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Periodical: Spiritual Digest [New York]

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Spiritual Digest.
1947? Monthly
Rensselaer, NY.
Editor: Rev. Margaret Lewis.
1/1, 1947 (?) 15 cents a copy, $1.50 a year, 44 pp.

This was the organ of the Ministry of Spiritual and Divine Science and Healing, Inc., of Rensselaer, New York. This offered:

COURSES IN SPIRITUALISM Training students for the Spiritualist Ministry, under the direction of Rev. Margaret Lewis. One of America's Outstanding Clairvoyants and direct voice Mediums, with the aid of her Spirit Teachers and Masters. Many students are enrolled from many States. Correspondence Course in History, Science and Philosophy of Spiritualism, Psychic Unfoldment, Laws of Mediumship, Biblical Spiritualism, Divine Healing. Diploma and Ordination awarded upon satisfactory completion of course.

The journal carried uplifting benedictions and lectures, a column of "Messages Received" from readers' deceased relatives ("Don't worry all is coming out alright with you and your plans"), a Children's Page, etc., and advertisements for Rev. Lewis's "Original Ouija Board," the Rev. Marie Helberg's "Drugless Herba-Kure for Arthritic & Rheumatics Sufferers," Rev. Mildred Leon's Psychic Art, and numerous advertisements for spiritualist churches and practitioners around the country.

Issues:Spiritual Digest New York Jan 1952

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