because of the labours of the Melbourne team. Garth Willey and Lis Warwood (in Adelaide) also proof read the issues, and Lis has provided much help on genealogical and other historical maters (matters). The material in Psypioneer deals with historic personages and organisations in the psychic field, and includes reprints of obituaries and other biographical sketches, old articles, book reviews and original papers. The most influential reprint (in April 2005) was of the Lewis Report into the Hydesville phenomena of 1848. No particular standpoint is adopted about the phenomena under discussion, and personalities discussed include Spiritualists, Theosophists, Christians, Rationalists and non-committed historians and parapsychologists. Among those in whom we have taken a special interest may be mentioned Andrew Jackson Davis, the Fox sisters, Stainton Moses, Emma Hardinge Britten, Arthur Conan Doyle, prominent Theosophists and a number of physical mediums.
Content |
Psypioneer Journal contains articles on the personalities and organisations of this field in bygone days. Its scope is much wider even than Spiritualism. Much of its material is reprinted in full from old books, journals, letters and newspapers.
Yet there is a large amount of literature which, in general, is not to be found in Psypioneer. Normally absent are papers from the Proceedings and Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, even though the SPR has published many essential investigations. This is because they are already available in electronic form through the SPR web site, free to SPR members. Moreover, by a small extra subscription, electronic versions of some other parapsychology journals, such as "Journal of Parapsychology" can be reached via the same site. (www.spr.ac.uk), or through Lexscien (www.lexscien.org.) The second omission is of survival evidence and discussions of the survival question, though much that is relevant can be found in our pages. Third is religious controversy. Spiritualists have been arguing about relations with mainstream Christianity for over 150 years Arthur Findlay, for example, might write an article asserting that Jesus was not historically attested - a Christian Spiritualist would reply that he was! Sometimes the same sources are quoted decade after decade. Psypioneer carries historical material about workers of many different beliefs, but is not directly interested in criticising any. The fourth omission, oddly enough, is of spirit teaching. This implies no criticism of the value of such teaching, often received in trance. It is just that it is not usually about events in the historical record. An unfortunate exception was the many predictions of "No War" immediately before the Second World War. Early in 2006, however, Psypioneer did serialise the 1845 trance addresses through Andrew Jackson Davis called "Clairmativeness". This is because they had been lost to later generations, and were an essential step in understanding how the Harmonial Philosophy of Davis developed. In general Psypioneer helps us to understand more about the workers of the past, and the organisations and publications through which they worked. Sometimes even the present day leaders do not know about them - they may just be names. It is not unknown for confusions to develop in the history, or for aspects of their work, which are not fashionable today, to be overlooked. The Journal tries to fill in the picture and restore it to its true colours. Arthur Conan Doyle recognised the importance of remembering the past, which is why he compiled his classic two volumes History of Spiritualism. A mere Journal is no substitute for such substantial works, but it can alert you to their publication, and offer factual building blocks that can be used in many ways today. Since Psypioneer began, the electronic landscape for research has changed substantially for the better. Marc Demarest and the team at the International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals (iapsop.com) have digitised thousands of pages of searchable journals, and hundreds of monographs also. |
Issues: | Psypioneer V1 N1 May 2004 |
Psypioneer V1 N20 Dec 2005 | |
Psypioneer V1 N2 Jun 2004 | |
Psypioneer V1 N3 Jul 2004 | |
