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Periodical: Zeitschrift fur Parapsychologie

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Zeitschrift fur Parapsychologie.
1926--1934 Monthly
Leipzig, then Berlin, Germany. Language: German. Publisher: Oswald Mutze. Editor: Dr. Paul Sunner, with the assistance of Rudolf Lambert.
Succeeds: Psychische Studien
53/1 1926-61/6, June 1934.

Succeeded and continued volume numbering of Psychiche Studien which had been begun by Alexander Aksakof in 1874. The funding for the journal was advanced by Albert von Schrenck-Notzing (1862-1929) from the fortune into which he married. This was the pre-eminent parapsychology journal in German and carrled contributions by Eugen Bleuler, Hans Driesch, Gilbert Murray, Traugott Konstantin Oesterreich, Charles Richet, et al. Crabtree 962. NYPL microfilm; ZDB: Heidelberg Philos. Sem; Tubingen UB; Freiburg UB; Freiburg Inst Grenzgeb Psychol; Freiburg FakBi Theologie; Saarbrucken UuLB; Karlsruhe UB; Stuttgart UB.

Issues:Zeitschrift Fur Parapsychologie 1926
Zeitschrift Fur Parapsychologie 1927
Zeitschrift Fur Parapsychologie 1928
Zeitschrift Fur Parapsychologie 1929
Zeitschrift Fur Parapsychologie 1930
Zeitschrift Fur Parapsychologie 1931
Zeitschrift Fur Parapsychologie 1932
Zeitschrift Fur Parapsychologie 1934

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This page was updated on 14-Apr-20