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Periodical: Voprosy Psikhizma

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Voprosy psikhizma i spiritualisticheskoi filosofii (Questions of Psychism and Spiritualistic Philosophy).
Zapiski Russkago Spiritualisticheskago Obshchestva (Notes of the Russian Spiritualist Society).
Other titles: Voprosy Psikhizma / Zapiski Russkago spiritualisticheskago obshchestva
1908--1908 Bimonthly
Moscow, Russia.
Language: Russian.
Editor: P.A. Chistiakov.
Publisher: Tip. K.L. Menshova.
1/1-6, 1908.
4 rubles a year (for subscribers of Rebus and Russkii Frank-Mason, which Chistiakov also edited), c. 50 pp.

Each issue was divided into two sections, the first with articles by leading psychical researchers like E. Bassano, Charles Richet and Charles Lombroso, and the second devoted to the minutes of the controlled seances of the Russian Spiritualist Society at its regular meetings. These included the testing of Sophia Starker (a 14 year old girl) and Medima Tsukkarini, a levitating medium, with photographs of the medium and investigators floating above the seance table. On Chistiakov, see the note under Russkii Frank-Mason. The journal is described in Maria Carlson and R.H. Davis, Jr., "Russian Occult Journals and Newspapers," in Bernice Glatzer Rosenthan, The Occult in Russian and Soviet Culture (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1997). NYPL microfilm; University of Texas, Austin; Stanford University.

Issues:Voprosy Psikhizma N1 1908
Voprosy Psikhizma N2 1908
Voprosy Psikhizma N3 1908
Voprosy Psikhizma N4 1908
Voprosy Psikhizma N5 1908

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