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Periodical: Vida Futura

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Vida Futura.
Periodico de Propaganda Espirita.
1912--1915 Monthly
Ararangua, Santa Catharina, Brazil.
Language: Portuguese.
Editor: Abilio Avalino Frederico Gomes; Telesphoro Machado, Senna Camapos, L. d’Oliveira Leite, A. M. Pereira.
1/1, September 1912-1915 (?) Local 2$000, by mail 2$300 a year, 4 pp.

The journal was not published October 1914-September 1915 for economic reasons and seems to have been revived for a single issue in 1915. This was a standard Kardecist journal and carried news of local spiritualist meetings and courses.

Issues:Vida Futura V1 N1 Sep 1912
Vida Futura V4 N10 Oct 1915

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