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Periodical: The Truth

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Truth, The.
A Magazine for Realization / A Magazine Devoted to the Truth that makes Free.
Ye Shall Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Make You Free
1912--1932 Bimonthly, monthly
Spokane, WA and then Pasadena, CA.
Editor: Rev. A.C. Grier, Rev. Nona Brooks and Rev. H.H. Schroeder, associate editors; Rev. Erma W. Wells, Rev. H. Edward Mills, Fenwicke Holmes.
Publisher: Truth Association
Succeeded by: The Fountain
1/1, January-February, 1912-1932. 24 pp. $1.00 a year.

Albert Cotton Grier (1884-1941) founded the Church of Truth in Spokane, Washington and then expanded its work into the Truth Association of like-minded New Thought churches throughout the western United States. Its prominent members included Nona Brooks and Fenwicke L. Holmes, who wrote for the journal, which also regularly included excerpts from other journals on the marvelous in current science: transmutation of matter, electricity from the air, the latent powers in atoms, etc., and Edgar Lucien Larkin's "Electrons Alone Exist." After Grier left Spokane for New York City, to oversee the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, the headquarters of the church was moved to Pasadena, California, where H. Edward assumed the editorship (1924-1932). Grier was a devoted Tolstoian and published articles on and excerpts from Tolstoy, and was notable in Spokane for never locking his house because of his belief in the principle of non-resistance -- behavior more suited to the period than to the present day. The Huntington Library has a collection of material related to the Church of Truth and its activities under H. Edward Mills, Grier's successor and editor of this journal from 1924-1932. Noted in exchanges of The Master Mind, 1912, American Rosae Crucis, 1916, Divine Science Weekly, January 1919, and in William C. Hartmann's Who's Who in Occult, Psychic and Spiritual Realms (1925), and in The Occult Digest, 1930. Divine Science. Issues in INTA.

Issues:The Truth V9 N1 Jan 1920

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