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Periodical: Weekly Studies in Soulcraft

Summary  From Pat Deveney's database:

Weekly Studies in Soulcraft.
The Upper Room Discourses, Psychics, Economics, Ethics.
Indianopolis, IN. Editor: William Dudley Pelley (1890-1965). Succeeded by: Valor; Over Here
1/1-11, January to November 1942. 24 pp., 6 1/2 x 9.

Sometimes referred to as the "Upper Room Discourses." Pelley called this a “program of spiritual enlightenment.” It marked a return by Pelley to his more spiritual (and less political) side after the entry of the United States into World War II. He was arrested in April 1942 for sedition, and ultimately sentenced to 15 years in prison. Weekly Studies in Soulcraft issues were produced while Pelley was free on bail. On his release in 1950 he was prohibited from directly political publishing and continued the spiritual side of his work under the name Soulcraft through new journals called Valor and Over Here. NYPL.

Issues:Weekly Studies in Soulcraft N2 1942
Weekly Studies in Soulcraft N3 1942

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This page was updated on 02-Apr-21