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Periodical: The Spiritualist (US)


From Pat Deveney's database:

Spiritualist, The.
A Monthly Magazine Devoted to Psychical Research and Occultism.
Other titles: Psychical Research Review (1917-1918)
1915--1918 Monthly
New York, NY. Publisher: Psychological Research Publishing and Distributing Co.; Psychical Research Society of New York, Inc.. Editor: C.P. Christensen, Hereward Carrington. Succeeded by: Psychical Research Review
1/1, August 1915-November 1916. 36-80 pp., $1.00-$2.00 a year, 50 cents a copy.

Between June 1917 and February 1918, called Psychical Research Review. Christensen, a Dane, was a psychic and astrologer. In the journal he re-printed his discourses on his 45-hour trances and published sections on self-help, secret force control, the meetings of his Psychological Research Society, Inc. ($10.00 a year), and a Mediums' Directory. Articles on spirit paintings (with reproductions of images by the likes of Elizabeth Lamb Fellows, "phenomenal controlled artist"), and contributions by W.J. Colville and Hereward Carrington. For filler the journal reprinted sections from Bulwer Lytton's The Coming Race. The journal's emphasis on Mental Suggestion and Psycho-therapeutic methods, and on astrology (Christensen practiced both) is an excellent example of the hodgepodge spiritualism had become by the First World War. The journal carried advertisements for H.P. Holler's Theomonistic church and his Oriental University, with which Christen seems to have been involved. Financially, the journal seems to have survived wholly on its publication of pre-bundled national advertisements rather than on its content. NYPL; NSAC Lily Dale; 1 issue Skidmore, Lily Dale.

Issues:Spiritualist V1 N1 Aug 1915
Spiritualist V1 N2 Sep 1915
Spiritualist V1 N3 Oct 1915
Spiritualist V1 N4 Nov 1915
Spiritualist V1 N4 Nov 1915 Alt
Spiritualist V1 N5 Dec 1915
Spiritualist V2 N1 Jan 1916
Spiritualist V2 N2 Feb 1916
Spiritualist V2 N2 Feb 1916 Alt
Spiritualist V2 N3 Mar 1916
Spiritualist V2 N4 Apr 1916
Spiritualist V2 N5 May 1916
Spiritualist V2 N6 Jun 1916
Spiritualist V2 N7 Jul 1916
Spiritualist V2 N8 Aug 1916
Spiritualist V2 N9 Sep 1916
Spiritualist V2 N10 Oct 1916
Spiritualist V2 N11 Nov 1916

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