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Periodical: Theosofische Beweging

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Theosofische Beweging, De.
Officieel Orgaan van de Nederlandsche Afdeeling der Theosofische Vereeniging.
1905--1940 Monthly
Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Language: Dutch.
Editor: A.J. Cnoop Koofmans.
Succeeded by: Incorporated into Theosophia, 1931-1932
1/1, January 1905-1940.

In 1931-1932 this was incorporated into Theosophia. This was the official organ of the Dutch section of the (Adyar) Theosophical Society.

Issues:Theosofische Beweging V1 N1 Jan 1905
Theosofische Beweging V1 N2 Feb 1905
Theosofische Beweging V2 N10 Oct 1906
Theosofische Beweging V2 N11 Nov 1906
Theosofische Beweging V2 N12 Dec 1906
Theosofische Beweging V3 N1 Jan 1907

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