International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals
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Periodical: Theosophy

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

United Lodge of Theosophists / A Magazine Devoted to the Path / The Theosophical Movement, the Brotherhood of Humanity, the Study of Occult Science and Philosophy, and Aryan Literature.
Promulgation and Application, Not Speculation
1912 Monthly
San Francisco, then Los Angeles, CA. Publisher: Lodge; Theosophy Company.
Corporate author: United Lodge of Theosophists (U.L.T.)
1/1, 1912-current. 48 pp., $2.00-$1.00 a year.

Journal of the U.L.T., and as such consisting of anonymous articles and excerpts from the canon of early Theosophical literature. Indexed by the Campbell Theosophical Research Library, Sydney, Australia, online at Harvard University; Freiburg Inst Grenzgeb Psychol., University of Michigan, etc.

Theosophy V1 1912-1913
Theosophy V2 1913-1914
Theosophy V3 1914-1915
Theosophy V4 1915-1916
Theosophy V5 1916-1917
Theosophy V6 1917-1918
Theosophy V7 1918-1919
Theosophy V8 1919-1920
Theosophy V9 1920-1921
Theosophy V10 1921-1922
Theosophy V36 N8 Jun 1948
Theosophy V36 N10 Aug 1948

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This page was updated on 14-Jan-25