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Periodical: Toekomistig Leven

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Toekomstig Leven, Het.
Gewijd aan de Studie der proefondervindelijke zielkunde en bovenaardsche / Gewijd aan de Studie van het Spiritisme en aanverwante verschijnselen.
Uw Richting is mij wel -- mits zij naar boven streeft En -- schoon de mijne niet, mij wat te denken geest -- P.A. de Genestet
1897--1951 Semimonthly (1st and 15th of each month), then monthly
Utrecht, Netherlands.
Language: Dutch.
Editor: J.S. Gobel; H.N. de Fremery (from 1902); associate editors Mrs. J. van Rees, Nauta Lemke, Mrs. C.J. van Holthe tot Echten, et al.; A.J.H.M. van Baar
1/1, January 1, 1897-1951. 16 pp., f 2.50- 4. in the Netherlands, and f 3.-5.

This was not the first Dutch spiritualist journal, being preceded notably by Elise van Calcar’s Op de grenzen van twee werelden, but it was the largest and longest lived and differed from its predecessors by emphasizing the "scientific" side of spiritualism (psychical research) rather than spiritualism’s Christian elements. Johan Simon Gobel (1847-1916) had founded the Dutch Spiritist Association Harmonia in 1888, of which this journal was the organ, run initially by Gobel and H.N. de Fremery (1868-1940). The journal contained articles on the leading lights of spiritualism and psychical research, with discussions of the current internecine squabbles in the area, letters, and extensive international book reviews. Advertised in Neue Metaphysische Rundschau 1/5-7 (December 1897-February 1898): 98. Complete run through 1941 in (891 issues).

Issues:Toekomistig Leven V1 N1 Jan 1 1897
Toekomistig Leven V45 N8 Aug 1941
Toekomistig Leven V45 N9 Sep 1941

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