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Periodical: Ur | Krur

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Ur / Krur.
Rivista di indirizzi per una Scienza dell'Io /Rivista di scienze esoteriche / Introduzione alla Magia Quale Scienza dell'Io.
Other titles: Krur (1929)
1927--1929 Monthly
Rome, Italy. Language: Italian and French.
Editor: Julius Evola, Arturo Reghini ("P. Negri"), and Giulio Parise; a cura del "Gruppo di Ur").
Publisher: Tilopa Editrice.
Succeeds: Atanòr-->Ignis
Succeeded by: La Torre
1/1, January 1927-2/12, December 1928 under the title Ur; throughout 1929 published as Krur with new volume numbering.

"Ur" is the the "initiatic fire," the "sacred fire," kundalini, of the magical tradition, awakened by transmission from spirit to spirit rather that through exposition and mere doctrine. "Krur" is the symbol carried on the journal's cover consisting of the "nordic-Atlantic sign" of the resurrected man standing above the primal waters. The journal changed its subtitle in January 1928. This was the very influential journal of the Ur group of magical idealists, of whom Evola (1898-1974) is the most notable although the group included prominent political and cultural figures of the period as well. The journal was devoted to the revival and revitalization of the western magical tradition primarily, with significant discussion of oriental (Indian) tradition. It published translations of the magical literature, including the "Mithraic Mystery" (which was not actually Mithraic, but rather magical and theurgic) , alchemical texts, and the Magical Papyrus of Paris, and discussed ritual, spiritual experience, and practice in the context of initiation and in doing so began the reappraisal of Neoplatonic, theurgic and magical tradition of late antiquity as a practical path to spiritual realization. The goal of the Group, according to Evola, was to awaken in the members a "higher metaphysical force" that allowed them to function magically. The practical work included "Instructions on Ceremonial Magic" and other topics. Excerpts from these two volumes and that of Krur that succeeded them were republished in an edited version by Evola in 1955 and again in the 1970s as Introduzione alla magia quale scienza dell'Io, 3 vols. (Rome: Edizioni Mediterranee, 1971). Arturo Reghini (see the notes under Atanòr and Ignis) was a mathematician, Pythagorean, hermetist and Mason, and has the distinction of having introduced Evola to the "traditionalist" works of Rene Guenon, references to whom abound in this journal. Reghini's works appeared in Ur under the pseudonym of "Pietro Negri." Evola and Reghini split over Reghini's activities in Masonry and with his departure the journal took the name Krur. The journal also published selections from the magical works of "Giuliano Kremmerz" (Ciro Formisano, 1861-1930), the founder of the Fratellanza Terapeutico-Magica di Miriam and its more secret Grand Orient Egyptien and still more secret Ordre Egyptien which taught a detailed form of sexual magic that has distinct echoes in the work of Evola. On Kremmerz, see Massimo Introvigne, "De l'hypertrophie de la filiation: le milieu kremmerzien en Italie," CESNUR 1996, now online at, and also Hans Thomas Hakl, "The Practice of Sexual Magic in the O.T.O. of Theodor Reuss and Aleister Crowley, in the German Fraternitas Saturni, the Italian Ordine Osirideo Egiziano and in Julius Evola's Group of Ur," in Wouter Hanegraaff, ed., Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism. The journal is said to have had a circulation of 2,000. ACNP: Biblioteca Università Cattolica del S. Cuore; Biblioteca Area Umanistica dell'Università-Emeroteca.

Issues:Ur V1 1927
Ur V2 1928
Krur V1 1929

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