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Periodical: Tietaja

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Tietaja ("Seer," "Sage").
Teosofinen Aikakauskirja.
1908—1920 Monthly
Helsinki, Finland. Language: Finnish.
Editor: Pekka Ervasti (Aggelby).
Succeeds: Omatunto
1/1, 1908-December 1920.
32 pp., Smk. 5.

This was the organ of the Finnish Theosophical Society. Pekka Ervasti, as Kaarina Koski has noted, had earlier (1900-1901) published Theosophical essays in Uusi Aiki (New Age, a weekly newspaper he edited, that could be called the first Theosophical journal in Finland. He was a Theosophist and this journal ceased in December 1907 after the Finnish section of the Theosophical Society was established in October 1907.

Issues:Tietaja V5 N2 Feb 1909

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