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Periodical: The St. Louis Magnet

  From Pat Deveney's journal database:

St. Louis Magnet.
Designed to Illustrate the Philosophy of Human Nature.
1845-1849 Monthly
St. Louis, MO. Publisher: T.W. Ustick, printer. Editor: T.J. M'Nair.
1/1, May 1, 1845-1849. 24 pp. $1.00 a copy, or six copies for $5.00.

Magnetism and hypnotism. Important early midwestern occult periodical, notable for early coverage of (Andrew) Jackson Davis, the marvelous illiterate boy clairvoyant (at the time), as well as for coverage of early Joseph Rodes Buchanan doings, and early (anonymous) E. A. Hitchcock material. St. Louis is an important US occult center in the 19th century, and this is one of the earliest periodicals issued from St. Louis.

Issues:St Louis Magnet V1 Index
St Louis Magnet V1 N01 May 1845
St Louis Magnet V1 N02 June 1845
St Louis Magnet V1 N03 July 1845
St Louis Magnet V1 N04 August 1845
St Louis Magnet V1 N05 September 1845
St Louis Magnet V1 N06 October 1845
St Louis Magnet V1 N07 November 1845
St Louis Magnet V1 N08 December 1845
St Louis Magnet V1 N09 January 1846
St Louis Magnet V1 N10 February 1846
St Louis Magnet V1 N11 March 1846
St Louis Magnet V1 N12 April 1846
St Louis Magnet V2 Index
St Louis Magnet V2 N01 May 1846
St Louis Magnet V2 N02 June 1846
St Louis Magnet V2 N03 July 1846
St Louis Magnet V2 N04 August 1846
St Louis Magnet V2 N05 September 1846
St Louis Magnet V2 N06 October 1846
St Louis Magnet V2 N07 November 1846
St Louis Magnet V2 N08 December 1846
St Louis Magnet V2 N09 January 1847
St Louis Magnet V2 N10 February 1847
St Louis Magnet V2 N11 March 1847
St Louis Magnet V2 N12 April 1847

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This page was updated on 14-Apr-20