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Periodical: The Sunflower

Summary:   From Pat Deveney's database:

An Independently Published Spiritualist Journal. Truth Wears No Mask, Bows at No Human Shrine, Seeks Neither Place nor Applause: She Only Asks a Hearing
1945--1947? Bi-monthly
Atlantic City, NJ. Editor: Israel Shotz, publisher and editor; Anna Miller Shotz, co-editor.
1/1, 1945-1947(?) 12 pp., $2.00 for two years.

Contributions by Daisy Gibson Buettner. Notices for the Fox Memorial Society of Hudson, Ohio, that was seeking "anything pertaining to early spiritualism." It contained a Psychic Directory, a list of spiritualist churches of the time, an advertisement for the Pacific Coast Booking Agency "for traveling Spiritualist workers. We can make your trip profitable,," and a book list that included books by Buettner, Homer Curtiss and J.C.F. Grumbine ("The Order of the White Rose Publications). Skidmore, Lily Dale (3/1, January-February 1947).

Sunflower V3 N1 Jan-feb 1947

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