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Periodical: Veritable Almanach du Merveilleux

Summary:   From Pat Deveney's database:

Veritable Almanach du Merveilleux, Le.
Les Sciences Mysterieuses Devoilee.
Magie, Sorcellerie, Sciences Psychiques, Spiritisme, Magnetisme, Arts Divinitoirees, Astrologie, Chiromancie, Graphologie, Hypnotisme
1911--1913? Annual
Paris, France. Language: French. Publisher: A. Leclerc.
1/1, 1911-1913(?) 1 fr. 25 for France, 360 pp.

This was an almanac, containing the usual lists of eclipses and lunar phases, feast days and legal holidays, and the like, but also contained the astrological predictions of Charles Raoul and F.-Ch. Barlet for the year, and the prognostications for the year of Mme L. Maurecy and N. Vaschide's psychic revelations of the hand, all combined with articles on love talismans, voodoo, physiognomy, Indian fakirs, alchemy, and tales of the mysterious. It also carried a long article on the "modern Pythonesses" who then practiced in Paris (with plates). BNF.

Issues:Veritable Almanach du Merveilleux V3 1913

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