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Periodical: Theosophia (Amsterdam)

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Maandblad gewijd aan broederschap en aan de studie van godsdienst, wijsbegeerte, wetenschap en occultisme / Tweemaandelijks tijdschrift van de Theosofische Vereniging Nederland .
Er is geen Godsdienst, die Boven Waarheid Gaat
Other titles: De Theosofische Beweging (1931-1932)
1892 Monthly, bimonthly
Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Language: Dutch.
Publisher: Theosofische Vereeniging, Nederlandsche Afdeeling.
Succeeded by:
Incorporated into De Theosofische Beweging, 1931-1932
1/1, May 1892-current (?) 8-38 pp.

The journal was not published 1940-1948. In 1931 and 1932 the journal was incorporated by De Theosofische Beweging, another journal, founded in 1905, which was devoted more to local Theosophical news and doings, and appeared under that name with the original numbering until the end of 1932. This was the organ of the Theosophical Society in the Netherlands (De Nederlandsche Theosophische Vereeniging, NTV), started in Amsterdam in 1892, although the a branch had been started there in 1890 by L.L. Plantenga (see the note under De Rozekruis) that was affiliated with the French section. Bibliotheek van de Universiteit van Amsterdam; Koninklijke Bibliotheek; Universiteit Leiden; and many other locations in OCLC; Archivo General de la Guerra Civil EspaƱola; (595 issues).

Issues:Theosophia V1 N1 May 1892
Theosophia V27 N1 Jan 1931
Theosophia V31 N11-12 Nov-dec 1950

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