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Periodical: Wynn's Astrology

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Wynn's Astrology Magazine.
Re-establishing the inherent dignity of Astrology, the philosophical-science that has too long been misused and misunderstood / Your Daily Horoscope.
Other titles: Wynn's Magazine (June-August 1932)
East Stroudsburg, PA, New York, NY, Mt. Morris, IL, Springfield, MA, Brooklyn, NY. Publisher: Wynn Publishing Co. Succeeded by: Today's Astrology Magazine (Sydney, Australia)
1/1, August 1931 - May 1946. $3.00 a year, 128-132 pp.

This began as a stapled mimeographed typescript. "Wynn" (Sydney Kimball Bennett, 1892-1958) was a newspaper astrologer (at one time he was the astrologer for the New York Daily News) who developed his own forecasting method based on what he called the "Solar Return" chart. Regular contributions by Manly Palmer Hall, Isidore Kozminsky, John F.X. Albertis, and others. Wynn also offered for $5.00 a complete astrological analysis ("You don't know yourself! If you did, you'd be completely successful"), complete with testimonials, and lessons in astrology by mail or, for New York City residents, in person at 50 cents an hour. The journal provided daily horoscopes for the month, "Minute Horoscopes" for famous people like Vivien Leigh and John Steinbeck, and a correspondence column. Carl Payne Tobey, who was an associate editor of the journal, relates in his "Memories and Recollections" that Wynn had been a Ford dealer (others say mechanic) in Bayonne, New Jersey, until he married the astrologer Marion Meyer Drew (see the notes under Horoscope Your Astrology Magazine). On their divorce he began to write an astrology column for Love Story magazine, whose editor he married, with the two then starting this journal. On this wife's death he abandoned the journal and set off (with a new, "very young girl") for New Zealand and Australia. He seems to have published Today's Astrology Magazine from Sydney, Australia, beginning in 1940. Tobey had enormous respect for Wynn as an astroger:

"Of all the astrologers of the first half of the century, I rate Wynn at the top. I think he was hampered, though, by some of his religious ideas. There was a lot of Theosophy in his system. He was a super-admirer of Manley Hall, an astrologer and philosopher, as well as a superior student of ancient literature. Wynn had something he never knew he had. He was not popular with the astrologers. In fact, he was very unpopular. He was intolerant, overly aggressive, impatient, impulsive, and at times downright nasty to people. He didn't like people he couldn't respect, and he didn't respect unintelligent people. I worked for him as associate editor of his magazine. When I look back, I have to rate Wynn as a genius, even though he was not an easy person to get along with. . . . I think that the predictions of Wynn should rate higher than those of any other astrologer. To me, the important thing is that Wynn's astrology and his predictions were strictly scientific."

Wynn first appeared to public notice in 1918 when he was named in an indictment against a Chicago brokerage firm that described him as a "character analyst" whose task it was to feel "the bumps of employees to determine if they were efficient." LOC; NYPL; University of California, Santa Barbara; University of Illinois, Urbana.

Issues:Wynns Astrology V6 N4 Feb 1936
Wynns Astrology V7 N3 Jul 1936
Wynns Astrology V7 N4 Aug 1936
Wynns Astrology V8 N1 Nov 1936
Wynns Astrology V8 N3 Jan 1937
Wynns Astrology V14 N5 Mar 1940
Wynns Astrology V15 N4 Aug 1940
Wynns Astrology V20 N3 Jan 1943
Wynns Astrology V20 N4 Feb 1943
Wynns Astrology V20 N5 Mar 1943
Wynns Astrology V20 N6 Apr 1943
Wynns Astrology V21 N1 May 1943
Wynns Astrology V21 N2 Jun 1943
Wynns Astrology V21 N3 Jul 1943
Wynns Astrology V21 N6 Oct 1943

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