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Periodical: The Sunbeam

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Sunbeam, The.
Truth is Light.
The Light Shineth in Darkness; and the Darkness Comprehended it not. St. John 1:5
1858--1860? Weekly
Buffalo, then Batavia, NY; Cleveland, OH. Publisher: A.P. Dunlap (Buffalo, NY). Editor: Dr. C.D. Griswold.
1/1, November 13, 1858-1860(?) 4 pp., $1.00-$1.50 a year for 52 issues ($1.00 in 1859 Spiritualists' Register).

Judge Edmonds, in his letters to the New York Tribune, notes a cure (of palsy) performed by Griswold. Griswold claimed that "the Revelations of Modern Spiritualism are as true and as sacred as the Bible," but hedged his bet by continuing, "If we are wrong in disseminating such a doctrine we are not doing much evil." Contributions by Bayard Taylor, and advertisements for Mrs. H.F.M. Brown's "Clairvoyant Medicines," and for H. Daniels' "Hair Restorative and Curling Liquid." Lyman C. Howe, in lamenting the passing of the old guard of spiritualists, mentions this journal among those he unsuccessfully sought to obtain.. "Passing Away. The Early Pioneers Rapidly Rising out of Mortal Sight. Who Shall Testify?" Banner of Light 90/20 (January 11, 1902): 2

Issues:Sunbeam V2 N51 Mar 10 1860

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This page was updated on 14-Apr-20