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Periodical: Ultra

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Rivista Teosofica di Roma / Rivista di Studi e Ricerche Spirituali.
Se non t'aspetti l'inaspettato non troverai la verita. Eraclito / Ardet et Lucet / Et mors ultra non erit, neque luctus, neque clamor, neque dolor erit ultra. -- Apocalisse 21:4
1907--1934 Bimonthly, quarterly
Rome, then Turin and Rome, Italy.
Language: Italian.
Editor: Decio and Olga Calvari; Augusto Agabiti.
Publisher: E. Voghera; Societa Editrice Partenopea, Naples (publisher of Mondo Occulto).
1/1, January 1907-1934. 36 pp., L.5, abroad L.6.

This journal was begun as the organ of the Gruppo di Roma of the Roman lodge of the Theosophical Society, then under the leadership of H.S. Olcott. The lodge was started in 1897 by Decio Calvari, the Secretary General of the Italian parliament, and its leader was Augusto Agabiti (1879-1918), a lawyer, who edited the journal from 1914 until his death in 1918, in between the terms of Decio Calvari (1863-1937) as editor. In its first years the journal carried standard Theosophical articles by Annie Besant, Franz Hartmann, G.R.S. Mead, A.P. Sinnett, et al., but from the beginning it also carried a wide assortment of works on spiritualism, psychical research, occultism, alchemy, occult Freemasonry, the fourth dimension, and astronomy, as well. Its regular "Rinnovamento Spiritualista" was notable, with a worldwide review of newspapers and journals on mediumship, telepathy, precognition, hypnosis, reincarnation, and dreams, and the like. In 1908, when Besant and many Italian Theosophical lodges backed the readmission of C.W. Leadbeater to the Society, the Gruppo di Roma, decided to go its own way, at first as an "independent" section of the Society under Besant, and then, as announced in June 1910, as a member of the Independent Theosophical League started in India by Bertram Keightley, Lilian Edger and others. Again, the Roman League went its own way and although it retained the title "Theosophical" it gradually became the gathering place of a wide variety of occult interests generally. (It was at one of Calvari's League meetings in 1925 that Giuseppi Tucci first met Julius Evola and introduced him to tantra.)

The journal published regular contributions by Julius Evola on "Idealismo, occultismo e lo spirito contemporaneo" and other topics, and an article by Arturo Reghini on Pythagoreanism, as well as general occult articles by the likes of Rodolfo Arbib, Nino Buscarano, Pietro Martinelli, Lorenzo Vertun di Cantogno, Inyat Khan, and many others. On the journal and its influence, see Marco Rossi, "Julius Evola and the Independent Theosophical Association of Rome," Theosophical History 6/3 (July 1996): 107-114. Columbia University; ACNP: Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna; Biblioteca Universitaria (Ministero per i Beni e le Attivita Culturali; Biblioteca F. Parri. INSMLI - Istituto Nazionale per la Storia del Movimento di Liberazione in Italia; Biblioteca Universitaria Alessandrina; Biblioteca della Pontificia Universita Salesiana; Biblioteca delle Facolta Umanistiche dell'Universita degli Studi di Sassari; Biblioteca Civica A. G. Barrili; Archivo General de la Guerra Civil Espanola.

Issues:Ultra V1 1907
Ultra V2 1908
Ultra V3 1909
Ultra V4 1910
Ultra V5 1911
Ultra V6 1912
Ultra V7 1913
Ultra V8 1914
Ultra V9 1915
Ultra V10 1916
Ultra V12 1918
Ultra V13 1919
Ultra V14 1920
Ultra V15 1921
Ultra V17 1923
Ultra V19 1925
Ultra V20 1926
Ultra V21 1927
Ultra V22 1928

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