Psypioneer V1 N4 Aug 2004 | |
Psypioneer V1 N5 Sep 2004 | |
Psypioneer V1 N6 Oct 2004 | |
Psypioneer V1 N7 Nov 2004 | |
Psypioneer V1 N8 Dec 2004 | |
Psypioneer V1 N9 Jan 2005 | |
Psypioneer V1 N10 Feb 2005 | |
Psypioneer V1 N11 Mar 2005 | |
Psypioneer V1 N12 Apr 2005 | |
Psypioneer V1 N13 May 2005 | |
Psypioneer V1 N14 Jun 2005 | |
Psypioneer V1 N15-16 Jul-Aug 2005 | |
Psypioneer V1 N17 Sep 2005 | |
Psypioneer V1 N18 Oct 2005 | |
Psypioneer V1 N19 Nov 2005 | |
Psypioneer V2 N1 Jan 2006 | |
Psypioneer V2 N2 Feb 2006 | |
Psypioneer V2 N3 Mar 2006 | |
Psypioneer V2 N4 Apr 2006 | |
Psypioneer V2 N5 May 2006 | |
Psypioneer V2 N6 Jun 2006 | |
Psypioneer V2 N7 Jul 2006 | |
Psypioneer V2 N8 Aug 2006 | |
Psypioneer V2 N9 Sep 2006 | |
Psypioneer V2 N10 Oct 2006 | |
Psypioneer V2 N11 Nov 2006 | |
Psypioneer V2 N12 Dec 2006 | |
Psypioneer V3 N1 Jan 2007 | |
Psypioneer V3 N2 Feb 2007 | |
Psypioneer V3 N3 Mar 2007 | |
Psypioneer V3 N4 Apr 2007 | |
Psypioneer V3 N5 May 2007 | |
Psypioneer V3 N6 Jun 2007 | |
Psypioneer V3 N7 Jul 2007 | |
Psypioneer V3 N8 Aug 2007 | |
Psypioneer V3 N9 Sep 2007 | |
Psypioneer V3 N10 Oct 2007 | |
Psypioneer V3 N11 Nov 2007 | |
Psypioneer V3 N12 Dec 2007 | |
Psypioneer V4 N1 Jan 2008 | |
Psypioneer V4 N2 Feb 2008 | |
Psypioneer V4 N3 Mar 2008 | |
Psypioneer V4 N4 Apr 2008 | |
Psypioneer V4 N5 May 2008 | |
Psypioneer V4 N6 Jun 2008 | |
Psypioneer V4 N7 Jul 2008 | |
Psypioneer V4 N8 Aug 2008 | |
Psypioneer V4 N9 Sep 2008 | |
Psypioneer V4 N10 Oct 2008 | |
Psypioneer V4 N11 Nov 2008 | |
Psypioneer V4 N12 Dec 2008 | |
Psypioneer V5 N1 Jan 2009 | |
Psypioneer V5 N2 Feb 2009 | |
Psypioneer V5 N3 Mar 2009 | |
Psypioneer V5 N4 Apr 2009 | |
Psypioneer V5 N5 May 2009 | |
Psypioneer V5 N6 Jun 2009 | |
Psypioneer V5 N7 Jul 2009 | |
Psypioneer V5 N8 Aug 2009 | |
Psypioneer V5 N9 Sep 2009 | |
Psypioneer V5 N10 Oct 2009 | |
Psypioneer V5 N11 Nov 2009 | |
Psypioneer V5 N12 Dec 2009 | |
Psypioneer V6 N1 Jan 2010 | |
Psypioneer V6 N2 Feb 2010 | |
Psypioneer V6 N3 Mar 2010 | |
Psypioneer V6 N4 Apr 2010 | |
Psypioneer V6 N5 May 2010 | |
Psypioneer V6 N6 Jun 2010 | |
Psypioneer V6 N7 Jul 2010 | |
Psypioneer V6 N8 Aug 2010 | |
Psypioneer V6 N9 Sep 2010 | |
Psypioneer V6 N10 Oct 2010 | |
Psypioneer V6 N11 Nov 2010 | |
Psypioneer V6 N12 Dec 2010 | |
Psypioneer V7 N1 Jan 2011 | |
Psypioneer V7 N2 Feb 2011 | |
Psypioneer V7 N3 Mar 2011 | |
Psypioneer V7 N4 Apr 2011 | |
Psypioneer V7 N5 May 2011 | |
Psypioneer V7 N6 Jun 2011 | |
Psypioneer V7 N7 Jul 2011 | |
Psypioneer V7 N8 Aug 2011 | |
Psypioneer V7 N9 Sep 2011 | |
Psypioneer V7 N10 Oct 2011 | |
Psypioneer V7 N11 Nov 2011 | |
Psypioneer V7 N12 Dec 2011 | |
Psypioneer V8 N1 Jan 2012 | |
Psypioneer V8 N2 Feb 2012 | |
Psypioneer V8 N3 Mar 2012 | |
Psypioneer V8 N4 Apr 2012 | |
Psypioneer V8 N5 May 2012 | |
Psypioneer V8 N6 Jun 2012 | |
Psypioneer V8 N7 Jul 2012 | |
Psypioneer V8 N8 Aug 2012 | |
Psypioneer V8 N9 Sep 2012 | |
Psypioneer V8 N10 Oct 2012 | |
Psypioneer V8 N11 Nov 2012 | |
Psypioneer V8 N12 Dec 2012 | |
Psypioneer V9 N1 Jan 2013 | |
Psypioneer V9 N2 Feb 2013 | |
Psypioneer V9 N3 Mar 2013 | |
Psypioneer V9 N4 Apr 2013 | |
Psypioneer V9 N5 May 2013 | |
Psypioneer V9 N6 Jun 2013 | |
Psypioneer V9 N7 Jul 2013 | |
Psypioneer V9 N8 Aug 2013 | |
Psypioneer V9 N9-10 Sep-Oct 2013 | |
Psypioneer V9 N11 Nov 2013 | |
Psypioneer V9 N12 Dec 2013 | |
Psypioneer V10 N1 Jan 2014 | |
Psypioneer V10 N2 Feb 2014 | |
Psypioneer V10 N3 Mar 2014 | |
Psypioneer V10 N4 Apr 2014 | |
Psypioneer V10 N5 May 2014 | |
Psypioneer V10 N6 Jun 2014 | |
Psypioneer V10 N7 Jul 2014 | |
Psypioneer V10 N8 Aug 2014 | |
Psypioneer V10 N9-10 Sep-Oct 2014 | |
Psypioneer V10 N11 Nov 2014 | |
Psypioneer V10 N12 Dec 2014 | |
Psypioneer V11 N1 Jan 2015 | |
Psypioneer V11 N2 Feb 2015 | |
Psypioneer V11 N3 Mar 2015 | |
Psypioneer V11 N4-5 Apr-May 2015 | |
Psypioneer V11 N6-7 Jun-Jul 2015 | |
Psypioneer V11 N8-9 Aug-Sep 2015 | |
Psypioneer V11 N10-11 Oct-Nov 2015 | |
Psypioneer V12 N1 Jan-Feb 2016 | |
Psypioneer V12 N2 Mar-Apr 2016 | |
Psypioneer V12 N3 May-Jun 2016 | |
Psypioneer V12 N4 Aug 2016 | |
Psypioneer V12 N5 Oct 2016 | |
Psypioneer V12 N6 Dec 2016 | |
Psypioneer Supplement Arthur Conan Doyle Psychic Bookshop |
Archival material rights reserved under Creative Commons license. |