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Periodical: Theosophical Quarterly

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Theosophical Quarterly, The.
New York, Theosophical Society.
1903-1938 Quarterly
Brooklyn, NY.
Corporate author: Theosophical Society in America
1/1, July 1903-35/140 October 1938. 40 pp.

This was the journal of the Theosophical Society in America, which was created by A.H. Spencer and Ernest Temple Hargrove, quondam secretary of W.Q. Judge, after a dispute with Katherine Tingley. Its notable members included Charles and Vera Johnston (H.P. Blavatsky’s niece), Archibald Keightley and his wife, and Julia van der Planck ("Jasper Niemand"). The journal was originally begun as the more thoughtful companion of Theosophical Forum, which expired in 1905, and featured republished articles, reports on the activities of the Theosophical Society in America, explanations and answers to beginners, and review of Theosophical literature. The society purported to follow Theosophy as originally laid down by H.P. Blavatsky but was generally more Christian and mystical than the orthodox Theosophical Society of Adyar. ZDB: Stuttgart WLB; Freiburg Inst Grenzgeb Psychol; Berlin SBB Haus Potsdamer Strasse; NYPL; LOC; Columbia University; Cornell University; SUNY at Buffalo; Yale University. Note: Libraries had a tendency, for decades, to strip covers and wrappers off periodicals before binding, either throwing the covers and wrappers away, or binding them at the end of the volume, or including only a sample of the covers and wrappers at the end of the volume. In many cases, this practice destroyed information of significant historical value (advertisements, tip-ins, errata sheets, etc.) and in all cases this practice destroyed information of value to bibliographers: a sense of the gestalt of an issue of the periodical. For a sense of that gestalt in the case of this periodical, at a particular point in its evolution, see Theosophical Quarterly V17 N4 April 1920 with Covers and Wrappers.

Theosophical Quarterly V1-2 1903-1905
Theosophical Quarterly V3 1905-1906
Theosophical Quarterly V4 1906-1907
Theosophical Quarterly V5 1907-1908
Theosophical Quarterly V6 1908-1909
Theosophical Quarterly V7 1909-1910
Theosophical Quarterly V8 1910-1911
Theosophical Quarterly V9 1911-1912
Theosophical Quarterly V10 1912-1913
Theosophical Quarterly V11 1913-1914
Theosophical Quarterly V12 1914-1915
Theosophical Quarterly V13-14 1915-1917
Theosophical Quarterly V15 1917-1919
Theosophical Quarterly V16 1918-1919
Theosophical Quarterly V17-18 1919-1921
Theosophical Quarterly V19-20 1921-1922
Theosophical Quarterly V21 1923-1924
Theosophical Quarterly V22 1924-1925
Theosophical Quarterly V23 1925-1926
Theosophical Quarterly V24 1926-1927
Theosophical Quarterly V25 1927-1928
Theosophical Quarterly V26 1928-1929
Theosophical Quarterly V27 1929-1930
Theosophical Quarterly V28 1930-1931
Theosophical Quarterly V29 1931-1932
Theosophical Quarterly V30 1932-1933
Theosophical Quarterly V31 1933-1934
Theosophical Quarterly V32 1934-1935
Theosophical Quarterly V33 1935-1936
Theosophical Quarterly V34 1937
Theosophical Quarterly V35 1938

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