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Periodical: La Vie (Douai)

Summary  From Pat Deveney's database:

Vie, La.
Bulletin de la Federation Spiritualiste du Nord.
1930--1936 Monthly
Douai, France. Language:
French. Publisher: Union Spirite de France.
Succeeded by: Survie (Paris, incorporated La Vie February 1936)
Corporate author: Federation Spiritualiste du Nord
1/1, January 1931-1936. 4 pp., 10 francs a year.

Cost of the subscription was included in membership dues in the Federation. The journal succeeded a "petit Bulletin" that the Federation had begun publishing in September 1929. The journal carried a "Chronique Regionale" of notices of spiritist events and lectures around the north of France and also regularly printed a list of "Mediums Guerisseurs" in the same region. BNF; Gallica (59 issues).

Issues:La Vie V2 N1 Jan 1931
La Vie V3 N2 Feb 1932
La Vie V7 N1 Jan 1936

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This page was updated on 14-Sep-21