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Periodical: Teosofian Valo

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Teosofian Valo (Theosophical Light).
Suomalainen teosofinen kuukausilehti Amerikas (The Finnish Theosophical Monthly in America).
1913--1915? Monthly
Cleveland, Ohio. Language: Finnish.
Editor: Emil Kaarna.
Publisher: Finnish American Theosophical Publishing Company.
1/1, January 1913-1915 (?)
"At least 20 pages," 75 cents.

The journal featured translations from the American Theosophist (for which Kaarna wrote) and other English-language journals but also regularly offered columns on "Astrological Advice" (Kaarna was a printer and astrologer) and on "Spirit World and Materialistic Science," "The Effect of the Sun," and other more general topics.

Issues:Teosofian Valo V2 N6 Jun 1914
Teosofian Valo V2 N7 Jul 1914
Teosofian Valo V2 N8 Aug 1914
Teosofian Valo V2 N10 Oct 1914
Teosofian Valo V2 N11 Nov 1914
Teosofian Valo V2 N12 Dec 1914
Teosofian Valo V3 N1 Jan 1915

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