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Periodical: Tomorrow (UK)

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

The World's First International Digest of Psychical Research and Occult Studies / The Journal of Parapsychology, Cosmology and Traditional Studies / The Journal of Metaphysics, Cosmology and Traditional Studies / Quarterly Review of Psychical Research.
1941--1966 Monthly, and then from August 1952 quarterly
New York, NY, West Bedfont and then London, England.
Editor: Eileen Jeanette Garrett; Mercedes de Acosta; Martin Ebon; Kenneth Rexroth, F. Clive-Ross.
Publisher: Creative Edge Press; Garrett Publications and then Parapsychology Foundation (New York), then Tomorrow Publications.
Succeeded by: Studies in Comparative Religion (1967-1987)
1/1, September 1941-14/4, autumn 1966.
64 pp., $2.50 a year. From 1952 on, about 140-160 pp. quarterly, $2.00 a year.

The journal is notable for having gone through three distinct phases. If her autobiographical snippets scattered throughout her books are to be believed, Eileen Jeanette Vancho Lyttle-Garrett (1893-1970), the creator and publisher of this journal for most of its existence, was born in County Meath, Ireland in 1893. She said she was orphaned early and from her youth displayed psychic abilities (pre-cognition, telepathy, psychometry, healing at a distance, etc.) and displayed various oriental "trance controls" ("Uvani," "Abdul Latif," et al.), who communicated, they said, messages from the departed and prescient words of coming events. She impressed Harry Price, Hereward Carrington and other parapsychologists of the time, and was even brought to the United States in 1934 to be tested, successfully it is said, by J.B. Rhine and William McDougall. Curiously (and uncomfortably for establishment spiritualism), Garrett never accepted the fundamental beliefs of spirit survival and communication with the dead; she continued to attribute her abilities to a vague magnetic propensity inherent in her and to elevated states of consciousness inherent in all men. She came to the United States at the beginning of World War II and in 1941 started Creative Edge Press and this journal. The press was apparently successful but the journal, while a highly regarded literary and intellectual effort, never prospered. It published a who's-who of the public intellectuals and notables/personages of the era, like Pablo Neruda, Rainer Maria Rilke, Lord Dunsany, Christopher Isherwood, Robert Graves, Salvador de Madariaga, Andre Maurois, Theodor Reik, Graham Green, Chester Bowles, William Saroyan, and many others. Although it was primarily literary and intellectual, the journal did not shy away from the more "occult" subjects, advertising Garrett's own books and books on Nostradamus, as well as articles by Dane Rudhyar, Gerald Heard (on "Mediumship and Mysticism"), and Dean W.R. Inge.

Although the journal had a maximum circulation of 25,000, it had never shown a profit, and in Autumn 1952 Garrett transformed it into a quarterly, with new volume and issue numbering, subtitled "The International Digest of Psychical Research and Occult Studies." To introduce the new concept, she announced in the first issue: "The purpose of this magazine is not merely to entertain or to startle the reader though you will find, we hope, the contents of this first issue both startling and entertaining. We will not attempt to convert you to extra-sensory or occult practices although we expect the reader to admit that all the subjects discussed . . . exist as vital and palpable facts. Our primary ambition is to open for a new pattern of life and experience" -- a new paradigm, in other words, based on the discoveries of modern parapsychology. To accomplish this goal, the journal, rather pretentiously, carried in the first issue an article by Albert Schweizer ("Old Black Magic Reborn"), and followed this with articles by Eric Partridge ("The Language of Witchcraft and Magic," Robert Amadou, Nandor Fodor, Kenneth Rexroth on "The Holy Kabbalah," Aldous Huxley, Eric J. Dingwall, Martin Ebon (who later was one of the journal's many editors), et al. It also excerpted and reprinted odds and ends of of filler gathered from a lifetime of reading around the occult, and advertised Garrett's own books and her Parapsychology Foundation, which she had started in 1951 with the wealthy Ohio Congresswoman Frances P. Bolton, and the occult books of her Creative Edge Press, as well as prominent advertisements for Dianetics (300,000 sold!).

The journal's third transformation came about in 1962 when friends/disciples of Frithof Schuon in England took over the journal and transformed it into the vehicle for the ideas of Rene Guenon and the neo-Traditionalists, notably Schuon, Marco Pallis, Whitall N. Perry, Martin Lings, and Titus Burkhardt. Guenon (1886-1951) had reintroduced into western religion and metaphysics the fundamental notion the perennial tradition, the original revelation of universal wisdom that now survives, in more or less garbled form, in all the religions and symbols of the world. Tradition was coupled with "initiation," the effective entrance onto a traditional path to true realization. For Guenon, and for many of his disciples, this path was Islam, although several sought initiation in Eastern Catholicism and Hinduism and in Freemasonry. The journal included articles by the likes of Thomas Merton, Kathleen Raine, Trevor Hall, and Eileen Garrett, sympathetic reviews of the books of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Idries Shah, and lengthy articles translated from the works of Guenon and Schuon. NYPL; Columbia University; Yale University; CUNY; Fordham University; Princeton University. LOC; NYPL; NSAC, Lily Dale.

Issues:Tomorrow 1s V1 N1 Sept 1941
Tomorrow 1s V6 N3 Novn 1946
Tomorrow 1s V8 N5 Jan 1949
Tomorrow 1s V8 N6 Feb 1949
Tomorrow 1s V8 N7 Mar 1949
Tomorrow 1s V8 N8 Apr 1949
Tomorrow 1s V8 N9 May 1949
Tomorrow 1s V8 N10 Jun 1949
Tomorrow 2s V1 N1 Autumn 1952
Tomorrow 2s V1 N4 Summer 1953
Tomorrow 2s V5 N1 Autumn 1956
Tomorrow 2s V7 N3 Spring 1957
Tomorrow 2s V7 N1 Winter 1959
Tomorrow 2s V7 N2 Spring 1959
Tomorrow 2s V8 N3 Summer 1960
Tomorrow 2s V9 N4 Autumn 1961
Tomorrow 2s V13 N1 Winter 1965
Tomorrow 2s V13 N2 Spring 1965

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