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Periodical: Unificacao

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Orgao da U.S.E.--Uniao das Sociedades Espiritas do Estado de Sao Paulo.
Other titles: USE
1953--1990 Bimonthly
Sao Paolo, Brazil.
Language: Portuguese.
Succeeded by: Dirigente Espirita (1990)
1/1, March 1953-39/370, apr-jun, 1990. Vol. 1, no. 1 appeared in both March and April, 1952. 8 pp.

This was the Kardecist journal of the USE, the unified spiritist societies of the state of Sao Paolo. It contained the usual Kardecist disquisitions of on moral abstractions but functioned more as the combined bulletins of the USE, with extensive notes on the doings of the societies. The journal carried in its initial issue a crossword puzzle with clues related to spiritism. Noted in Florentino Barrera, La Sociedad de Paris: Societe des Etudes Spirites 1858-1896, 2d rev. ed. (Buenos Aires: Ediciones Vida Infinita, 2002), 100. The entire run of the journal is online at University of Texas, Austin.

Issues:Unificacao V1 N1 Mar 1953
Unificacao V34 N353 Jul-aug 1986
Unificacao V39 N370 Apr-jun 1990

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