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Periodical: Vahan

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Vahan, The.
The Interchange of Theosophical Opinions and News / Official Organ of the Theosophical Society in England and Wales.
Other titles: Theosophy in England and Wales
1891--1920 Monthly (irregular)
London, England.
Publisher: British Section of the Theosophical Society in Convention (1890-July 1909); Theosophical Society in Great Britain (August 1909-April 1910); Theosophical Society in England and Wales (May 1910-1919).
Editor: Walter R. Old; G.R.S. Mead; S. Maud Sharpe, General Secretary; Otway Cuffe; Arthur A. Wells; Bertram Keightley.
Succeeds: The Vahan (1890-1891)
Succeeded by: Theosophical Review (1925-1928)
Corporate author: British Section of the Theosophical Society-->European Section of the Theosophical Society-->Theosophical Society in Great Britain-->Theosophical Society in England and Wales
1/1, August 1891-30/3, December 1920. 2nd series. 8 pp.

This was in a way the continuation of the journal of the same name that had ended with the issue for July 1891, after H.P. Blavatsky’s death. Contributions by the leading lights of the British Section, answers to questions ("my wife complains that I neglect her to attend Theosophical meetings"), reports on the activities of the section, etc. ZDB: Göttingen SuUB; Archivo General de la Guerra Civil España.

Issues:Vahan V5 N1-12 1895-1896
Vahan V6 N1-12 1896-1897
Vahan V7 N1-12 1897-1898
Vahan V8 N1-12 1898-1899
Vahan V10 N1-12 1899-1900
Vahan V11 N1-12 1901-1902
Vahan V12 N1-12 1902-1903
Vahan V13 N1-12 1903-1904
Vahan V14 N1-12 1904-1905
Vahan V15 N1-12 1905-1906
Vahan V16 N1-12 1906-1907
Vahan V17 N1-12 1907-1908
Vahan V18 N1-12 1908-1909
Vahan V22 N11 Jun 1913
Vahan V22 N12 Jul 1913
Vahan V22 N4 Nov 1912
Vahan V22 N7 Feb 1913
Vahan V22 N8 Mar 1913
Vahan V23 N10 May 1914
Vahan V23 N11 Jun 1914
Vahan V23 N9 Apr 1914

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This page was updated on 09-Sep-23