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Periodical: Verdade e Luz

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Verdade e Luz.
Revista Quinzenal de Espiritualismo Scientifica. Orgam da Instituicao Christian Verdade e Luz.
Sem caridade nao ha salvacao
1890—1926 Semimonthly; monthly in 1923
Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Language: Portuguese.
Editor: Antonio Goncalves da Silva Batuira, Lameira de Andrade (d. 1937).
1/1, May 25, 1890-October 1926 (?) 4-32 pp., free until 1899 and then 2$000-4$000 reis a year.

The journal appeared in a different format with 32 pages in 1905 and in 1922, after a hiatus, began a second series. The journal is said to have ceased in October 1926 for financial reasons. Batuira ran a printing business in Sao Paolo and had earlier been the distribution agent there of O Reformador. He started this journal in 1890, the third journal in Sao Paolo, following Uniao e Crenca (1881) and Espiritualismo Experimental (1886), which had expired, leaving Sao Paolo without a local spiritualist journal. It is said, variously, to have distributed 15,000 copies by 1897, 23,000 by 1899 (declining to 6,000 by 1900). The journal carried excerpts from other journals and regular contributions by Brazilian spiritualists, as well as notices of spiritualist activities in the area. The journal is listed as adhering to the 1892 Spanish-American spiritualist congress convened by Fraternidad Universal in Madrid to honor the discovery of America. The journal carried several notes on the activities of Dr. Alberto de Sarak, Conde de Das and his demonstrations of growing birdseed in minutes and painting pictures while blindfolded. Noted in Progressive Thinker, October 28, 1893, Banner of Light, September 23, 1899, and Revue Spirite, January 1, 1904.

Issues:Verdade E Luz 1891
Verdade E Luz 1892
Verdade E Luz 1893
Verdade E Luz 1894
Verdade E Luz 1895
Verdade E Luz 1896
Verdade E Luz 1905
Verdade E Luz 1906
Verdade E Luz 1907
Verdade E Luz 1908

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